Page 15 of A One Man Job

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“Keep these legs wide fucking open,” he growls, rising to his full height.

I watch over my sister’s shoulder as Joe strokes a fist down his shaft, then back up, once, twice, his movements jerky. His eyes blaze a path from my sister’s pussy to mine—and our sixth sister sense kicks in, because we each push a finger inside ourselves and Joe stumbles forward, groaning like an animal, his semen spurting all over our naked bodies.

“Son of a bitch.Son of a bitch,” he pants, fapping himself in a blur of fist on flesh.

“Good Daddy.”

“Cover us in it, Daddy.”

Pain screws up his features, a huge pump of white fluid slopping down his wrist, his stomach hollowing with a vibrating shudder. “Fuck. Fuck.Fuck!”

All at once, our legs collapse, or I stop holding Charlie’s or the world tilts. I don’t know. Only that I’m sideways on the bed a second later and Charlie is no longer on top of me. We’re covered in Joe’s essence and he’s sitting on the corner of the bed, back muscles bunched, breathing heavily.

“We can’t let him get away,” Charlie mouths at me, her eyes dazed, hair in disarray.

I nod and we both converge on our stepfather, dragging him back into the pillows and snuggling his extra-large body until the tension begins to lessen, me and Charlie smiling contentedly at each other over the impressive expanse of his chest.

“I’m just going to rest my eyes,” he says firmly.

We nestle closer, planting kisses on his shoulders and face, thanking him, murmuring words of praise for the indescribable bliss he just gave us, our fingers stroking his hair soothingly.

He’s snoring in no time.



Isplash cold water on my face and let it drip off into the sink of the police station bathroom. Can’t bring myself to lift my head and look myself in the eyes, which are probably bloodshot, since I haven’t slept in three days. Every time I close my eyes, I see Bella and Charlie, opening their thighs for me. Moaning. Calling me Daddy.

I’ve been avoiding the house again. What are my other options? If I go home, they’re going to coax me back into a bad situation. It’s only a matter of time before I lose all restraint and fuck them.God almighty, I want to fuck them. My body feels alive for the first time in…I’m ashamed to admit how long. Admitting to myself that I wasn’t even close to being this physically inspired during my brief marriage to their mother makes me a bastard, but it’s the truth.

I’ve never wanted anyone or anything the way I want Bella and Charlie.

Lust is a ferocious monster pacing inside of me at all hours, roaring at me to go claim what’s mine. Fuck them.Breedthem. Keep them to myself.

But they’re nineteen. Finally about to leave for college after a break year to mourn. They have barely begun their lives and I’m not about to stand in the way of that, am I? No. I’ve already tarnished the memory of their mother enough by putting my hands on her daughters. I’m not going to unleash this instinct that’s growling in the deepest region of my chest and make them mine permanently. That would be beyond the pale.

So how do I survive the next week until they leave for school?

How do I make it out alive?

The door of the bathroom opens and one of my senior deputies steps inside. While I dry my face off with a stiff paper towel, he makes no move to use the urinal or enter one of the stalls. He simply leans back against the wall, crosses his arms and looks at me.

“Help you?” I ask, sounding more than a little irritated.

“We’re worried about you, sheriff.”

“Don’t be. I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine. When is the last time you slept?”

“Caught a nap in my patrol car this afternoon.”

“That doesn’t count.”

I sigh. “Look, I’ve just got a couple of things going on in my personal life, but the issue is…temporary. I’ll be back to normal soon.”

The way my throat tightens at the thought of being without them scares me. So does the hollow feeling in my stomach. The girls might drive me insane, but when they leave completely, I don’t know what I’m going to do. They breathe life into everything.

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