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“Wait, y’all hold on,” Pria called. Give it a few more minutes.” She hurried away before I could ask questions.


I flew across the room to the trash can and emptied the contents of my stomach.

“Oh my God! Sis’, are you okay?” Satisa asked, holding my hair while I threw up for the third time in thirty minutes. I was pregnant. I knew since yesterday and I was scared shitless. I didn’t want to hope. I didn’t want our first experience as husband and wife to be loss.

“Have you told him?” Nesha asked.

“I didn’t find out ‘til yesterday.” I wiped my eyes.

“Oh no!” Pria came into the room. “I delayed the men a few minutes, but we are going to have to touch up your makeup again. The medicine I gave you for your stomach isn’t working.” Pria rambled a mile a minute. If I could’ve formed words without dry heaving I would have said them.

The door opened again and all of us turned to it. No one was in the entryway.

“Everybody give us a minute,” Prince’s voice boomed. Had it not been our wedding day I would have flown into his arms. My girls packed it in expeditiously and left the room. I saw his hand extend. All I could see was his strong wrist and a small piece of fabric of his suit.

“Le Monroe, are you having doubts about me?” I could hear the strain in his voice. I quickly ran to the door and placed my back against the wall. I grabbed his outstretched hand, and an unbelievable calm flowed through me. My stomach settled.

“No, never.”

“Then what’s going on?”

“I, uh, I’m pregnant.” I blinked and a tear slipped down my cheek. He tightened his grip on my hand.

“You scared?”

“Yes,” I breathed out feeling more weight come off my shoulders.

“Don’t be. Believe in us, baby. Everything will be fine.”

“You can’t just say that. What if it’s not?”

“We can’t think like that.”

“Well, that very well may be our reality. Things don’t just work out because we want them to. I know my body. I have never been able to carry a child full term, Prince.” There was an ache so deep in my chest. I dropped his hand.

“If it’s not okay it still is, Le. I don’t care what we have to go through. Nothing is changing my mind about how much I love you. Now give me back your hand, or tradition be damned, I’m coming in that room.”

I quickly took it back.

“Now listen, Le. No matter what happens you are mine. It’s okay if it doesn’t happen for us the way we think. There are so many other options out there. But today is about us. We are going to join together and nothing will ever break that. If you can’t trust anything else trust me. Can you do that Le? Canyou trust that the love we built is extraordinary? If it can be extraordinary for us it can be the same for what’s to come.”

“I just want to hug you,” I said honestly.

“Soon baby. Let me worry about the problems. I got you, and I got us.”

“Whoa.” I felt my stomach flutter.

“What? What happened?” he asked concerned.

“My stomach. I felt a flutter.”

“My child know it’s me. He trusts me. Can you?”

“How do you know it’s a boy?” I asked smiling without noticing.

“I just know. All we got is hope, and if you don’t have enough, I have enough for the both of us. It’s going to be times when you will have to hold me up. Let me do this for us. Give up all the stress of what will happen because no matter what we will still be together. If you need me to say it again I will.”

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