Page 36 of Freed

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Just below our feet, fluffy clouds hugged the ridge, while at eye level the highest peaks were visible, barely blocking out the light of the sun rising to the east.

“Do you see Vasvain?” I asked her, gesturing to where the sun had just peeked around its apex.

She shielded her eyes as she squinted in the direction I pointed. My Dragon senses were sharper than hers, so while themountain was clearly visible to me, it might have been a little fuzzy for her. “I think so,” she said eventually. “That’s where I was hidden all those years?”

“Mmm,” I responded, fishing in the bags of food for bacon and handing her a piece. “Every year on your birthday, I came to this spot and watched the sun rise over the mountains. I’d stay up here all day, spending it with you in the only way I could, wondering where my father was keeping you. I guess, somehow, our bond was signaling to me that you were over there, and I wish I had listened to that instinct harder, so I could have protected you from the abuse of King Azim and King Zalan.”

A salty tear trickled down her cheek as she stared at me with a love so intense it was nearly painful. All I’d ever wanted was for someone to look at me that way, and all the days I sat here, wondering what it would finally be like to have a mate, could not have prepared me for the depths of devotion I would show this female. My thumb found her cheek, catching the tear and clearing it from her heart-shaped face.

“I love you,” she whispered, her normally bright voice reduced to rasps that mirrored my own.

“I love you more,” I promised, earning a smile from Izidora. She needed to hear those words as much as I did, if not more.

She was right when she told me being understood and accepted was the most glorious feeling. There were no barriers between us, nothing held back out of fear of judgment. Together, we were raw, emotional, and unguarded, unlike any relationship I’d witnessed before. It worked for us, not only because of our bond, but because of our traumatic pasts.

I pulled her to the ground, settling her in front of me and encasing her in my warmth before handing her a bag of food. We ate in comfortable silence as the light grew around us, clouds whispering past us on a soft breeze that wafted Izidora’s rose and plum scent into my nostrils. Since accepting our matingbond, her scent was even stronger and more complex, and I would remember that scent across worlds and lifetimes.

“I have presents for you when we return home,” I said once I’d finished my food, dusting the crumbs from my hands off to one side so as not to spill them on my mate.

“Oh?” she replied, craning her neck to look at me and exposing her pretty throat. “Let me guess, I have to wait until we return for you to tell me?”

“Correct,” I teased, kissing her bare skin. “But I promise you’ll like them.”

“I like everything you buy me,” she noted with a half-smile.

“Thankfully, you are easy to please,” I winked at her, a hint of lust tainting my voice and sending a flush of red across her skin. Grasping her neck with a free hand, I tightened it ever so slightly, cutting off a hint of air. “And I do love pleasing you.”

Her dark lashes fluttered against her cheeks, and I pulled her in close, running my free hand across her flat stomach, dipping lower. “Please,” she begged, and I continued downward until I cupped her pussy over her pants.

“Like that?” I purred in her ear, sending her shivering.

“Yes,” she breathed, rolling her hips against my palm.

I rubbed it against the seam, eliciting a gasp. The scent of her arousal flooded my nostrils, and I inhaled it deeply, my cock hardening against her back. Dropping my hand from her neck, I unfastened her jacket, exposing the thin tunic underneath. Slipping my hand beneath it, I pressed my warm skin against hers and savored the fire that burned between us.

She whimpered as I traced circles across her belly in the direction of her waistband. “Fuck me here, Ruslan.”

I needed no further encouragement. I stripped her jacket off, then tore her tunic over her head, leaving her heaving breasts barely contained by the wrap she wore around them. Her pants were next, boots temporality stalling my progress until she wasnearly bare before me. “On your hands and knees,” I growled, kicking off my own boots and stripping until I was naked behind her.

Her perfectly round ass faced me, her suntanned skin pebbling in the cool morning air, and I took a moment to admire the slope of her back and the muscles rippling across her shoulders as she braced herself against the smooth rock. Stroking myself a few times to the view to relieve the ache in my balls, I drank in our utter aloneness in the mountains that called to my soul. “Touch yourself,” I ordered, and she immediately dropped a hand to her center, swirling her tiny fingers over her clit and making herself moan.

“Spread yourself for me,” I rasped, watching hungrily as she spread her lips apart and dipped a finger inside. I stroked myself in time with her movements, and she whimpered as her digits slipped deeper.

“I need you.”

“Not yet, sprite. Work yourself up for me.”

She obeyed, breathy moans escaping her as she ground into her hand. Wetness dripped from her, and it took everything I had to hold back and watch her touch herself without shoving myself into her heat. Her body trembled, and her hips rocked as her pleasure heightened. Closing the distance between us, I trailed a finger along her spine, the ridges of the bone just below the surface of her smooth skin. She shivered at the sensation, releasing a low groan as my hand began rubbing her ass.

“Please, I want you inside me,” she begged, looking over her shoulder at me through thick lashes.

“Make yourself come first, and then I’ll fuck you into oblivion,” I promised, a bead of moisture appearing at the head of my dick as images of us fucking inches from the edge of the rock flooded my mind.

“Okay,” she agreed, her fingers beginning to work faster as she brought herself to climax.

Poised behind her, I stroked myself slowly as I waited for the moment she came all over herself. The pulsing pink lips were the first signs of her orgasm, and the reverberating cry she released was the second. She rode her hand through it, and my erection became nearly unbearable as wetness gushed from her.

“Good girl,” I growled, pulling her hand away and lining myself at her entrance. In one powerful thrust, I seated myself inside her, and fuck, she was so tight, her walls still fluttering from her release. They gripped me as I began moving within her, and I gritted my teeth as my spine tingled in anticipation. Using one strong hand, I caught her throat and bent her toward me, forcing her spine to arch and take me deeper. “You are going to trust me, and you will not question me. Understood?”

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