Page 35 of Freed

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It was Izidora’s birthday, and like every year, I had a special event planned to celebrate. Only this year, my mate was finally in my arms, and she would join me as we hiked to my favorite spot in the Agrenak Mountains and watched the sun appear over the horizon.

“Ugh, it's so early,” she complained as I pulled her flush against me to wake her.

“Happy birthday, mate,” I whispered in her ear, ghosting my hot breath across her neck. Goosebumps broke out across her bare skin, and I nipped at a few along her shoulder before throwing back the blankets and forcing her out of bed.

“It’s not even light outside yet,” she protested, the words coming out jumbled as she yawned wide.

“I know, but I want to take you somewhere,” I responded, kissing her on the forehead and handing her leather pants and a jacket, along with new fur-lined boots, since the ones I’d gifted her when she first arrived in the Iron Realm were irrevocably ruined when we slaughtered her former captors.

“What about–”

“Food?” I smiled. Izidora was always hungry, and I knew better than to be unprepared. I jogged into the living space and returned with two bags that smelled of vanilla and bacon.

The smile that split her face was worth her earlier grumbles, and fuck if she didn’t still make my blood sing with her sparkling eyes. “Okay, fine. Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” I promised, leading her by the hand to the spiral stairs that led to the roof. “Hold these.” I handed her the bags of food, and she sniffed them longingly as I threw open the hatch.

Taking the bags back from her, I watched her ass as she climbed up the ladder and hoisted herself onto the roof before following her out into the chilly morning air. She shivered, and I wrapped my arms around her, lending my heat to my always chilly mate.

“Now what? Surely you didn’t bring me up here before dawn broke to show me something. We’ve been here before,” she teased, entwining her arms with mine.

“Call on your wings. We’re going to fly over there,” I pointed to a small landing space barely visible across a field of jagged rocks, “and then walk the rest of the way.” The rocks were fantastic for protecting the mountain palace I had built for Izidora, but also a pain to cross.

She chewed her lip, eyeing them with trepidation.

“I’ll always catch you if you fall,” I reminded her, giving her another squeeze before releasing her and stepping back. She needed space to bring her ethereal wings into existence, though I wouldn’t mind running my nose through the soft feathers and making Izidora writhe in pleasure from touching the sensitive spots. My Demon-Dragon ones flared behind me, stretching before settling on either side of my shoulders. With one last glance at me, Izidora’s white wings appeared, though her teeth still dug into her bottom lip.

Capturing her chin in my hand, I pulled it free. “That’s mine to bite.”

Her aquamarine eyes blazed with white fire before I released her. Stepping back, I flapped my wings hard and launched myself into the air, hovering as I waited for her to join me. She closed her eyes, lips moving as she spoke affirmations to herself like she did every time she needed a boost, then leaped into the air beside me.

“If you want some light to guide your path, use your magic. But we’re going across.” Shooting her a reassuring smile, I sailed toward the rocks, barely visible in the pre-dawn light. Taking my suggestion, she threw some white bubble lights into the air, and they chased my mate as she flew forward, remaining within reach of me. Her brow furrowed with determination as we passed over row after row of serrated death. When we landed on a clear patch of rock on the other side, she exhaled, long and slow.

“You didn’t even need me, sprite. You are so strong,” I praised, and she beamed up at me, relief written all over her face.

“I wish I was more confident with my flying,” she admitted, nudging a rock with the tip of her boot.

“You’ll get there. You didn’t experience it from a young age, so it makes sense that you’re nervous now. You won’t even need me to fly beside you soon. You’ll be leaving me to soar among the peaks by yourself.”

The bubble lights danced playfully around us, and I snatched at one in an attempt to catch it.

“And you would want me to do that?” she quipped, raising a teasing brow.

Grasping her shoulders, I crouched down so we were at eye level. I wanted her to see how serious my next words were. “Sprite, I want you to do anything that makes you happy. I’m notgoing to hold you back from anything. I’m here to empower you, to protect you, and to love you, not to tell you where to go, what to do, or who to be.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

“Come,” I said, grabbing her hands. “We need to hurry to get there before the sun rises.”

A small path cut through the rock, and we followed it, scaling the mountain through switchbacks and rock scrambles until we neared the clouds. Izidora panted in front of me and stopped to catch her breath more than once. It was a different kind of physical exertion, and one she needed to continue training and conditioning her body. The following day we were set to depart for the Day Realm, and I needed to know she could handle any challenge I threw at her.

“How much farther?” she asked through gasped breaths.

“Not far. We’re almost there.”

She nodded, the braid down her back whipping around as she gritted her teeth and faced the rocks once more. I grinned to myself and followed her, pride swelling in my chest. If I had to pick one quality about my mate that I loved above all else, it would be her unbreakable will. Nothing and no one would stop her once she set her mind to a task.

“Start climbing to the right,” I called, and she shuffled along, scrambling up and over a large boulder. A moment later, I pulled myself up beside her, hearing her delicate gasp as she surveyed the view.

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