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“Oh, clothes!” Liliana exclaimed, racing toward the male, who disappeared just as quickly as he arrived. I crossed the room to join her in selecting attire, fingering the fine fabrics in an attempt to find a color that matched my mood. Black pants and a light blue tunic caught my attention, their cut simple yet refined.

Viktor and Endre grabbed the last of the masculine-colored tunics, much to the dismay of Vadim, who grumbled the whole way from his comfortable couch to the rack in the entryway. Liliana handed him the blush tunic, teasing, “It goes perfectly with your eyes!”

“But it would go better with yours, so why don’t you wear it?” he protested, holding it out to her.

“Because, I am wearing this.” Liliana held a shimmery gray dress to her body, twirling and fluttering the light fabric. Endre’s swallow was audible as his eyes followed her every movement, a wayward lock of hair falling into his face completely ignored. Ignoring the hollow pit in my stomach, I smirked, imagining what the night would bring once everyone realized there were only three rooms in the suite.

“Viktor, trade with me,” Vadim demanded.

“I don’t think so. The white makes me look powerful and innocent. Great for wheeling and dealing. Pink makes me look easily taken advantage of,” he chuckled.

“When you put it that way…” Vadim sported a wolfish grin. “I’d love to be taken advantage of by a Crystal female.”

Liliana’s eye-roll was severe. “You’re such a slut, Vadim. I’m going to change, see you dumbfucks in a few.”

She sashayed her hips as she left us, throwing a heated look over her shoulder at Endre, whose grip on his gray tunic was white-knuckled. Elbowing him in the ribs, I broke his trance, and he joined me in stripping in the foyer, no boundaries left after years spent together. Vadim complained the whole time he changed, while Viktor barely stifled his smile as Vadim buttoned the pink shirt over his broad chest and swept his long hair into a messy top knot.

Kaztar and Domi emerged once we were dressed, and Domi selected a lilac dress to match Kaztar’s leftover lavender tunic.

“Don’t worry, Vadim, pink is a brave color,” Kaztar joked when he saw Vadim’s obvious disdain for his attire.

As if they knew we had all dressed for dinner – which was likely, given that the Crystal Fae were gifted with sight – the same servant reappeared to escort us to dinner.

It was an intimate affair in a pearlescent room complete with a cheery, bubbly fountain carved from white marble to look like a mermaid. The whitewashed wood table was only large enough to seat our party and the king and queen, and water lilies adorned the length of the table, bunching together in front of Kaztar and myself seated beside the monarchs, and then trickling down until there was nothing but curled petals on the end of the table in front of Liliana and Endre.

Even the wine glasses were carved from gleaming natural stones, and my stomach curdled as I realized how much gold the Crystal Realm must have spent buying such luxuries from the Iron Realm, whose mountains were tall and thick with precious gems.

Would they risk their relationship with their supplier in order to help us?

Shoving aside my intrusive thoughts, I lifted my glass, the white wine inside it betraying a slight tremble in my hand, and toasted King Airre and Queen Immonen. “We thank you once again for your hospitality, Your Majesties, and may the Goddess bless both of you.”

“Cheers!” everyone echoed, and I sipped the crisp liquid that reminded me of fresh fall apples and sweet summer melons.

Talk remained on light topics as an appetizer of a yellow squash soup was served and cleared by lithe females that Vadim eyed a bit too eagerly. Their wispy dresses floated around them as they served the main dish, a pink fish coated in a creamy garlic sauce with a side of wild rice and perfectly steamed vegetables. The fish flaked on my fork and melted over my tongue as conversation flowed as easily as the wine up and down the table. The mood turned jovial by the time our filets were nothing more than errant pieces of pink, and I found myself laughing along as the alcohol swept away all my fear and grief.

A fluffy chocolate mousse rounded off our dinner, its sweetness as delectable as what lay between my mate’s thighs. My cock twitched at the thought of her, but I clamped down on my daydream before it took root in my brain, refocusing on the task at hand – negotiating for help bringing back what was mine.

Dessert in the Crystal Realm was meant to be enjoyed, and King Airre patted his flat stomach beneath his icy blue tunic when he’d polished off the last of the mousse. “I cannot eat another bite.”

His wife’s eyes sparkled as she trailed her fingers along his arm. “Nor should you. I have foreseen what will happen if you continue to snack on desserts when you think I am not looking.”

He snorted, and I suppressed a smile as she teased her mate. “Why don’t I take the ladies on a tour while you retire to the drawing room for drinks?”

King Airre plucked his wife’s hand from his arm and brought it to his lips. “That would be lovely, mate. But I shall miss you.”

I swore Domi and Liliana swooned in their seats, soft sighs leaving their lips as King Airre planted his on Queen Immonen’s hand. She batted her lashes at him, then pushed away from the table and beckoned for the love-struck females to join her. “Come, I’ve been dying to show off the latest addition to our wing. I told Airre for years I wanted a larger shower and…” Her lilting voice trailed off as they disappeared through the doors.

“Shall we?” King Airre said, throwing his napkin on the table and rising. Chairs scraped as we followed him into a distinctly masculine room, pelts and trophy kills lining the light oak panels boxing us in.

“What’s your poison?” the king of the Crystal Realm asked, rummaging around behind a small stone bar, pulling glasses and bottles of all types from below and placing them on the bartop.

“We’ll have what you’re having, Your Majesty,” Kaztar replied.

“Vodka it is. And please, let’s speak informally.” He proceeded to pour the chilled clear liquid across six glasses with near perfect precision before dropping a fat frozen plum in each and handing them out. With a tinkle of glass, he cheered, “To our health!”

The bite was nearly nonexistent though the burn down my throat was welcome as I sipped from my drink. I noticed that a sunken space in the floor held a white fur rug – the bear’s head still attached – and a ring of leather couches beckoned us to begin our conversation.

“So tell me, Kazimir, what is the reason for your visit? My seers have had many visions of late, some changing by the day. Iam concerned for the fate of our lands.” King Airre’s white brows pinched together as he sipped from his drink.

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