Page 37 of Light

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“I will spare you the details – unless you would like to hear them – but in short, King Zalan is dead, and our new queen, Izidora, was taken by King Azim’s son.”

His face paled, and the slight shake of his hand as he took another swig betrayed his unease. “It is as I feared. Queen Immonen saw Izidora, who I believe is your mate, yes?”

A single nod was all I could manage around the lump in my throat.

“And you have accepted the bond?”

His words opened the gate that contained every piece of my shattered heart, and my shoulders slumped forward as I put my pain on full display. “No, for I did not know until the passing of my father.”

“My seers saw much death at the Night Realm, and I am sorry to hear High Lord Cazius was among those killed. He was a strong male, and he will be missed,” King Airre acknowledged.

“We lost several other friends when Ruslan attacked Este Castle,” Viktor added.

“Ah yes, this is King Azim’s son?” King Airre clarified.

“Yes, bastard son apparently, yet still his heir apparent. He claimed that Izidora was rightfully his due to an agreement between King Zalan and King Azim prior to her birth,” Viktor explained, setting his drink aside and leaning forward.

“I was unaware King Azim had an heir, so this agreement is also news to me. And he simply showed up because Princess Izidora was found?”

A glance from Viktor told me I needed to reveal Izidora’s story. “We found the princess chained in a cave in Vasvain. We killed a dozen Iron Fae soldiers to rescue her, and on our journey to Vaenor, we were attacked repeatedly. We fled to my family’s home to seek refuge until our safe passage to Este Castlewas guaranteed. She suffered greatly at the hands of the Iron Fae, and I fear for her life as we speak. Ruslan also mentioned that she was part of a prophecy – one that would ensure kings fell. He bragged of a plan to conquer the continent with her help. While we traveled with Izidora, she displayed magic unlike anything we had ever seen. It is pure white, and she is extremely powerful.” I left it at that, holding the secret that she was half Angel close to my chest.

Viktor added, “Ruslan’s claim reminded Endre of the Goddess’s Prophecy, though when we searched the library for any mention of it, the pages had been burned or ripped from the books that contained them. Are you aware of this prophecy?”

A frown tugged at the king’s lips, and he knocked back the rest of his drink before reaching for the bottle of clear liquor and pouring a hefty measure for himself and anyone else who looked short on drink. “It is a prophecy spoken millennia ago, but one that has haunted me since I heard it. I sensed, even as a small child, that it would come to pass during my reign. If Izidora is one of the predicted from the prophecy, then I fear our world will fundamentally change.” He lifted the glass to his forehead, closing his eyes for a moment. “Immonen’s visions have increased in frequency, sometimes ailing her for hours on end. She is frantic when she emerges from them, exhaustion bruising her eyes and too-kind heart. She cannot remember every detail, she says, because they are constantly swirling and changing.”

During the funeral rites, the High Priestess – possibly the Goddess – had said something very similar, and a creeping sensation crawled up my spine. “Shit,” I swore, collapsing against the plush back of the couch behind me.

“She sees Izidora in all of them, though.”

His words brought silence to the room as if he had leveled an execution blow.

“She has mentioned on several occasions that she believesthe Goddess and the Fates are battling over the direction of our future, which is why she sometimes sees light and other times sees dark – which tracks with the Goddess’s Prophecy.”

Viktor and Vadim released a string of curses beside me, while Endre turned a shade of pale that rivaled King Airre. Only Kaztar seemed unfazed.

“Seems straightforward to me. We need Izidora to follow the light,” Kaztar shrugged.

A growl escaped my throat, guttural and raw as my feelings. “Prophecies are meant to be vague and open to interpretation. You assume you already know what that light is? What if it is her death?”

Viktor placed a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back against the leather couch. Perhaps I should have had less to drink in my volatile state, but it was too late. “I spent the majority of my life searching for the lost princess, only to discover that she is in fact my mate.” My chest heaved as I bit out each word, my neck and shoulders growing hot as my fear masked itself as rage. “I will not lose her after everything I have done to get her.” What happened to Izidora while we wasted time conversing was outside of my control, but I could unleash my inner turmoil on the male who only looked coolly at me from his seat.

“I’m going to give you a pass right now because I know this is not your true self, Kazimir,” Kaztar snapped. He opened his mouth to say something else, but Vadim interrupted him.

“Alright, knock it off.” Vadim leveled a pointed look between us. “We have a common enemy here, and he does not sit in this room. Let’s focus on that.”

The storm still raged within me, but Vadim was right. My palm rubbed my face as I reminded myself that acting from a place of stability was better than acting irrationally. King Airre studied me, and I allowed him to see how much I struggled.

“We will get your mate back, Kazimir. Yet we must think strategically if we want to proceed with the fewest casualties. I am assuming you have formed some plan, at least?” He quirked a brow, waiting for a response.

Viktor laid out our plans. “We have gathered an army and are sending them in the direction of the pass that divides the Iron and Day Realms. They are only a few days behind us. We are seeking your help and that of Queen Victoria and King Geza of the Day Realm to wage war on the Iron Realm. It is clear they plan to conquer our lands, and we need to be prepared. If we can mobilize quickly, they may not have enough time to do the same. While we attend Béke as if nothing is amiss, our armies will gather at the border and attack while we have an advantage.”

“Béke is a time to celebrate peace,” King Airre argued. “You would dare upset the Goddess by disturbing it?”

“It seems to me like she wishes for a resolution. She appeared to us during the funeral for our fallen, berating us for not following her guidance,” Viktor replied.

The king of the Crystal Realm swirled the clear liquor around the fat plum in his glass. “Immonen’s visions would indicate the same,” he sighed, as if he were resigned to his fate. “Let us convene tomorrow with my council to discuss war plans.”

And with that declaration, the corner of my mouth finally rose in a smile. “Thank you, King Airre.”

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