Page 35 of Light

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“Kazimir! So great to see you again.” King Airre looked just as young as the last time I had seen him, his white hair flowing past his shoulders, the sides braided back to reveal his high cheekbones and striking blue eyes. The Crystal Crown rested atop his brow, the rough-hewn shards seeming to glow from within as the sun hit them. His embrace was friendly and warm without a trace of deceit, and as he stepped back, I clasped my muscled arm around his lithe one in greeting.

“King Airre, it is a pleasure indeed, though I wish it were under better circumstances.”

“Indeed, my friend, but we’ll speak on that later.” His expression fell only slightly before he schooled his features and moved along to Kaztar.

Queen Immonen waited to take his place. She reminded me of a swan, her frame light and airy with a long, elegant neck. Herheadpiece was not rough like her husband’s, but rather decorated with perfectly cut and polished stones that refracted the slight and scattered it around her like a halo. Her platinum hair was loose and flowing around her, and she smiled sweetly as she grasped my hands, planting a kiss on both cheeks. “Kazimir, I had a vision of your mate. She is most beautiful, and I cannot wait to meet her. Though I do not see her among your group.” Her brows pinched as her clear eyes scanned the faces around me.

“That is actually why we are here, Your Majesty. You see, she has –”

The queen cut me off before I could finish. “Let’s not ruin our joyous reunion with talk of politics. There is time for that later.”

Through gritted teeth, I offered her a smile, then replied, “Of course, I look forward to tasting some of the Crystal Realm’s fine wines over dinner.”

My nails dug into my palms until they drew a hint of blood as she patted my cheek, and with elegant grace turned her attention to the rest of the Night Realm’s representatives.

There was no time for all this bullshit.Every second away from Izidora was a chance for Ruslan to hurt her, and every time I thought of his smug grin as he ordered his soldiers to drug her, a little piece of me died inside.

I had to play their game if I wanted any chance of making it out of the Iron Realm alive, which meant we had to wine and dine them before we would get the answer I would not leave without.

“Come, we will show you to your rooms! Dinner is in an hour, so you will have plenty of time to freshen up.” Queen Immonen clapped her hands in delight, then spun on her heel, her blue dress floating along behind her as she and her mate led us through the open crystal doors and into the glamorouspalace. King Airre pulled his wife into his side, planting an affectionate kiss on her cheek, and my heart ached as they shared that intimate moment with us.

Endre appeared at my side, his face etched with concern and words on his lips, but I kept my head forward, deciding I would rather feel the sting of jealousy than the pity of my friend. “We will get her back, brother,” Endre said, low enough that only I could hear.

“We’re losing time,” I ground out, flexing my fingers.

“Izidora is strong, a lot stronger than the female we rescued the first time, thanks to you. You taught her well. She will be okay.”

Endre was right, but my instincts had driven me into this obsessive madness. “But I am not okay with her so far from me.”

“Of course you’re not. She is your mate. I do not dare to say that I understand your feelings, yet that does not change that you are my brother and I support you to the end.”

His validation lifted some of that tension that had become a permanent attachment to my chest and shoulders, and a breath escaped me easier than it had in over a week. “Thanks, Endre.”

Somehow my friend always got me talking, even when I didn’t want to, and each time, a weight lifted from my chest after sharing my inner thoughts. I was not alone in my fight, and I needed to remember that when I was drowning in despair.

“Here we are!” Queen Immonen announced as we entered a long hallway with windows overlooking the lake. At the end, a set of double doors inlaid with gold filigree opened to reveal a living space bathed in the light colors of the Crystal Realm.

“Wow!” Liliana’s seafoam green eyes were wide as saucers, mouth slightly agape as she trailed her hand along the smooth walls. The nearly invisible window overlooking water caught her attention next. “It’s so clear! I can see all the way to the bottom from here.”

Domi’s eyes roamed the lofted ceiling that was seemingly lit from within, scattering light around the immaculate room. “Queen Immonen, you must take Liliana and I on a tour later. I simply did not see enough on my last visit, and I am still enchanted by your beautiful home,” she said, running her hand across the back of a chair that looked more like a cloud.

“Of course! We will leave the males to talk of boring subjects while we enjoy ourselves,” she laughed. “A servant will return to fetch you for dinner. Please make yourselves comfortable in the meantime.”

With a quick bow to our departing hosts, I sauntered to a sky-blue chair and made myself comfortable, closing my eyes as I released the lingering tension from our armored encounter.

“I thought for sure we were goners,” Liliana groaned as she flopped to one of the blush-colored couches.

“If you can’t tell, the Crystal Realm has a flair for the dramatic,” Viktor noted as he sank down next to her. “The escort likely was meant as a respectful gesture. With how the last few months have gone, I automatically expected the worst.”

As did I.

“If you’ll excuse us, I’d like to lie down for a bit before we eat,” Domi said, leading Kaztar into one of the bedrooms and closing the door behind them.

I tore my eyes from their retreating forms when Endre cleared his throat. “What do you think of Blire Palace so far, Liliana?” He tried so hard to win and maintain her attention, though he tried to hide it from the rest of us. Only Vadim remained oblivious, almost willfully so. A small smile almost tugged at my lips as I remembered Vadim’s comment about my father seeming willfully ignorant of my affection for Izidora, only for my lips to dip into a frown at the memory of his last words to me.

“It is the most incredible building I have ever seen. How is itpossible to make a building from crystal like this? All of the houses and shops in Vlisa were made from whitewashed stones, so different from the Night Realm. I cannot wait to see more later,” Liliana gushed.

A knock sounded on the door, and a Crystal Fae dressed in white waltzed in with a rack full of clothes. “I have brought formal attire for this evening’s dinner,” he said by way of greeting.

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