Page 123 of The Way We Play

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She climbs into his lap, and stabs a forkful of dressing. “Mm! Good dressing, Aunt Deedee!” Then she stabs a forkful of turkey. “Mm, good turkey, Daddy! Thank you!”

She kisses his cheek and hops off his lap, running for the pool area. His brow wrinkles, and Dylan leans forward to console him.

“At least she said thank you!”

Jack digs in, and we lean back chatting and talking about the things we’re thankful for this year. With family, food, and good health out of the way, Dylan is thankful for her ballet classes. Logan is thankful for the radio station being such a hit. I have to agree.

When we sat around this time last year shooting the shit about football, I didn’t really believe him when he said we had a hit show on our hands. Fast-forward a year, and it’s not just a radio show, it’s a YouTube channel with almost a million followers already.

“I’m thankful for finding all of you.” Rachel looks around the table at the warm, smiling faces, before elbowing me in the side. “I’m especially thankful for this grumpy guy who has done so much for me and Eddie.”

“I’m thankful for you reminding me how to smile again.”

“And on that note, where’s the cleanup crew?”

Everyone except Jack, Thomas, and Dylan hops up and starts collecting plates. The girls pack up the leftovers, while Logan and I load the big dishwasher. With so many hands, we’re done pretty fast.

“Ready for a friendly game before dessert?” Logan has a football in his hand, and he tosses it in the air.

“You’ll have to teach me how to throw a football first,” Rachel laughs, shaking her head.

“I’ll teach you to throw a ball.” I reach out, catching her around the waist, and pulling her to my side.

My insides are churning, but I’m taking it slow, breathing, changing my mindset.

“I’ll get Austin.” Allie walks into the dining room. “Do you think Eddie will want to play?”

“Ask him.” Rachel calls, then looks up at me smiling. “You’ll have to teach him to throw a football as well.”

“I wonder if Eddie Nashville would like to learn football?” I hook my thumb in the belt loop on her jeans.

“You’ll have to ask him.”

“We’re ready!” Allie’s back with Austin and the boys.

We walk as a group down the wide path along the bay to the park. Several people are out walking as well after the big meal, and we speak to old friends as we pass. Logan’s tossing the ball, and Austin grabbed one as well, which draws attention.

Folks wander up to the field where we do a little warm up before diving into teams. I pull Rachel to the side to show her how to throw a ball. Austin waits on the other side of the field.

“Spread your fingers out.” I hold her small hand. “Put your index finger closest to the point and your middle finger on the first lace…”

I show her how to pull back, shift her weight on her feet, and add a little flick of the wrist as if dunking a basketball, which she points out she also doesn’t know how to do.

Her first throw goes straight to the ground, bounces wildly, which makes her yelp and duck, and then rolls off the field.

“I don’t think that was right.” She looks up at me, and it takes all my strength not to laugh.

Austin is across the field holding his hand over his mouth and bending at the waist.

Eddie stands beside her frowning. “I don’t think you lifted your elbow properly.”

“I’m never going to get it.” She wilts, but I’m not letting her give up.

“Come on. It just takes practice.”

We do it a few more times, and she manages to keep it off the ground, although it’s wobbling wildly.

“That’s good!” I encourage her, and she cuts her eyes at me.I clarify, “It’s good enough for whatever we’re doing out here. You don't have to throw it. Just block and run.”

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