Page 124 of The Way We Play

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Rachel balances one foot on the ball, putting her hands on my waist and grinning into my face before kissing my lips. “Patience is one of your best qualities.”

My hands are on her waist, and I grin down at her adorable face. “I’m not feeling very patient right now. I’m ready to wrap up this friendly game and get you alone.”

“I wish I’d been a cheerleader at the high school where you played.”

My voice lowers. “You definitely wouldn’t have been a virgin at thirty.”

“If you two are done, we’re lining up.” Logan jogs over to where we’re canoodling.

I give her another quick kiss before lifting her off the ball and jogging with her to the line of scrimmage.

Allie’s not playing. Eddie and Ben decide to watch as well, so it’s Logan, Dylan, and Austin versus Jack, Rachel, and me. Allie says she’ll be the referee slash cheerleader for all, and when we line up, I’m right across from Logan.

“I miss Grizz wisecracking at the lineup.” Logan grins. “The brother’s chat is going to love hearing about this.”

Austin has fallen back, and he counts down to make the snap. We all break, running in different directions. Rachel drives forward to force the pass. I’m on Logan, who I know Austin is looking to be his receiver. I’ve got him covered too well, so he has to throw it to Dylan, where Jack easily intercepts by plucking it out of the air over her head.

“No fair!” Dylan shoves him, and I start to laugh.

Some things never change.

We all line up ready to go again, and this time it’s our ball. Jack is quarterback, and I’m down the field, guarded by Logan. Austin covers Rachel, and Dylan runs at Jack. He puts out a hand, holding her back, and her arms flail as she tries to grab him.

She makes a quick, ballerina twirl, and he’s forced to pass it to Rachel. Her eyes widen when she sees the ball headed her way.

“I’ve got it!” She yells, but my stomach pitches when I see Austin running at her hard.

She jumps, completing the pass, but as she’s coming down, he grabs her around the waist, bringing her to the ground. He hops up at once, but Rachel doesn’t. She’s still lying on the ground not moving. Her arms and legs are spread, and she’s gazing blankly at the blue sky as if she’s dead.

My knees weaken, and a lead weight smacks me right in the chest.

“No!” I strain, breaking into a run.

Pumping my legs, I cross the park in record time. It’s a speed I can’t do anymore, and the pain radiates through my back, down my legs. I don’t even feel it. I have to get to where she’s lying. My vision tunnels as black closes in around me.

It’s happening again, just like I knew it would.

She’s hurt.

She’s broken.

She’s not getting up.

I won’t get through this if she doesn’t get up.

The words swirl in my brain, and I fumble to find my phone to dial 9-1-1. We need help—now. I can’t lose her this way. I can’t lose another person.

“Rachel…” Her name slips from my mouth like a prayer, when she suddenly sits up smiling broadly.

“I can’t believe I caught that ball!” She laughs, looking down at her arms. “It kind of stings, though.”

Looking up, her eyes meet mine, and they widen in shock. “Zane? Are you okay?”

I slide to the ground beside her like a runner stealing home, pulling her into my arms. I’m breathing so fast. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m okay!” Her voice is breathless, and she reaches up to place her palms on my cheeks. “I’m okay. I’m not hurt.”

“I thought you were injured.” I can’t seem to catch mybreath. Bending my knee, I rest my forehead on the back of my hand and groan, “You didn’t get up.”

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