Page 2 of Faking It Onboard

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I bristle at that. “I’m standing right here, you know. And I’m perfectly capable of managing my own workload.”

Both men exchange a look that speaks volumes. I hate when they do that.

“Of course, you are, Cari,” Joel placates, throwing an arm around my shoulders. “Now, who’s ready for some sun, sea, and hopefully very little work?”

The check-in process flies by in a whirlwind of passports and cheery cruise staff welcoming us aboard and then guiding us toour safety briefings onboard the ship. Before I know it, we’re stepping onto the gleaming deck of the Infinity Voyager.

My breath catches as I take in the sheer opulence surrounding us. Gleaming white and chrome stretch as far as the eye can see, interrupted only by towering glass windows that offer breathtaking views of the harbor. It’s like stepping into another world, one I’m not quite sure I belong in.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” Dylan murmurs, his breath warm against my ear. I jump, not realizing he’d moved so close.

“It’s… something,” I manage, trying to ignore the way my skin tingles from his proximity.

Joel whistles low, spinning in a slow circle to take it all in. “Man, you weren’t kidding about going all out for this marketing campaign, Dyl. This ship is insane.”

Dylan grins, a boyish excitement lighting up his features. It’s a rare glimpse of the teenage boy I once had a crush on, and it does funny things to my heart. “Wait until you see the suites. We’re in for a treat.”

As if on cue, a perky staff member in a crisp white uniform approaches us. “Welcome aboard the Infinity Voyager! If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your suites.”

We trail after her, weaving through throngs of excited passengers. A resentful feeling builds in my gut at the appreciative glances thrown Dylan’s way by women, and more than a few men, as we pass. Not that I can blame them. With his sleeves rolled up to reveal tanned forearms and gelled-up hair, he looks like he just stepped out of a luxury travel magazine.

Stop it, Caress, I scold myself. He’s your boss, remember? And your brother’s best friend. Off limits in every way that counts.

The staff member, whose name tag reads ‘Cindy’, leads us to a bank of elevators. “You’ll be staying in our Ocean View Suites on Deck 10,” she explains as we ascend. “Mr. Carter andMs. Mitchell, you’ll be in adjoining suites 1052 and 1054. Mr. Mitchell, you’ll be just down the hall in 1060.”

I freeze, my stomach dropping. “Adjoining suites?” I squeak, shooting a panicked look at Dylan.

He looks equally taken aback, a faint flush creeping up his neck. “There must be some mistake,” he starts, but Joel cuts him off with a laugh.

“Relax, you two. I’m sure it’s just a mix-up with the bookings. We’ll get it sorted out.”

Cindy’s smile falters slightly. “I’m so sorry for the confusion. Unfortunately, we’re at full capacity for this voyage. I’m afraid we won’t be able to change the room assignments.”

Great. Just great. Three days of forced proximity with the one man I’ve been trying desperately not to think about in that way. This cruise is already shaping up to be a disaster.

We reach our floor, and Cindy leads us down a plush carpeted hallway. “Here we are,” she chirps, gesturing to two doors next to each other. “1052 and 1054. There’s an adjoining door between the suites, but it can be locked from both sides for privacy.”

Small mercies, I think wryly.

Joel claps Dylan on the shoulder. “Well, looks like you two lovebirds will be nice and cozy,” he teases, completely oblivious to the tension crackling between us. “I’ll be down the hall if you need a chaperone.”

I resist the urge to smack my brother. “Very funny,” I mutter, snatching the key card from Cindy’s outstretched hand. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to freshen up before the sailaway party.”

I hurry into my suite, pointedly ignoring Dylan’s concerned gaze. The door clicks shut behind me, and I lean against it, letting out a shaky breath.

The suite is stunning, all muted blues and creams that echo the colors of the sea and sand outside. A king-sizedbed dominates one wall, while floor-to-ceiling windows offer a breathtaking view of the harbor. Under different circumstances, I’d be thrilled.

My phone buzzes, and I fish it out of my purse. A text from Jasmine flashes across the screen: “Hope you’re settling in! Remember, what happens on the high seas…”

I groan, tossing the phone onto the bed. If she only knew.

A soft knock on the adjoining door makes me jump. “Caress?” Dylan’s voice filters through, hesitant. “Can we talk?”

I take a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. You can do this, Caress. It’s just three days. Just a job. Nothing more.

With one last glance in the mirror to make sure I don’t look as flustered as I feel, I move to open the door. Time to face the music, and the man who’s been starring in far too many of my fantasies lately.

As I reach for the handle, a commotion in the hallway catches my attention. Raised voices, one of them distressingly familiar. My blood runs cold as I recognize the speaker.

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