Page 1 of Faking It Onboard

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Chapter One


The Florida sun beats down on me as I struggle with my overpacked suitcase up the crowded sidewalk leading to Port Everglades. My heart races, but not from excitement. This business cruise with Dylan, my workaholic boss and brother’s best friend, promises to be anything but relaxing.

“You can do this, Caress,” I mutter, straightening my blazer as we approach the check-in area for the Infinity Voyager.

Dylan appears at my side, his hand settling on the small of my back. The warmth of his touch sends an unexpected shiver down my spine. “Here, let me take that for you,” he says, reaching for my suitcase.

I hesitate, torn between my stubborn independence and the allure of his help. “I’ve got it, thanks.”

He quirks an eyebrow, amusement dancing in those mesmerizing gray eyes. “Come on, Cari. Let me be a gentleman for once.”

The use of my nickname, reserved only for those closest to me, makes my resolve crumble. I reluctantly hand over the suitcase, trying to ignore how effortlessly he lifts it. “Fine, but don’t get used to it. I’m not some damsel in distress.”

Dylan chuckles, a rich sound that does funny things to my insides. “Wouldn’t dream of it. You’re the most capable woman I know.”

I roll my eyes, fighting the flush creeping up my neck. It’s just Dylan being nice, I remind myself. He’s probably feeling guilty for dragging me on this work trip.

As we join the check-in line, my phone buzzes. My best friend’s name flashes across the screen, and I answer with a grin. “Hey, Jas! What’s up?”

“Just checking in on my favorite workaholic before she sets sail,” Jasmine’s voice crackles through the speaker. “How’s the view? And I’m not talking about the ocean.”

I glance at Dylan, who’s scrolling through his phone, looking unfairly handsome in his crisp white shirt and tailored slacks. “The ship looks amazing,” I deflect, lowering my voice. “But I’m here for work, remember?”

Jasmine snorts. “Right, because being stuck on a luxury cruise with your smoking hot boss is such a hardship. Try not to fall head-first into his pants while you’re on board, okay?”

“Jasmine!” I hiss, my face burning. “It’s not like that. Dylan just wants his assistant there for marketing stuff. Besides, Joel would murder us if we even thought about crossing that line.”

“Speaking of your overprotective big bro, when’s he joining you?”

I check my watch. “Should be here any minute. He’s flying in straight from a meeting in Chicago.”

“Well, have fun juggling those two alpha males,” Jasmine teases. “And remember, what happens on international waters…”

“Goodbye, Jasmine,” I cut her off, laughing despite myself. “I’ll text you when we set sail.”

I hang up just as Dylan turns to me, his brow furrowed. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just Jasmine being… Jasmine,” I say, waving it off.

Dylan nods, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. “Ah, the voice of temptation. What trouble is she trying to get you into this time?”

If he only knew. I’m saved from answering by a familiar voice calling out behind us.

“There you two are! I was beginning to think you’d ditched me for your own private getaway.”

I spin around to see Joel striding towards us, his carry-on slung over one shoulder. He wraps me in a bear hug, lifting me off my feet.

“Put me down, you oaf!” I laugh, swatting at his arms. “We’re in public!”

Joel sets me down, grinning unrepentantly. “Can’t a guy be excited to see his favorite sister?”

“I’m your only sister,” I remind him, smoothing down my blazer.

“Details, details.” Joel turns to Dylan, clasping his hand in a firm shake that morphs into a one-armed hug. “Thanks for getting her here in one piece, man.”

Dylan shrugs, his easy smile not quite reaching his eyes. “Someone had to make sure she didn’t work herself to death before the cruise even started.”

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