Page 6 of Lion

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“But only one with you in it,”

I am so frustrated I don’t even bother staying in the shower. I turn the knobs so hard I almost break them. I pull the curtain back slightly, reaching out feeling against the wall to grab my towel, but I can’t find it, and I know without a doubt this man has it.

“Can I have my towel, please,” I ask, frustrated as hell.

“As soon as you give me your name,” he says, and I can hear the smirk from here.

“Ronnie,” I grind out.

“Ronnie. Well, here’s your towel, Ronnie,”

I peek my head out of the shower to see him dangling the towel on the tip of his finger clear across the bathroom. Pulling the shower curtain to my body I reach my hand out for the towel.

“Come and get it,” he taunts. I have to think quickly before this turns into a standoff.

“You know, and I could be wrong here, but I always heard that for all the ruthlessness of the MCs, they are pretty chivalrous to women, but I guess that was a lie.”

“I am chivalrous. You’re breathing, aren’t you? Most people who steal a bike from one of us would already be decomposing somewhere.” I know he is right, so I take a deep breath, push the shower curtain to one side, and step out of the shower, butterballnaked. I walk over to him, snatch the towel wrapping it around me before walking into the bedroom to his whistling.

“Very nice.”

“Go to hell,” I grit out. “What is your name, by the way, since we’re no longer strangers.”

“Lion,” he says, watching me get dressed. I heard that name before. He indeed has a reputation in the Quarter. I stayed away from as much of that as possible, but I heard some of the girls talking about wanting to be an ol’ lady. His phone chirps, he walks out of the room, and I take a deep breath of relief. I do not like the way this man makes me feel, the out of control way my body responds to him. I hurriedly get dressed while he’s out of the room cause low key, if he had touched me, I would have folded like a folding chair. Just a complete jelly back, for sure. I slide some leggings on with an extra large tee shirt before sliding my feet in some slides and head downstairs. I go to the kitchen, and there he is, jeans hanging low on his hips with no shirt on, looking better than he has any right to. Pulling a water from the refrigerator, I almost finished it in one gulp. He is talking to someone at my door like he lives here. The man walks away, and a few seconds later, he comes back carrying a door just like the one he kicked off the hinges.Aww, so that’s who this is.The guy gets busy taking down the old door, and Lion slips out to stand on the porch. While he is out there, I pull out the ingredients to make a quick salad with grilled chicken and get to work.


“Yeah, I found the bike and the woman who stole it.”

“And the woman,”

“She’s inside,”



“Really? Why?”

“Because she is looking for Judah.”

“Judah? She asked for Judah by name?”


“Did you tell her who Judah is?”

“No, I want to find out why she is looking for him before I decide if she lives or dies. Also, she is sexy as fuck.”

“Aww, there it is.”

“I am not you. I don’t stay knee-deep in pussy 24-7,”

“And I hate that for you. You need to try it. It will help you deal with all that stress.”

“Will you shut the hell up, please,” I ask, shaking my head. “Anyways, she is going to stay with me until she fesses up to what the hell she wants with Judah and how she knows that name.”

“Let me know what you need from me, and stay on alert. There are only a few people who know that name,”

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