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“I’m not hungry,”

“Yes, you are. Consider it your last meal,” I tell her and watch her resign to her fate, but I do not see a sliver of fear at all. Sheputs her gun on the counter before walking over to the table, taking a seat. She takes the sausage, egg, and cheese bagel out of the bag, unwraps it, and takes a singular bite.

“I know it doesn’t matter at this point, but I had no idea the bike belonged to a biker. I mean, don’t most of y’all ride Harley’s and Indian’s?”

“Normally,” I reply, not elaborating. “Why did you steal the bike,”

“I needed to get out of the Quarter, fast, and your bike was there with the key in it. It was like it was meant to be. I mean, you left the key in it. Who does that? Why would you do that?”

“Because no one has been stupid enough to touch that bike, let alone steal it,” I tell her with her mouth opening and closing. “Everyone knows who that bike belongs to. I guess not everyone. You do know the consequences of stealing a biker's bike?”

“Yeah,” she says once again.

“So why did you need to get out of the Quarter?”

“Why do you care? You’re going to kill me, right? Just kill me and get it over with, hell I am dead anyways,” she says aggressively, repacking the sandwich, throwing it in the bag so forcefully it tore right through it, rolled across the table, and landed unwrapped on the floor. “I should have been dead, and then I should have been gone from New Orleans, but when I couldn’t find Judah, I stayed. I loved it here, but I’m tired so just get on with it. My only request is to not shoot me in the face, let my friends be able to give me an open casket.” she says, falling back in her seat.

That name stops me dead in my tracks.Judah. There are only a few people who know that name and even less who would dare call me that. Loki, Bones, Uncle Lenn, and my dad. She’s on the run, and she came here to find me? Is she connected to whatever happened? Does she know what happened to mydad? She didn't realize it, but she gave herself a couple of days reprieve.

“Judah, huh? I’ve heard the name before. I tell you what, I’ll help you find him, and depending on what he says, you may make it out of this alive.”

“Why?” she asked mistrustingly.

“Cause I’m curious. But until we find him, you are stuck with me, and if you try to run, you’ll be dead before you can take three steps.”

“Whatever,” she says, pushing back from the table, legs scraping against the floor.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“Back to bed!” she yells, already halfway up the stairs. “And until you either let me go or kill me, this is my house. I expect my door to be fixed by the time I wake up.” Then she was gone, and I chuckled to myself. She has steel in her spine, that one, she’d make a good ol’ lady.What the fuck?She’s a means to an end. A way to possibly get answers about my dad no more, no less. I am not thinking about how those thick thighs will feel up on my shoulders or how my dick sprang to life when she came fully into view. When I saw her in the Quarter, it was dark; she had on a hat and a hoodie, but in the bright lights of the kitchen, she was perfect. Skin touched a beautiful brown by the sun, hips, ass, and thighs for days. She’s what Uncle Lenn would call bottom-heavy,son, she’s thick as a bowl of cold grits! And that’s pretty damn thick. The twists framing her face were a gorgeous way to frame her beautiful face. Cute nose, expressive eyes, and full soft soft-looking lips rounded off the arresting…damn, I didn’t ask her name. I decide to follow her upstairs. A house this size has to have more than one bedroom, and I am exhausted from the trip. But then again, I can’t risk her running, so when I get to the second floor, I try every door until I find hers. Closing it behindme, I shuck off my shoes, pants, and shirt, pull the covers back, and get in the bed with my sexy prisoner.

“Get the fuck out,” comes her sleepy protest.

“No, now go back to sleep,” I tell her, turning on my side, laying a leg over hers, and falling asleep almost instantly. If she leaves the bed, I’ll wake up, and she will regret running from me.



I did not sleep a wink last night! When he threw that heavy-ass leg across mine, I swear my leg felt like someone electrified me. I tried prying my leg from under his, and he practically plastered me to his side, setting my entire side on fire. I was married for years and never in my life felt the desire that I felt for this man.What the fuck!I scooted the millimeter he allowed away from him and breathed a small sigh of relief from not being all up on this man. But once I did that, my mind still wouldn’t settle down. First of all, he looked familiar which is weird because I know I have never seen him before, I would for sure remember him. He is what a refined southern lady would say is easy on the eyes, and he is built like a brick shit house. I smile a little at the use of my Uncle’s term. When he stripped down,My gawd! was all I could think of. His thighs could choke a bear, and was a sixteen-pack a real thing? Probably not. I mean, I wasn’t wearing my glasses or contacts, so I was probably just seeing double. And then I was insanely pissed off with myself for just giving in so easily.When did I become a punk?Honestly, I think I’m just tired, but that is no excuse. My Uncle told me to fight, don’t make shit easy for amother fucker, and what do I do, sit at the table and just tell this man to kill me. Naw I got some shit to clear up first. It’s time to stop running and face what I have been running from for two years. And it does not go unnoticed that his whole demeanor changed when I uttered the name Judah. It’s obvious he knows him or, at the very least, knows who he is, so if he can get me to Judah, maybe I can rectify the situation.Is that his hand on my ass?

“If you don’t want to draw back a nub, I suggest you get your hand off of my ass.”

“So you’re laying over there with all that ass, and I am not supposed to touch it?”

“Exactly,” I say through gritted teeth cause I am not supposed to be liking this, but my body has other ideas.

“That’s pretty selfish. I mean, I’m over here with all this dick, and I wouldn’t mind at all if you just reached over and grabbed it,” he says, now gripping my ass. I am so taken aback I literally sputter trying to comprehend what he just said to me. My head whips to look at him, he smiles at me as he lifts the blanket to show off said dick, but I absolutely refuse to look. “Chicken. I mean, you may or may not be dead by this time tomorrow. Live a little.”

“Get your goddamn hand off of my ass, or one of us won’t have to wait until tomorrow to die.”

“Yeah, this is the real you, feisty, a fighter, not that little meek mouse you showed me downstairs in the kitchen,” he says, finally removing his hand from my ass.

“You don’t know me,” I tell him, snatching my leg from under him and rolling out of the bed before he can catch me. I grab my phone off of the nightstand, “No calls!” he yells as I pad to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door for good measure, but with the condition of my front door, I am sure it’s a futile move. I turn on the shower, connect my phone to the built-in Bluetoothspeakers, turn on my playlist, and step in. Dan begins crooning, and I get lost in the heat, music, and suds. I probably stay in longer than I normally would to avoid the brute of a man in my bedroom, but I’ll never admit that. Suddenly, the atmosphere shifts, and I know I am no longer alone.

“Will the water change if I flush?” he yells and I am too stunned to speak. Did he break into the bathroom while I was taking a shower to pee?

“Uh, no, and there are several other bathrooms in this house.”

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