Page 10 of Haunted

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I need to leave before I practice what I preach by throwing her over my knee and yanking those thin as fuck leggings down. I spin on my heels and make my way back to the entry. She follows me.

“You aren’t going to do that to me either, Bennet. I’m a grown-ass woman! Do you hear me, I’m not someone you can just intimidate.”

“Doesn’t matter how old you are, baby. I can be eighty and I’d still spank that ass.”

“You…I…you’re bluffing, you ass!”

I laugh and stare her straight in the eye so I can show her how serious I am about this. “Try me, baby. Just fucking try me. Yougo out on a date, and I’ll pull you out of the car, turn your little ass around, handcuff you, and pull your panties down before you get the first words out of that pretty mouth.” I step into her and take the ends of her hair so I can twine them around my fingers. “And Rory, once I put my hands on you, neither one of us will ever be the same.”

I turn back to the door and open it but before I do I flip the flimsy lock on the handle.

“Keep your fucking doors closed, baby. Even if it’s out in the fucking middle of nowhere someone can still try to come in.” I close the door and make a mental note to buy her a better fucking lock for that door when next I see her.

Once I'm back at my house, I have plenty of time to go over the fact I showed up at Rory’s uninvited, talked about her pussy, and told her I would spank her if she went on a date. What the fuck was I thinking? And why can I not get the thought of her bare pussy out of my head?

As soon as Te spilled that Rory liked to keep her pussy bare that was all I could think about. I try not to but it’s there echoing through my mind. It kept me company in the car, whispered to me as soon as I stepped through my door, and now it’s screaming at me. Rory. The kid I’ve known damn near all my life isn’t a kid anymore. She doesn’t have the body of a kid, she doesn’t sound like the kid I used to know, and she doesn’t smell like the kid who always hung out with my sister.

Her body has filled out, softened, and turned into a treasure chest of feminine charms. And little Rory would never have yelled at me and called me an asshole like she did tonight. Quite frankly, her moxy hits me hard right in the goods. I’ve learned I really like arguing with my little princess. And last, but notleast, she smells damn good. Before when we were kids, I always felt like the scent coming from her was sweet and innocent almost like candy. Now, she has a different scent, still innocent and fresh but there’s more of a sensual flavor she’s rocking that reminds me of dark nights spent warped around one another, something deep and warm that lingers when she leaves the room.

My hand drops to my pants without me really meaning for it to. I think about how that scent would get deeper, and fuller if she weren’t wearing clothes and I could spread her legs like I am imagining doing. And if I were to get her naked, would she be smooth and bare like Te said she prefers to be? What would that be like, to see the heart of my childhood friend and explore her body in a way we haven’t been exploring yet?

Would she let me do what I wanted to her? Would she let me treat her like a little princess and worship her pussy like it deserves? I bet she would.

My eyes are closed, and my zipper is down at the thought. My hand shuttles over the long shaft of my cock as I think about what it would be like to eat Rory standing up so the only thing she has to lean on or keep her from falling is me. My princess, Rory, the girl turned sultry woman who is best friends with my sister. This time when I cum I can’t bring up the guilty feelings from before. No self-loathing to be found.

Just more images of ways I want to take Rory if I ever have a chance. I lay with the memory of her all night long until I finally drifted off to sweet dreams of her. Is this going to complicate things? Maybe, but I’ve never run away from a challenge and Rory is the biggest challenge of my life.

Chapter Nine


I think back to two nights ago and my sleepover with Te. Actually, I think back to the visit from Te’s brother. The man drives me crazy, and I need to stop thinking about him.

Once he left all I could do was vent to Te about what a nutjob her brother was. Not that it did me any good because as soon as I got back in the room, I realized she was not on my side at all.

“Wow, the heat between the two of you…” she waves her hand like she’s been burned, “it is off the charts, my sweet friend.”


“You all were so hot I thought I was going to need a fire extinguisher to put you two out, girl.”

I shake my head at her.

“No.” I deny what she is saying. “He’s crazy, Te. You know that, right? It’s not just me. The man is a walking crazy train! Why? Te, why is he a nutjob? What caused him to go looney?”

“If I had to guess I would have to say…you.”

“What? I caused him to lose his fluff and stuff?” Is she right? “How?”

She offers me a smile and pulls me down on the couch beside her, “Talking about your pussy would be one way.”

“I wasn’t talking about my pussy, Te! You were. I realize how weird that sounded as soon as it came out of my mouth.” We start laughing and push each other until both of us have to wipe tears away. “What gives anyway? Why did you tell your fucking brother I shave my hoo-ha?”

“Hoo-ha? Who calls a pussy a hoo-ha?”


“What are you, five?”

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