Page 9 of Haunted

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“I’m a fan of the completely bare myself.”

His sister’s brow crinkles, “You mean, you like to be bare or you like your girlfriends bare?”

My cheeks flame hot enough that I could light a candle off them. Te is asking because she knows I like to be bare. Hell, I’m bare right now.

“Te, damn it, stop!”

“All I’m saying is you usually go bare, and Ben just said…”

I give up trying to talk to her and just dive for her. Bennet is just standing there with a lost look on his face. Wonderful! He’s probably trying not to vomit at the thought of me walking around with a bare pussy. Guess now he’ll like the strip.

“Hey!” His voice is so loud and gruff that both of us spring apart and look up at him. “Why are we trying to decide if Rory should shave it or keep the strip on a certain part of her anatomy?”

Oh God! I’m going to be sick. The embarrassment, the thought of him thinking about it is enough to kill me from embarrassment. I watch as Te looks over at me and then back at her brother and I can just tell…she’s going to make it worse.

“Because silly, she’s going to start dating and get that kitty…”

“Shut up, Bronte!”

“Absolutely not!”

We speak at the same time, so I almost don’t hear what he says. But Bennet makes sure I hear it by repeating his words and going further.

“Absolutely fucking not! You are not going on any dates and showing your shaved pussy to any fucking body!”

Shock hits first but then anger quickly replaces it. How dare he presume he can tell me what to do, especially about somethingthat is not any of his business? Always treating me like a little fucking girl. I jump to my feet to confront him.

“You don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Bennet Underwood!”

Chapter Eight


“You don’t get to tell me what I can do, Bennet Underwood!”

It’s funny that she thinks that. But she’s fucking wrong. My temper was already rocky since I was feeling guilty over what happened in the shower. Then I walked into the open fucking front door where anyone could just come on in on the two innocent girls and got set off again. But the thing that really got me was hearing Rory talking about her pussy.

Hearing her say ‘can we stop talking about my pussy’ had me seeing red. Why were they talking about Rory’s pussy? Then Te says something about her going on dates so she can show it off to the men she dates. Fuck a bunch of that!

“You don’t get to tell me what to do?”

“Yes, I fucking do because…” I come to an abrupt halt in front of her with my finger out. I should think about what I’m saying, maybe come up with a better answer than because I told you so.

“Because why, Bennet?”

She just keeps pushing. And my sister doesn’t make it any better.

“Yeah, Ben, why?”

I give Te a look that tells her she is going to suffer my wrath when we are together again.

“Because I’ll follow her and bust her naked ass…and maybe her naked pussy too!” Rory’s mouth falls open and I can tell I have completely shocked her. She’s flabbergasted. “No dates!”

Her mouth opens and closes for several seconds before she recovers. Te looks between the two of us like she’s observing a tennis match wondering which player is going to win and the house is so fucking quiet you can hear the clock in the hallway ticking.

“You…,” she narrows her eyes and comes towards me. I don’t back down a bit. If she wants to get all up in my face, she’s going to have to rub that body against me to do so. “I’m not your kid sister, Bennet Underwood! I don’t have to do what you tell me to do!”

I take the last step to her, so we are toe to toe. “I understand that, Rory. I wouldn’t be smacking my sister on the pussy either, princess. Or the ass.”

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