Page 67 of Kaphas

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“THEYwhat?” Pain whispered, glancing over his shoulder at his sleeping beauty, hurrying out of their room. “Areal, actualfucking baby?”

“Yes, a realactualfucking baby,” Kult said. Tell me what you think of this.”

Pain paced in the hall, shaking his head, dumbfounded. “A baby? A new one?”

“Brand fucking new. Straight out of the oven and into the fucking dumpster. Kaphassavedits life.”

“How doyoufeel?” Pain wondered, needing direction in this one.

“I feel like they’ve lost their fucking minds and yet... it’s brilliant.Exactlywhat she needs.”

Pain closed his eyes. “Why even discuss it? It sounds done.”

“Oh it’s done. Itis done. They’re on their way here with it so you might wanna prep our Butterfly, but I want to know howyoufeel.”

“I feel like I’m willing to do anything to take that fucking sadness from the depths of her eyes.”

“That’s a good way to see things. Now, you don’t have to like the thing, it’s for her,” Kult reminded.

“I know,” Pain agreed.

“But like it or not, you’ll be doing a lot of shit with it. So, brace yourself. If she thinks you hate it, you’ll ruin it all to hell. You need to prepare. Prepare to see it, prepare to touch it, and hold it, prepare to smile and maybe even coo. She’ll be watching all that shit, but she’ll especially be watching yourface. So, turn your fake-it-till-you-make-it settings to maximum. This needs to be the fucking miracle our angel deserves.”

“Pain?” Butterfly called.

“Fuck, gotta go. Who all knows?” he whispered.

“Everybody but her.”

“What do I tell her? Right now?”

“Fuck,” he muttered. “Tell her... tell her Handy has agiftfor thatislandof brokentrashof hers.”

“What? I can’t saythat.”

“It’s from...the fucking...dumpster!”

“I know! But I can’t call it a piece oftrash!”

“Then tell herwhateveryou think she wants or needs to hear. I’ll call you, Fetch is calling in.”


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