Page 66 of Kaphas

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“I was sad to the depths of me soul and Fetch fathomed I should offer to help and I’m like why didn’t I fathom that! So, I called and got in tight with one of the nurses—used me God card—” she whispered sneakily with a grin “—and heckity hoo, I was in. I told her anytime a mother needed help or other options, to call me. And she did!” she exclaimed.

They were jumping and squealing before the other girls even knew why.

“What did she say?” Celeste demanded.

“A mother wants to give her baby up for adoption, but her parents are against it because they know she’ll go a huntin’ for it later. So, she called me. We’ll take the wee thing off their hands, and nobody will be the wiser, yeah?”

“Oh my God, Butterfly’s going to be so happy!” Celeste squealed.

While they danced about, Kaphas caught Fetch eying him with half a smile. “That’s my wee human wife,” he bragged as Fathom snatched Rosalie from the pile of emotional females and pulled her into his arms.

“Oh!” Rosalie cried then erupted with laughter when electricity arced between them then disappeared under their skin.

“Let’s go!” Rowan said. “We’s supposed to be here right after closing.”

Kaphas pulled Celeste to his body, claiming her hand again. She aimed her pretty eyes up at him and her smile suddenly made the insane mission entirely logical.

While waiting at what seemed to be a back door to the facility, Kaphas created chest straps with his arms and harnessed Celeste with them. She held on with her hands, her nails occasionally digging holes into his skin when he played his vibration tricks right in front of everybody.

“What’s taking so long?” Rowan whispered, pulling her phone out. She put it to her ear and after five seconds, whispered, “We’re here, where are yous?” She stiffened. “What!?”

Kaphas jerked at the sound behind him. He turned his hyper-auditory hearing to maximum and pulled Celeste with him toward it. His pulse raced as he got closer to a metal container, discerning the sound of a tiny being fighting for air.

He ripped the top of the giant dumpster off with one hand and immediately zeroed in on a black bag containing the distress signal.

“Oh my God!” the women gushed when he lifted it out and lay it carefully on the ground, tearing an opening in it.

“Oh my God!” they shrieked at the tiny infant, mouth opening and closing slowly, battling for oxygen.

“Help him!” Celeste screamed.

Kaphas lifted the baby from the ground and turned it over. He focused his fangs into slender points and lowered his mouth to the tiny shoulder. He pierced his skin and his power’s essence entered his little body. Kaphas closed his eyes and followed the life force as it traveled through him. It located the weak, erratic heartbeat and interpreted its rhythm. He quickly drew kinetic energy from the air and cancelled the dying energy before replacing it with an amplified power.

Kaphas held the baby closer to his chest, commanding his heart to beat stronger. The life force obeyed its neural master, creating a healing power that flooded every cell in the fragile wonder he held. He turned the infant over, watching his mouth open wider, and a gasp of air fill its lungs. He eyed his tiny chest, rising and falling more, aware of four tiny hands on his back, their whispered prayers filling the air.

The little heartbeat finally stabilized and Kaphas released his own breath as the baby’s cries sputtered forth. The women sucked in their breath then danced and hugged and cried as he eyed Celeste.

“Oh, thank you, thank you God, he’s alive!” Rowan cried, hurrying closer to see.

“Thank you Kaphas!” Celeste gushed, quickly removing the wrap around her shoulders and holding it open next to the baby.

He laid him in it and the other women helped get it nice and snug till he resembled a delicate wonder, bundled in royal silk.

By the time Celeste held it next to her breast, his little lungs were fully working. He filled the air with furious cries that flooded his matrix codes with powerful chemicals. “He’s... like a tiny little miracle,” Kaphas marveled, looking at Celeste as she nodded and wept.

“He is abeautifulprecious miracle, yes.”

“A pissed little miracle,” Fetch thought with a chuckle as they all studied the wondrous phenomenon.

“Oh, my God,” Celeste whispered, smiling up at Kaphas. “Butterfly will be so happy! You’ve saved two lives tonight.”

She returned to lavishing coos to the baby while her words stirred things in Kaphas that felt potently familiar. Was that his real purpose? To save?

His blood and powers revved and raced at the idea. Maybe he was going to be a soldier after all. He realized it’s what he truly wanted. Not just to save but to protect.

Celeste suddenly held the baby toward him, and he took it in his arms. As he stared at its little face, he was overcome with volatile chemicals from his rapidly firing neurons. The combination necessitated the urge to smile. And he did. They all did.


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