Page 33 of Shank

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Shank’s legs took turns bouncing as he waited outside Sophie’s room to see her. She’d asked for him. That was a good thing. He hoped. No, prayed. Less hoping, more praying. Especially after his talk with Seer, earlier.

What was taking so long? Why would they need to run tests at this hour?

One more stupid question without answers. He had a hundred circling his brain like hungry vultures. Wanting to devour his mind one little piece at a time, each nibble adding five pounds of dread in his soul that was getting harder to ignore. He needed something he could control. Not all this apocalyptic cryptic shit. Something real. Like Sophie.

His phone buzzed and he pulled it out his pocket. “You still up?” he answered.

“I’m on my way to Darby’s apartment.”

Shank stood at his breathless hissed words. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing! Everything! I’m…I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m about to engage in sexual pleasure with her.”


“She told me to stop while I was masturbating on the phone with her.”

“You werewhat?”

“I manipulated her, I connived like asnake, Ace. I have sunk to lows I hadnoidea existed just to…kissher again,” he confessed. “All this while knowing full well the kiss is merely a means into more sexual acts!”

Ace glanced at Sophie’s door and whispered, “I’m still outside Sophie’s room waiting to see her. Where the hell are you now, are you running?”

“I’m right around the corner from her apartment and I’m feeling like I’m about to do something that’ll lead to big problems. Of prophetic proportions. But get this, when I sayproblems,I mean roadblocks to getting what I want which is every manner of sexual deviance I can think up and as it turns out I seem to have aphenomenalamount of those buried in my noble psyche.”

Shank paused, shaking his head. “This is…”



“Odd? Why odd, odd how?”

“I get the pleasure stuff but it’s you, you’re…you seem…too driven.”

“Ace, I feel like I’m going out of my mind with…lust.”

Ace paused at that. “Do you think this has to do with that coin?”


“That damn coin,” he muttered. “With the prophecy.”

Silence stretched before his quiet, “Oh shit.” Another pause then another, “Ohshit. The Obsidian era means darkness. I have to go, I need to talk to Nidev.”

“What about Darby?”


“I’ll call her and tell her you were called in by Nidev for something.”

“And why wouldn’t I just tell her?”

“Because…I met you at your apartment to pass the message? When you were on your way to her.”

“God yes. Yes.Thankyou, brother. I’ll owe you.”

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