Page 22 of Shank

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“Maybe we can tweak that Dreamscape to help find more than just the gifted.”

Zodak turned to see the one who suggested it. 8-Bit, he remembered. “You are the Bishops’ technological leader,” he deducted.

“He’s the techno-King as far as I’m concerned,” Bishop said. “Anything we need, he builds it. Anything you need, he can build it,” he added.

“Damn,” the Hurricane brother marveled, looking around. “If this is some kind of shit-hitting-the-fan-event and the Man Upstairs is giving us a heads up—then this is sounding like some kind of prep-and-rescue mission. I mean… not sure what’s coming but I’d rather not have my pants down when it does.”

“Prepare for the worst, pray for the best is always our way,” Bishop muttered.

“So, you saying we’re building some kind ofswampark?” the warrior named Spar wondered.

A scoff came from Feral. “Where? In the trees?”

Bishop said, “These swamps are vast and mostly empty. Sixty percent water, forty percent land with only maybe five percent of that forty used.”

“And forested,” Vex said.

“That’s what they make bulldozers for,” Hurricane said. “I’ll give you a tour of our Hatches so you can see how that’s done.”

“We will take this tour immediately,” Nidev said, either ignoring or missing the man’s sarcasm that Zodak detected. “I’m in agreement with getting ahead of what may be coming.”

The Bishop slid an anxious hand through his wavy hair, nodding. “This feels right. We prepare for the worst while we find out everything we can. Put every ear to the water, earth and sky. No disrespect, but I’m not entirely sold on this being a prophetic thing. I need more information.”

“What elsecouldit be?” Vale wondered.

“I have no swamply-idea but when you’re keeping one card and drawing four, the bets are low.”

“It’s a card playing reference,” the bat brother said with a chuckle. “If anybody’s scouting by scent or sound, I’m with them.”

“We’ll formulate a plan of unparalleled foresight,” Nidev said. “We’ll marshal our resources with the wisdom of monarchs and master tacticians.”

“My hoard is your hoard,” the Bishop said. “All that is ours in the South Swamp is now the Kings.”

“And all that is the Kings is the Bishops’,” Nidev returned with equal vigor. “Whatever is needed that you lack, we can provide. Cost is no barrier. We have enough to build an entire city if necessary.”

“And we have all the manpower that could be needed,” the giant man named Spar said.

“Is it far-fetched to assume that the Bishop’s wife’s suggestion of unlocking the Kings’ power through some sort of relationship is relevant to what is happening?” Vale asked.

“It is not,” Nidev said. “The prophecy may be positioning them for fulfilment as it positioned us with the Bishops.”

“That doesn’t define whatsortof bond is required,” Rukem said. “There are other bonds that need testing.”

“Well, I know one thing,” the Bishop injected, looking around at all of them. “If acompletebond including sex with a female is required for a worst case scenario, I don’t have to tell you what needs to happen, do I?”

“You might have to tell a few of them,” Bullets muttered. “You got a fewVicki’sin this bunch.”

“What are Vicki’s,” Zodak wondered.

“Pussies,” Bullets defined. “Men with royal dicks and no balls.”

“You sound intimate with the term,” Vex said. “Minus the royal dick.”

“We all are,” Shank assured. “But in the end, we put our dicks in it because that’s what’s required, not some pansy friendship bullshit.”

“How about I put my royal dick in your ignorantmouth,Mutt,” Rukem returned.

“Hoooly shit,” Hurricane chuckled as tensions erupted.

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