Page 23 of Shank

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“Is this a Creole King Kink?” Traps wondered with a big laugh.

Zodak struggled to keep up with the unfamiliar terms while grappling with the emotions he was hearing from these men and unable to see.

“I don’t give a damn what is required,” Bishop said. “But if we’re going to be teammates in this search and rescue, we need to understand that being on the same page in all respects isnon-negotiable. Are we fucking, are we fighting, are we playing footsies? That needs to be worked out and once it is, we are all in asone.There can benodivision among us. We deal with thesefuckingparticulars, pun intended, and then put it to eternal rest.”

“And how do we do that?” Vex demanded.

“How about an arm wrestle?” Spar chuckled.

“Tug of war,” Traps called out. “I can provide the rope!”

“I think every King is supposed to decide for themselves.”

All heads turned to the Maggie woman in the arms of her husband.

“That part isn’t…something you decide with dice or contests or even logic as the Kings well know. It’s something that must be decided by the heart.”

Bishop pointed at her while looking at all the men. “Andthisis why we need our women. So, who agrees with her?” He raised his hand and the rest of his men followed.

“Sounds reasonable,” Nidev said, looking around at the rest of the Kings. “You have my vote.”

“And mine,” Vale said.

“Ja,” Dalk muttered in agreement.

Zodak listened in mild wonder as one by one his Creole Kings agreed to this solution. Each King would be required to determine whether or not he…put his dick in it. Oddly, this was something Zodak was familiar with from his street life even while having zero personal experience in the matter.

He didn’t envy the Kings decision.


“Adozenalligator hides? Twenty-four lemur furs, fifty quail? Lazure, what are youdoing,our daughter is gonna up and run off!”

“I’m collecting adowry, woman. And you forgot the two dozen sacks of crawfish, two barrels of corn, five sacks of potatoes and onions, five dressed wild hogs and the three gallons of tabasco sauce.”

“I didn’t forget nothin’! You sound like you’re collecting supplies for a shin-dig not a wedding dowry for our only—”

Lazure eyed his wife with her hands on her hips, eyes now wide. He grunted as she threw herself on him.

“This is forhershin-dig?”

“Was thinking a double wedding,” he said, getting another huge gasp and a lot of kisses.

He chuckled, grabbing her face and giving her a real kiss till they were both moaning.

“For our babies?”

“Our first and last,” he muttered, slowing the kiss to reverent which she interpreted as nasty, grabbing his dick.

“This wedding talk arouses you?” she whispered.

“No,youarouse me.”

“I love you so much,” she said, back to dirty kissing before she drew back with another gasp. “You asked for tools too!” Another huge breath. “House building ones!”

“Ma Petite doo-boe-tay is sharp like a gator’s canine.” He chuckled as she straddled him in the chair and sat on his cock. “This pleases you,” he said lowly, gripping her tits in his eager hands. She pulled her skirts higher and moved his hand between her legs. He looked around on the porch, finding the morning still enshrouded in fog as he stroked her naked, soft pussy.

“I was planning to use sex to get my way,” she gasped, explaining her missing panties.

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