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‘Hmmm, I wonder what that would be like.’ Trishalaughed again. ‘Oh, hun, you always know how to cheer me up. Listen, good luck with your interview, you’ll knock ‘em dead.’

‘Well, hopefully not, but thanks!’

Miranda returned to the strange silence that would be with her for the next few days. No noisy neighbours, no passing traffic, just the soft, rhythmic gush of the ocean, and faint music wafting up from the dining hall downstairs.

Craving the salty air on her skin, she wandered downstairs and outside to the deck near the garden. A warm breeze greeted her, gently lifting the hair about her face. She’d arrived just in time to watch the sunset. How rewarding it felt to finally breathe easily, to feel the full expansion of her lungs, which up until now had felt like they were trapped in a cage. It was like her heart had been trapped in a cage too; afraid to really open up and love, too scared that if she found love it would be taken away from her.

Maybe the fall down the stairs had somehow cracked open that cage along with her ribs, because her heart felt more open, more welcoming to new possibilities. Instead of the overwhelming sadness from her father’s death, Miranda was now overwhelmed with gratitude; gratitude at being lucky enough to experience such love from both her parents. Despite the fact her father wasn’t here to guide her anymore, the love he gave her still existed.

When the pinkish-red smudges had almost faded from the sky, Miranda turned to make her way to the dining hall. As she wiped her feet on the mat outside the door, a flicker of colour caught her attention and she turned her gaze to the left. A butterfly had landed gently on her shoulder, its colours and patterns coming alive in the fading sunlight, thereflection from the ocean twinkling on the butterfly’s wings, like her statue.

On the lastday of her retreat, Miranda walked to the vibrant community markets, the breeze sculpting the fabric from her maxi dress around her curves. The sun shone down in streams of light through the patchy clouds, and the crowd of people seemed somehow connected, like they were all family.

She strolled past the African drummers, the rhythm merging with her own heartbeat; strong, efficient, yet calm. As Miranda admired multiple craft stalls, children’s rides, and colourful displays, a pure sense of peace soothed her like a balm. Peace with the world, peace with her life, and mostly, peace with herself. Yes, Miranda was happy.

A stall caught her eye.Oooh, ice cream.Must have one!She skipped over like a child entering a candy store.

‘What will it be, love?’ asked the man behind the stall.

‘A banana one, thanks,’ she replied.

‘You can have two scoops, you know, do you want another flavour as well?’

‘No, just two scoops of banana. It's always been my favourite.’ She grinned.

‘Oki doki, coming right up.’

She stepped away from the stall, licking her ice cream, and a male voice said: ‘Banana's always been my favourite too.’

Miranda glanced up mid-lick and warmth flushed her cheeks. It was Matt, the nurse who looked after her in hospital.Oh God! Did he really see my beige TrimTummy briefswith extra support panel?‘Hi, um ... hi,’ was all she could manage.

‘I see you've fully recovered?’ His wavy brown hair sheltered his dark eyes.

‘Yep, all better now, no scars, thank goodness.’ Although, she did feel a remnant of ice cream on her upper lip and wondered how she might discreetly lick it off.

‘Miranda, isn't it?’

‘You remember?’

‘How could I forget? You only spelled it out for me a dozen times.’ Creases tickled the corners of his eyes, his charm coming alive with his smile.

‘Oh really? Sorry ‘bout that!’ She lowered her gaze to the grass and kicked a non-existent twig.

‘Let's start again, shall we? No morphine involved this time.’ He held out his hand, the hair on his tanned arm sparkling in the sun. ‘I'm Matt.’

‘I’m Miranda.’ She giggled, sliding her hand into his and giving it a gentle shake.

‘So, what brings you to this beautiful part of the world, Miranda, is it the scenery or the ice cream?’

‘Gotta be the ice cream.’ She smiled. ‘No, actually I'm taking some time off.’ They started walking together. ‘I’m staying at Serenity Retreat for some R and R.’

‘They've let you loose for the afternoon, have they?’

‘Yeah, you could say that ... I'm supposed to be eating a vegan diet for the week, but I guess that's gone out the window now!’ Miranda licked her ice cream. ‘What about you, are you here for the scenery or the ice cream?’

Matt smiled softly. ‘My mum lives here, I’m spending time with the family after...’ He stopped walking. ‘…my father passed away.’

‘Oh, I’m so sorry, Matt.’

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