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‘Bring your awareness back to your body, wiggle your toes, take a deep breath, and when you’re ready, open your eyes.’ The meditation instructor’s soothing, deep voice displaced the silence. Miranda didn’t want to move. She’d finally grown used to this thing called ‘relaxation’, and the high she felt was almost as good as chocolate.Almost. Not that she’d be eating any chocolate here, it was forbidden at Serenity Retreat, along with most of the other food groups. She still didn’t know what the thing she ate for lunch was. Whatever it was, it tasted superb. Who would have thought something that looked like it’d been arranged in the garden could taste so nice. She could get used to this healthy eating, although she’d still kill for a block of Cadbury’s.

‘You can stay for the next class if you like.’ The instructor peered over the top of Miranda, still lying on the floor.

‘Oh, that’s okay.’ She got up slowly. ‘I’ll come back in the morning. I’ve got a nutrition seminar to attend next.’ Miranda was making use of all the activities, and thoroughly enjoying each one, except for almost re-breaking her ribs after slipping by the pool yesterday. Luckily, the water broke her fall, and she laughed it off, as did a couple of bystanders. Whether in high heels or bare feet, she was never safe from mishaps.

‘Enjoy the rest of your day. Namaste.’ The instructor put his hands together in a prayer position and bowed, before turning away to tidy up the mats for the next class. Miranda copied his bow awkwardly, then turned and left the room.

The nutrition seminar gave Miranda many useful eating tips, and dispelled her long held belief that chocolate and coffee were an essential food group in their own right. And who would have thought the human body was around seventy percent water? Miranda was sure they’d got it wrong, convinced there was more fat than water in her body. Although, with three days of eating only plant foods the percentage was probably somewhat reduced now.

Miranda told a small lie when the nutritionist asked the group how many glasses of water each drank per day. She replied ‘six’ when in fact it was more like two, but there’d been days when she’d had six, so she simply wanted to convey the fact that she could if she wanted to. Apparently though, even six wasn’t enough. The nutritionist emphasised that eight glasses were needed, even more in cases of heavy exercise. Well, that wouldn’t be a problem; she hadn’t exercised heavily since before her accident. In fact, she could probably count on her hand the number oftimes she’d exercised heavily in her whole life. Miranda had been back to the gym briefly after her fall, where Naomi gave her some light exercises to do during her recovery, and made her promise to return when she was fully healed.

Upon returning to her room, Miranda checked her phone. There was a text message from Trisha:

Hi 30 yr old! Bet yr enjoying paradise, if u want gimme a call. T :)

There was also a voice message:

‘Hi Miranda, it’s Jill from Harbourside Haven. Thanks for dropping your resume in a while back, we actually have a full-time position beginning in the new year, so if you’d like to come in for an interview, please give us a call to secure a time. Thanks, bye.’

A full-time position at the salon within Harbourside Towers? Miranda jiggled up and down. This was exactly what she was looking for! She’d been disappointed when Jill told her there were no job openings back in June, but considering Miranda was already a Harbourside employee, she hoped they’d keep her name at the top of the list should anything become available. ‘Jill? Hi, it’s Miranda Sheppard, returning your call. I’d love to come in for an interview. I’m away at the moment, but how’s Monday next week?’

‘Let’s see ... I can fit you in at two pm, how’s that?’

‘That’s perfect. I’ll see you then, thanks Jill.’

‘Bye, Miranda.’

Miranda squealed, then called Trisha’s number.

‘Guess what? I’ve got an interview at Harbourside Haven next week!’

‘That’s great, Miranda. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.’ Hervoice was flat.

‘Thanks.’ Miranda crinkled her nose. ‘Is everything okay with you?’

‘Yeah, I’m okay, it’s just...’ She sighed. ‘We’ve been trying and trying, but I’m not falling pregnant, it’s so frustrating.’

‘Aw, honey, I can understand. I’m sure it’ll happen. One of the women in The Life Makeover Club was having the same trouble, and she’s now pregnant.’

‘That’s encouraging, I guess. Anyway, we’ve been added to the waiting list for this top specialist, but it’ll be another two months before we can get in. Tell you what, I know why they call us ‘patients’, it’s such a waiting game.’

‘Well, when it does happen, and itwill, you’re gonna make an awesome mother. You’ve had enough practise looking after me!’

Trisha’s laugh filled the air. ‘True, true. Anyway, sorry to burden you with my worries, you’re supposed to be enjoying some peace and quiet. What’s it like there?’

‘Absolutely beautiful. Not just the retreat, the whole town. I think I could live here.’

‘Maybe you will one day, but not too soon, okay? I’d miss you.’

‘You and Shane could move here as well. This place could use Shane’s cooking expertise, I don’t think they’ve even heard of things called chicken, or steak.’

‘Oh, vegetarian, is it?’

‘Worse. Vegan.’

‘Wow, that’s an undertaking, no animal products of any kind. You must be starving, girl!’

‘Nah, it’s actually been nice. I wish I could make vegetables the way they do. With any luck I’ll meet and fall in love with a chef.’

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