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Wendy’s hand hovered over the plate of choc chip cookies like a UFO about to invade Earth, but on seeing Gina glance in her direction, she moved her hand to the dried fruit and nuts on offer and grabbed a handful, popping them into her mouth. Did people think Gina was one of those health-obsessed types? She wouldn’t have thought badly of Wendy if she’d grabbed a cookie, but Wendy must have assumed as much. Sometimes Gina ate cookies. Maybe once every two or three months, but that was the limit. And she’d do an extra workout session to counteract it. Okay, maybe shewasa tad health-obsessed.

When Molly finished showing anyone who would look her growing portfolio of well-groomed pets, and Rebecca finished with the fourth phone call she ‘just had to take’, the group quietened down and sat in their chairs.

Gina sat to the left of Liz, knowing her propensity for going around the room clockwise. She wanted to discuss her issues before she chickened out again, and no doubt Naomi would check tomorrow if she’d followed through. This was the fifth meeting of the club, and she hadn’t mentioned anything about her marriage and fertility problems. Nor, how she was thinking of quitting her job. It was time to get at least some things out in the open, as she grew increasingly dissatisfied every day. The longer she stayed in her rut, the harder it was toclimb out.

‘I think we’ll start with you tonight.’ Liz gestured to Cara who was seated to her right.

Huh? Why is everyone out of character tonight?I stood still on the escalators, Cara arrived early, and Liz is going anti-clockwise!Gina hoped her resolve would last until it was her turn.

Cara discussed the progress she and Pete were making, how she may have an opportunity to earn money from her art, and she thanked Miranda for her role in The Amazing Weekend Getaway.

So that’s why they’re all chummy now.Gina had never had a weekend away from Marvin during their whole relationship. They saw each other every single day. He was as familiar to her as the grey walls of her office.

As Gina half-listened to everyone’s progress, contributing the occasional clap, smile, and words of support, she kept going over in her mind what she wanted to say. By the time her turn in the Hot Seat came, she still hadn’t worked it out. This unnerved her, as she was normally overly prepared for every situation in her life. Most scenarios she participated in had a structure, a plan, and an expected outcome, but this was uncertain, fluid, and loose. She felt like she was on a boat rocking this way and that, unable to steady herself. She drew in a breath and hoped for the best, even though that seemed a ridiculous strategy. ‘I haven’t made a great deal of progress towards my goals yet, mostly because I’m still figuring out what they are!’ She let out an awkward snorting sound then cleared her throat. See? If she’d had a plan to follow, she wouldn’t make a fool of herself. ‘Anyway, I was talking to my personal trainer, my good friend, about some problems I was having at work. She suggested I quit my job and do something completely different.’ The group nodded,listening intently.Oh. They want me to keep going. Right.‘Because I’m into fitness, she thinks I’d make a good personal trainer. Like her.’

‘And what do you think, Gina?’ asked Liz.

‘I think I’m too old, too shy, and too scared to be a personal trainer.’ Whoa.I do?That came out of nowhere.

‘Let me put this to you Gina: If you were twenty-five, outgoing, and had no fear, would you want to become a personal trainer?’ Liz asked.

‘Yes, I think I would. But – ’

‘Uh-uh, nobutsyet,’ Liz interjected. ‘The first step is to establish if youwantthis, if you’repassionateabout it. Are you really passionate about fitness?’

Gina retrieved her list of Top Five Passions from her mental library.Passion number two: ‘Experiencing perfect health and optimal fitness, and enjoying daily exercise.’‘Definitely,’ she replied.

‘Are you passionate about your current job?’ Liz asked.

‘No. I’m grateful for the income, but I want to make a valuable contribution to people’s lives through my work, and I don’t feel I’m doing that.’

‘Then something needs to change.’ Liz’s unblinking stare could rival Naomi’s. She had this ability to be incredibly kind and sharply authoritarian at the same time. ‘So, you think you’re too old to become a personal trainer?’

‘I guess so. And to start a new career in general, regardless of whether it’s in fitness or not. I shouldn’t waste the experience and skills I’ve already developed,’ Gina explained.

‘Hang on, Gina, let’s stick to the age issue for the moment. How old are you?’


Wendy and Molly shifted in their chairs and Leanne cleared her throat. Rebecca opened her mouth as if to speak but then clamped her lips tight, which must have been hard for her. They were older than Gina.

‘Gina, do you think you have the required level of fitness to become a personal trainer?’

‘Yes, I do.’

‘And have you seen any trainers that are older than you?’

‘I’ve seen some in their forties, and my Pump instructor is in her fifties. But they’ve been in the industry a long time and have years of experience.’

‘Well, there you go. There’s nothing to say you can’t work to a ripe age as a personal trainer, if you maintain your health and fitness. Would that be right?’

‘Yes, I suppose it would.’ Gina nodded.

‘Gina, I was fifty-years-old when I became a life coach. I want you to know that although it sounds cliché, it’s never too late to start over.’

‘Gina, I’d kill for a figure like yours,’ said Wendy. ‘You should definitely make the most of it, I say.’

‘Hear, hear.’ Rebecca looked glad to have an opportunity to speak, even if just words of support.

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