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Cara laughed and shook her head, pushing open the door to the ladies room. ‘David’s charming, Miranda. Why didn’t you snatch him up before that Martini woman?’

‘Charming is the right word.Toocharming.’ Miranda rolled her eyes.

‘What’s wrong with that?’

‘What’s wrong, is that he goes after anything that moves. We went out together years ago, but he cheated on me.’

‘Oh, Miranda! Why didn’t you say so? If I’d known, I wouldn’t have let them talk us into sitting with them.’ Cara put her hand on Miranda’s back.

‘It doesn’t matter. It’s history now, and anyway, we need to get used to being around each other. I do have to work with the guy, after all.’

‘Well, it’s his loss. You’re a much better catch than that alcoholic beverage with legs.’

Miranda doubled over and burst out laughing. Cara joined in, stopping abruptly when the alcoholic beverage parked her legs in the doorway, arms crossed, eyes like lasers targeting them for the kill. Cara and Miranda escaped to a cubicle each, hiding until they heard the flush and the slap of the door closing.

‘I don’t know why,’ Miranda said, as they emerged to wash their hands, ‘but a lot of embarrassing things seem to happen to me in bathrooms.’

‘Then let’s get out of here before you cause another!’They exited and discreetly wandered to the bar, Cara smiling at the fact that not only was she having a fun night, but she’d made a new friend too. A friend without children, someone she could talk to about topics unrelated to parenthood for a change.

‘What’ll it be?’ asked the bartender.

Miranda leaned her forearms on the bar and smiled cheekily. ‘Two Martinis, thanks.’


Life Makeover Principle #5:

Live a life aligned with your PASSIONS.

‘Thank you, Gina, here’s your Platinum gift pack.’ The receptionist at City Health and Fitness handed Gina a silver bag filled with product samples, health books, and a USB stick with exclusive exercise and health videos, as a bonus for renewing her gym membership for another year.

‘Thank you, too.’ With a satisfied smile, she turned in the direction of the escalators, when Naomi came out of the staff room and stopped her. ‘Now, Gina, youaregoing to bring up the issue tonight, aren’t you?’

‘Of course. Anything to stop you nagging me all the time.’ She laughed, but Naomi didn’t budge.

‘I’m serious. Youdowant to makeover your life, don’t you?’


‘Good. Discuss it with the group, and put things in motion.’ Naomi patted the side of Gina’s face and strutted out the front door, her butt muscles popping out with each step. People entering the gym stopped and made way for her as she walked past. Naomi had that effect on people; she could probably part the Red Sea if she wanted to.

Gina sucked in a preparatory breath and stepped onto the escalator, uncharacteristically staying put until it delivered her to the top. Normally she’d stomp up the escalator in dispute, regarding them as one of many modern conveniences that hindered a person’s health, along with the microwave oven, remote controls, and elevators. Tonight though, she wanted to take the opportunity to be still, breathe deeply, and calm her nerves, if only for a few moments. Why was she so scared to live the life she wanted? Why couldn’t she just make a decision and go for it?

Almost tripping when the escalator step merged with the floor, Gina caught her breath and walked in light, rhythmic footsteps towards The Ruby Room. She withdrew her water bottle from her bag and took a few sips before opening the door.

Her eyebrows rose slightly on seeing Cara Collins already there, chatting happily to Miranda.Huh?Cara normally burst through the door red-faced around 7:15 pm, frantically apologising for her lateness, and blaming it onCity Traffic. The same city traffic that managed to bring everyone else there on time. Also, she rarely talked to Miranda. They often seemed to irritate each other, but tonight, they were like old friends.

‘Hi, Gina,’ Cara and Miranda said in unison.

‘Hi. How are you both tonight?’ Gina replied.

‘Great!’ said Cara.

‘How are you?’ asked Miranda.

‘Not too bad, thanks.’ She retreated to make a cup of green tea.Not too bad?Close to forty years on Planet Earth and that’s all she had to say about her life? She might as well have said ‘A little less crappy than yesterday, but still overall crappy, thanks for asking.’ She wondered what it would be like to say ‘I’m fantastic!’ and actually mean it.

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