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When I pull up, the vision is much worse than I expected...

I leave my lights shining over the scene to help me see the image not even my nightmares had conjured up. Both Iris and Beau are handcuffed and chained to the ground on their knees, just like the guy was before. Their mouths are taped shut, blinders over their eyes, left in nothing but their underwear and Iris’ little crop top bra she loves so much. There’s another person chained to the ground to the right of them, but there’s a hood covering his head so I have no idea who it could be. With any luck, I have to choose one of the three to kill and this will be over in half of a second.

The members clad in their emerald robes and masked faces start to move around the grounds, making this officially ritualistic and not easing my nerves in the slightest.

I get close enough, trying my hardest not to flip my shit and lose control, knowing I have to keep a clear head about this so I can get us all the fuck out of here, safely. “Kingston Banks. Do you know why you’re here tonight?” One of the robes takes the lead of this hellacious ceremony while I attempt to figure out how to respond to their question. Of course, I fucking know why I’m here. But do I want them to know I understand what they expect out of me?

“Please clarify what you expect from me.” I take the easier path and wait for them to explain it to me. I need all the information I can get. I run my gaze over Beau and Iris again, scanning their bodies for injuries, but thankfully they appear to be okay.For now.

It still irks the fuck out of me they have my woman on her knees. It’s not their place. She only bows for me, or Beau, and it has to be her decision. I may not be able to do much today but mark my words… someone will fucking pay for putting her in that position. I’ll make fucking sure of it.

“You were told to bring one home and kill the other,” he reminds me. It has to be a man; the fuck is tall and willowy, like a goddamn tree wearing a robe and I’m saying that as a fairly big guy myself. I swallow, my throat growing dry at the realization the society’s not going to let this go. They’re going to punish me for not obeying.

“Yes, I was.”

“Yet, you’ve done neither. You chose to go above the Brotherhood, to take your order into your own hands. We didn’t grant you permission. You answer to us, Kingston Banks.”

“May I ask for a different order? You can give me ten others in place of this one and I will complete them no problem. You have my word.”

“Your word?” It’s said mockingly. They go on, dousing any hope momentarily filling my chest. “We do not negotiate.”

I still can’t make out the voice behind the mask and it only serves to frustrate me further. Iris whimpers behind the tape while Beau remains stoic and at peace. He and I talked about this exact scenario happening and he made me promise to choose him as my target. Our conversation fucking sucked and even though I promised him, I could never follow through on it. At the end of the day, I love two people. Iris and Beau. I will not let them die because of circumstances I can control.

“Is this guy one of my options?” I hedge, scrounging for anything at this point but my optimism is killed once again with the response they give.


“Alright. What’s the weapon of choice?” I ask, hoping for a gun so it’ll be quick. The robed guy in charge waves a hand toward a small table set up in front of Beau. When I see the pistol, I instantly exhale. This is the first feeling of relief I’ve felt since I fucked Iris yesterday morning before the sun came up. It was bliss and I’m so fucking grateful I got to feel my woman and whisper how much I love her before I make this sacrifice.

“You have one minute to make your decision,” they command, making my muscles clench. I can’t believe I’ve looked forward to joining the Brotherhood of Darkness for so many years, only for it to come down to tonight. I was a fucking idiot to believe the society would protect me, but at least through this Beau will know. He’ll watch out for himself and Iris and be certain he can never trust any of them.

I haven’t spoken to my parents in weeks. The thought hits me, and guilt claws at my insides. My mother will be a wreckfrom my choice tonight. Beau will no doubt try to comfort her, but she’ll push everyone away.

Iris wails under the tape, screaming and crying as I take the gun in my hand. “Shh, baby. I love you and everything’s going to be alright,” I say aloud, no longer giving a fuck about the others surrounding me. In this moment it’s only us. She can’t see anything, but she can hear. I wish like hell I could put ear plugs in her ears, so she doesn’t hear what I’m about to do.

What I have to do.

I move closer to Iris and Beau, walking around them, and hating how they can’t touch me in return. I don’t do well being alone and right now I have to make peace I’ll always be by myself.

My entire life flashes before my eyes and I couldn’t swallow or speak a single word now if they asked me to. There’s a vice around my chest with the heaviness of what I’m about to do. The severity of my situation is worse than an anchor, plunging me into the depths of darkness as it sinks me to the bottom of the ocean, slowly stealing every breath along the way.

Caressing her cheek, I linger at her side much longer than I should, but I can’t break my touch from her soft skin. I love her so much my heart literally aches right now, as pain skates over my pecs. It’ll be gone soon, but in the meantime, it reminds me I’m very much alive. For now.

My grip on Beau’s shoulder is meant to comfort him, even though I know there’s nothing that can ease us through this. It will be hard on them both, but they’ll get through this together. It’s all I want, my best friend’s happiness. He deserves everything right in this world for never leaving my side. He’s a good man. The best I’ve ever met, if I’m being honest with myself, and there’s no time right now to be anything but. I love him too.

Once I’ve walked around and silently said my goodbyes to them both, there’s only one thing I have left to do...

I grip the pistol, flicking the safety off, then place the barrel against my temple.

And pull the trigger.

Part Two



“You were told to bring one home and kill the other,” he reminds me. The voice is distorted, but it has to be a man. The fuck is tall and willowy, like a goddamn tree wearing a robe and I’m saying that as a fairly big guy myself. I swallow, my throat growing dry at the realization the society’s not going to let this go. They’re going to punish me for not obeying.

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