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King follows my move, allowing his chair to screech loudly to drive our promise in. We’re about two steps from being outof Henry’s formal dining room when the old man’s voice stops us both in our tracks. “This society... Why would you have my granddaughter involved in such a group ofmonsters?”

I take a deep breath and quickly think about how perfect it is that King and I have the best poker faces around. “What society are you talking about? We’re not privy to such an organization. As far as I know, those establishments are banned from university property.” My voice doesn’t waver. He nods at my response, his eyes boring into mine while he searches for a sign of the bold faced lie I just let slip off my tongue without blinking.

He waves his fork toward the door to dismiss us. “As you were.” We make it a few more steps before he stops us again. “Oh, and boys… next time, I’ll have you killed for stepping foot on my property. The only reason you’re standing there now is because my granddaughter foolishly thinks she loves you.” He huffs before he takes a drink, seemingly defeated and deep in thought.

We use the front door this time and I know we’re both a little relieved when the dogs don’t chase us to the gate.

Chapter 27


It’s been twenty-four hours since Iris left the hotel room. The only thing saving everyone around me is how relaxed her grandfather is over the situation. I have to hold on to that meaning she’s truly safe. And it kills me to admit, but she’s much safer wherever she is than here with us.

We’ve sent a message to the society, knowing our fate has probably already been decided by the masks, but hope we can reason with them about their demands. They can slaughter me, so long as they leave Iris the hell alone. They’re crazy to believe I’ll settle for anything less. They may be ridiculously powerful, but I’ll take whatever members I can out on my way to death’s door. They need to remember they invited me to join them, it wasn’t the other way around. Sure, I wanted in, but I’m an automatic in because of who I am.

Kingston motherfucking Banks. Disgustingly wealthy.Formerplayboy. And one of those so-calledmonsters,as Iris’ grandfather graciously pointed out. A natural born killer, if you will. I’ve never denied it, and the Brotherhood would be stupid to underestimate the lengths I’ll go to. They want to test our loyalty? They haven’t fucking seen loyalty until it comes to what I’ll do for those I love.

Beau and I stayed at a hotel again last night, wanting to have at least a few more hours to brainstorm and not have to watch our backs the entire time. We considered contacting our fathers but concluded they would not understand my dilemma. To them the decision would be easy. They’d probably off our mothers today if they were given the same order and not lose a wink of sleep over guilt.

We’re not them, though. We’re different.

I park my HyperSport in my usual parking spot and wait for Beau to pull in with his truck. He caught a few lights behind me but should be here any minute. Climbing out of the sleek beauty, I stroll for the fraternity house, expecting the masked members to ambush me at any moment. Fuck knows they couldn’t take me single-handedly, they’d need a fucking mob to control me.

I’m almost to the front door, grabbing my keycard to enter when my phone goes off.


You’ve decided to defy the Brotherhood. Do you believe you’re above the process?


No, I’ve been willing to cooperate from day one. However, I think there are different ways for me to prove my loyalty to the society.


You do not hold the power to change orders. You claim your willingness to pledge, yet defy us. We don’t offer second chances, to anyone.

I hesitate sending my next response, knowing it will most likely end the conversation, but I refuse to beg and plead like a fucking pussy. I can’t live like this, and I refuse to. The pressure of the society’s demands the last few days is enough to send a man to his grave. They can’t truly expect me to choose between the two most important people in my life, and I won’t. Fuck them.


Do what you have to do.

I double-step to my room, packing up what I can before I meet the Reaper that’s bound to be headed my way. My phone vibrates in my pocket once again.


Decide your own fate at Lost Souls Park. Be there in one hour.

Fuck. One hour? That’s about how long it’s supposed to take to get there. I have to be faster, there’s no other choice in the matter. I grab a load of everything I can carry, stuffing it into my backpack until I get to the park. I sling my bag over my shoulder and step out the door. I’m in a rush, so I jog to my car, toss my stuff in and squeal my tires leaving the parking lot. Fuck the university rules, they’re lucky I haven’t burned this place to the fucking ground with what I’ve gone through the past week.

Beau’s not back yet, so I dial his number as soon as I’m speeding down the road. When he doesn’t answer, I text him.Dread churns in my stomach as I regret not making sure we arrived at the same time so we would be in this together. If I was a guessing guy, they’ve given him a similar text and I’ll be seeing him shortly.

I roll my windows down and take in the fresh air blowing through my car. My chest has been tight for days, so any help getting an easier breath is welcome. I want to believe they’re bringing me here to give me another order. One that doesn’t involve me making a personal sacrifice to prove my devotion to the society. I can’t imagine that everyone who pledges has to accept this type of loss to get in.

I’m driving much faster than I should be to Lost Souls, but I suspect Beau is there. My mind keeps replaying the memories of the last time I was in the creepy woods, surrounded by fifty-ish members and I can only hope they don’t have him chained up like that guy was.

This time I don’t fuck around with parking and hoofing it through the grounds; instead I hop the curb to take the most direct route. My side skirts scrape as the concrete rips against the bottom of my beautiful luxury sports car. I’m not taking a chance of being captured before I make it to the spot I was taken to last time.

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