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I drop low, cowering down to hide from view and run back to the bedroom in search of a gun. It could be anybody out there and I’m not taking a chance with our safety. Iris hears me and rushes to her feet. She meets my gaze, anxiety filling hers as she questions me. “What’s wrong?”

“Shhh. Get dressed and hide in the closet. Here, take this just in case.” I toss her the nearest handful of clothes I find into the closet and place the pistol in her hand. “Hurry,” I whisper.

We both freeze in place with the sound of the kitchen door opening. I point to the closet until she tiptoes past me. I have just enough time to hide behind the bedroom door before I hear the footsteps approaching, my heart rate skyrocketing as adrenaline fills me. My breathing slows, my ears straining, as I wait for the person to walk past the small crack I can see through.

Chapter 21


It’s hard to concentrate on anything, let alone exams in the middle of my search for Iris. I’ve been losing my mind inside, but regardless, I grit through the boring bullshit and manage to still pull the highest grades in my classes. I have to keep up with everything including my orders, or my father will flip his shit. I learned as much early on and the last thing I need at this point is him thinking I can’t handle things. My father loves me, I have no doubt, but while I have limitless perks in this life, there’s also the heavy weight of certain expectations always bearing down on me. For example, he expects me to earn top honors in my courses and shine at any extracurriculars I pursue. He demands I maintain a high GPA as well as excel socially.

I can’t help but wonder how the fuck any of it matters, when the woman I love has disappeared. My father’s delusional, but the few times he’s called or texted I’ve managed to act like everything’s okay. It’s not, though, and the extra burden of worrying what he’s thinking of me brings back memories from last year.

He’d believed I was going to be namedMost Eligible Bachelorwhen I was a freshman. I’d worked my ass off to do the best in everything, however, I didn’t quite reach that goal-though I should’ve. I came in second with the votes, but it still wasn’t good enough and I’ve heard about it several times since. He swears all this shit will open more doors for our company in the future, so damn near every move Beau and I have made in the past has been under surveillance at some point. I’ll admit it’s hard to balance it all sometimes, but I never show my struggle outside of my best friend and my family.

I’m at the top of the social ladder and anything less would be an utter fucking tragedy to my family.

I head straight to my room, head a mess as I scour every face I pass by for some sort of clue where my woman could be. I don’t know whether they all know and I appear to be a fucking fool or they know absolutely nothing. It’s fucking maddening. I can’t stand not being in some semblance of control and the society has the power to strip you of all of it.

My phone’s lit up with various unread texts from today, but there’s no information I need. My frat brothers have messaged throughout the day and I’ve been ignoring them all. It’s a trend I’ve adopted since Iris and Beau both disappeared, and I’ve been on a never-ending hunt, desperate for a clue. It’s not like I’m missing anything, the frat brothers were discussing exams and what to expect, which quickly switched to plans for another party now that everyone’s finished. The last thing I want to deal with tonight is a party full of dipshits. They’ll ask me where Beau is, and it’ll make me snap. I’ll end up killing one of them and I don’t need to worry about another grave on my conscience right now.

Grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, I stroll for the bathroom. It feels as if the weight of the world is riding on my shoulders and I’ve gotten next to no sleep since I’ve been racking my brain on how to get Iris back. I’d do anything for her, be anyone she needed and right now I’m being one shitty fucking hero. I turn on the shower and strip down, momentarilyglancing at my bloody knuckles with a sigh. There’s no way to hide them but at this point I don’t give a shit. What’s one more scar on top of everything else?

I step into the shower and let the hot water hit my sore muscles. Shaking my head, I can’t stop the thoughts of Iris and the last time I fucked her in here.I’ll be dreaming of her tonight, like I do every night. She'll whisper to me in my sleep, filling me with the false hope she’s laying there beside me and still will be when I wake up. Even when she’s not gone, I have wild dreams of her, full of vivid sex scenes that I always wake up from hard as fuck. The difference is usually I can roll over and sink deep into her tight cunt, pound her until she swears she can’t walk and I’ve filled her up with my cum, marking her as mine all over again. I’ve always had a healthy sexual appetite but when it comes to her, well, I’ve never fucked so much in my life, nor have I ever been so content.

I’d rather not use up all the hot water so I make it quick. Most of the frat is all home at once and they’ll need a hot as hell shower after a long week of studying. As self-centered as I typically tend to be, I’m not a complete dick with no thought for anyone else. I head back to my room, towel wrapped around my waist, and find my room as empty as when I left it.

A frustrated sigh leaves me as I realize I left my sweats in the bathroom. For fucks sake. Enough of this moping bullshit. When have I ever been the type to sit back and be a victim of circumstance? Not fucking ever, that’s when. I’m getting my woman back, now, damn it. I don’t give a flying fuck who I have to torture and kill to get the information I need, I’ll do it. First things, first. I need Beau, as he’ll be able to help me find her. I’ve had my fill of this separate bullshit we’ve been forced to do, and I’m saying no more. If the society wants to come for me, well, I’ll have to live with the circumstances, because I refuse to sit in the background of this place any longer.

Grabbing my cell, I pull up the last message I received from the Brotherhood. I’ll get Beau back. I’ll fuckingmake themgive him to me.


If I don’t see proof Beau is alive within the next two hours, I’ll start slitting the throats of some of your finest pledges. You’ll discover just how deep my family’s pockets truly reach when I make all these rich kids disappear. You know what garners unwanted attention? The top ten percent’s kids not breathing anymore.

I hit send without a fuck to give. Idle threats are not something I make, and The Brotherhood of Darkness should know that fact better than anyone else. I’m sure it’s one of the reasons I’m being initiated in the first place. I’m Kingston motherfucking Banks, and I get what I want, because I fucking make it happen. Taking my woman was their first mistake. Making my best friend disappear out of thin air was their second. So help me, they haven’t seen crazy yet. I’ll burn this fucking university to the ground.


Plot twist, we make you disappear.


Try me. I’m dead fucking serious. I have no fucks to give. The first will meet their fate in less than three minutes.

Grabbing for a fresh pair of jeans I quickly get dressed, seeking out the nearest knife. My phone pings with a new message.


It’s best you leave your threats for those who fear you. The society will not bow to anyone.


I have nothing to lose and that makes me really fucking dangerous right now. My loyalty runs deep. Now, tell me where Beau is, or they die.


Still a child. Throwing around threats on a whim and expecting the world to fold at your feet.

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