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This blood is on you.

Rage pushes me out of my room, on a path of murder and mayhem. I stride purposefully down the hall until I find the most uppity motherfucker belonging to the frat. There’s a ninety percent chance anyone living here has either already pledged or is currently suffering through the initiation process with the rest of us, so I’m confident this poor bastard fits the requirements.

“Oh,Brody…” I draw out his name, mockingly, sounding like a psychopath calling out his victim. He barely glances up from his computer screen to nod at me, and in the next beat I have my blade shoved against his throat, nicking him in the process. The blood trails over his flesh as I place my mouth to his ear. “Blame it on the society.” The words leave me in a hiss, my fury feeding my decisions.

A voice comes through a speaker hidden somewhere in the room, making me pause. “You like to play games, I see.” It’s creepy in its own sense but doesn’t derail me from what’s important. Finding Beau so he can help me get Iris back.

“No games here, motherfucker. Tell me what I want to know, and I stop.” Brody coughs dramatically and grips his chair hard enough to turn his knuckles white as I speak.

“Beau is one of two we have moved to a compound. His return depends on you.” The stupid voice is robotic, leaving me no clue as to who’s on the other end of this conversation.Fucking coward move.

“Say no more. Tell me what has to be done now, or we’re gonna need a little cleanup here in Brody’s room. Neck bleeds can be rather messy.” His muscles tense under my grip even though I nod to him. It’s my small semblance of a white flag letting him know he’s only going to die if they leave me no choice. It isn’t my fault he can’t read my true intention and is too caught up in the manic look no doubt plaguing my features. If he only knew how deep the crazy truly went, he’d be pleading with me right now.

“Your next order… take one home and kill the other.”

“Consider it done.” Not wasting another moment, I throw Brody to the ground and rush to my room. I grab my gun, leaving the knife behind and take off as if the entire place is on fire. I can’t be fucked with anyone else right now, so I ignore the few people I pass and practically jog to my HyperSport. As my car door rises, I slide into my seat and my phone pings with a new message.

It’s an address.Thank fuck.I swear if this is a bullshit fake address, I’m going to lose it. Beau is my ride or fucking die and I’m not allowing this society to come between us any longer. I don’t give a fuck who’s there with him, I’ll kill them in a heartbeat. No one fucks with my best friend and gets in the way of us being one step closer to my woman.

The drive to the cabin takes me half the time it should, and I leave my car parked down the road a ways. I purposely creep around the cabin, needing to check out my surroundings,coming in blindly. This could be a goddamn set up and I could die in my over-eagerness. No way I’m allowing that to happen.

Although stalking comes naturally to me… my shitty attempt of tip-toeing needs work. I’m most comfortable when I’m the center of attention and the last thing I want to do here is draw any awareness to myself. I thoroughly case the place out to eliminate any possible surprises they plan to throw my way.

Beau’s truck is here, thank fuck. It looks like the person on the speaker at the frat may’ve been telling the truth about this address. We’ll soon find out, anyhow. Running my hand over the cold hood proves that he’s been here awhile. It also tells me he most likely came here willingly, even though I take that information with a grain of salt. Probably as ‘willing’ as I’ve been doing the bullshit I’ve been ordered to for the initiation. We’ve done what we’ve been told because the society demands it. Period.

A faint light comes on, shining through one of the side windows of the cabin. It takes me about ten steps until I’ve got a full view of my best friend’s naked ass walking out of a bedroom while my girl sits up in the bed, taking in the same view. I stumble back a step before I regain my footing with my face less than an inch from the window so I can witness every fucking thing possible. This is the last thing I was expecting on my way here and it sure as fuck isn’t what I’ve been picturing since they’ve both disappeared. I was imagining the worst, them strung up somewhere in the woods, left to the elements until I found them on some fucked up timer or some crazy shit the society designed to test me. This scene now, however, has my fists clenching. They owe me a motherfucking explanation, and I won’t be leaving without one.

“Isn’t this a picture-perfect little scene.” The irritation in my voice doesn’t come close to the rage I feel inside. My bloodfucking boils. Instant insanity crawls over my body, replacing the tiny bit of logic I might’ve still had after this shit day.

This feels all wrong and it has my gut clenching with anxiety over the various possible scenarios that would have them both here. Together. Alone.

I have to be reading this shit all wrong and they’ve run out of gas and have no phones or some shit. Surely, they wouldn’t run off together and leave me alone? With no goodbye or a fucking note telling me they’d decided to rip my heart out and smash it to pieces?

Iris leans forward, allowing the sheet to fall from her naked breasts. Her fresh fucked hair, and flushed cheeks paint a very vivid narrative I didn’t ask for, and the smile on her face wretches into my heart like a fatal stab.

This can’t be.

I must be making this shit up in my mind right now.

My woman is naked, staring at my best friend like he’s a piece of goddamn cake and I want to puke.

I love her…and I thought she loved me too.

I was literally trying to turn the society upside down to find either one of them and here they are playing house and cuddling up without a damn care in the world.I bet they even plan on making breakfast together.So fucking cute and domesticated like we’re not sitting at the mercy of the darkest society that would have you killed for less.

They have to know… I willfuckingkill us all, before I allow them to break my heart and leave me alone in this fucked up world.

It’s time I remind them of the psycho they’re dealing with.

Chapter 22


Before I have a chance to focus on who it is, Iris busts open the closet door and yells, “King!” The door slams back and the knob catches me in the gut, bending me over in excruciating pain and sending me into a fit of anger.

“What the fuck!” I roar, now wide awake from our surprise guest.

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