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Cold water cascades down my back as I’d been beating my dick for who knows how long and used up all the hot water. My muscles relax after my orgasm calms, and my heart rate slows a bit, but I’m also left with a feeling of emptiness.Loneliness.

My thoughts were so real, it seemed like Iris was here with me in the moment.

But it was only a fantasy…

And now I’m right back to where I was when I strolled my ass in here. Left with my thoughts on where Iris could be, what’s going on with Beau, and who took the damn phone?

Chapter 10


About two hours pass with me driving, when I finally receive the text I’ve been waiting for.


You’re almost there. Take the next dirt road to the south for nine miles. You’ll know it when you see it.

The realization of just how much information the society possesses and is able to see, hits me hard the second I read the text.They’re tracking me.Which means they’re aware of Iris for sure.

I drive for exactly nine miles down the dirt road, having to stop when I arrive at a gate. I recognize the symbol in the wrought iron from my childhood and exactly as the text said, I know this is it. Once I edge the pickup close enough, the gate opens and I drive slowly through it, taking everything into memory I possibly can. The road winds around for a few miles before I reach a huge cabin with a set of barns off to the side.

This feels more like Texas than it does California and I find a tiny bit of comfort in that.

Pulling to a stop, I park near the house and listen for any signs of life. Once I’m left without any clues, I glance around in hopes of solidifying that this is where they want me to end up. One of the barn doors is open, so I ease toward the opening, taking it as my cue. I’m about twenty feet in front of it when I hear a muffled moan, which sends my mind into overdrive imagining what I’m about to walk in on.

I’m from Texas, so I do what any red-blooded Texan would do... I return to my truck and pull out the pistol from under the seat, making sure it’s loaded. My gun is at the ready in my hand as I walk back to the barn and peek around the door. One thing’s for certain, I did not come here to fucking die today.

There’s a guy strapped to a chair, raising my curiosity to an all new level. He’s blindfolded and as I step closer, he starts to whip his head back and forth. He’s no doubt scared for his life but what he doesn’t realize is that we’re both in the same position. I may not be tied down with chains and blindfolds… but I’m doing this without any idea of what I’m walking in to and I’m pretty much being forced in this against my own true will.Daddy dearest is to blame for this shit.

I notice a piece of paper on the floor in front of the guy and move closer. His cries get louder with every step I take, and I can’t blame him for being terrified. After the long night and stressful drive I’ve had, I’m probably looking a little rough to him at this point.

Beau, meet Jordan.

You might want to ask Jordan how he knows your girl.

If he refuses to answer, use the remote to see for yourself.

It’s all typed, with no clues just as I expected it to be. I walk around the guy and take inventory of everything so neatly placed. There’s a table of various torture tools waiting nearby, raising my concern further than the mere mention of ‘my girl’ in the note. I wish I didn’t know deep down that the note refers to Iris… but there’s no doubt in my mind.

This isn’t going to go well for either of us if this fucker has hurt her in any way. I’ll die a thousand deaths if I have to watch it and he will die a gruesome one if he touched her with any of his nasty fucking fingers.

I grab one of the knives from the table and cut the blindfold from his face. His eyes go wide and I start to feel the adrenaline pump through my veins. Fuck, I haven’t done this in a while. I almost forgot how great the high is when I get to kill a piece of shit. Not that I know he’s a piece of shit, yet…call it instinct.

I meet his frightened gaze just to give him a glimpse of the darkness that lurks inside my soul. It’s also my way of knowing if someone is lying to me. Even a compulsive liar can’t keep their eyes from telling their secrets.

He has no idea what I’m capable of and for her… I’d do anything. “I’m going to ask you one fucking time. If you answer without me having to provoke you, I’ll let you live.” He squirms and mumbles around the gag in his mouth.

Just for kicks, I slide the blade down his cheek and watch the blood drip down his face before I cut the gag and allow him the chance to save his own life.

“How do you know Iris Kensington?” His eyes instantly dilate, and I already know I’m going to have to kill this fucker. He’s about to lie to me.

“Never heard of her.”

“I have it on good word that you do. Here… let me show you a picture of her.” I open my phone to a picture she took of the twoof us last night. He looks at her face and fear wrenches through his entire body.

“I know her as Kensi.”

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