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“No. You don’t get to call her that.” I shut him up with the flat part of the blade against his mouth. “How do you know the girl in the picture?”

“I met her in Georgia. Two years ago.” I start to pace, my patience growing thinner the longer he takes to spill the reason we’re here.

“Keep going.”

“At a bar.” I stop mid-step, not sure I can keep my promise to him now that my blood is pumping from all the dramatics of his slow-ass answers.

“Okay… keep fucking going.”

“She was the life of the party.” Dear Jesus. I can’t take this guy another second. I yank him back by his hair and look over him from behind.

“Yes. She’s a fucking blast. Tell me… did you fuck her?” He nods even with my hand gripping his hair. “Was it consensual?” His eyes dilate again, and I slice his neck before he has a chance to lie to my face. His blood squirts across the barn floor while his gurgles go on and on and before the blood stops, I’ve grabbed the remote to see what it is the society wants me to see.

A projector comes on, sending the video to the wall behind Jordan and I move a few steps back to have a clearer view. She’s dancing, her free spirit easily the main focus of the bar even if I wasn’t automatically drawn to her.

Jordan is the bartender. I force my eyes away from my girl and start to watch his every move. He flips the drinks all around for show to get the attention of the bar. Everything seems normal until he makes Iris her drink.

It’s the casual slip of the pill into her glass that sends another urge to kill up my spine.

He fucking drugged her.

The video skips to what looks like a stock room or something. I can see stacks of beer boxes and supplies all around. It’s about ten seconds into the video when I see him walking her through the door. Her sloppy demeanor is much different than it was when she was dancing.

The video continues and I have to bear witness to my girl’s lifeless body being violated while she has no recognition of the world going on around her. Vomit and nausea hit me in waves and there are times when I can’t bring myself to watch the piece of shit but it’s when he lets her lifeless body fall to the ground as he’s finished, the dark rage sets in.

Regardless of the fact he’s long gone, I spend the next hour tearing his body apart, piece by motherfuckin’ worthless piece, until he’s nothing more than a pile of flesh and bones. The gore should pull me back to reality but where I’m at is so far beyond my normal, I’m not sure what it’s going to take to bring me back.

Seething, I pace for hours, walking around the remnants of his body until it’s dark outside. I’m covered in dried blood and wearing it as proof of my kill when I get another text.


Good work. Stay at the cabin tonight. You can go back tomorrow morning. Leave your clothes on the pile and we’ll take care of everything.

Keep your bag packed. We will notify you when it’s time for your next mission.

I’m well passed numb to anything they’re sending me. With one mission behind me, I’m not sure I have it in me to handle any more of what they intend to show me. Is this their way of helping me? By revealing the various people who have wrongedthose I love. Or is this a twisted strategy to get me to trust the society and its purpose?

“I fucking have no idea.” I answer myself while I strip down naked in the barn. I know better than to move around with the evidence all over my clothes. I use the water hose to rinse off before I go inside the cabin to get another layer of my crime off. I don’t know why I’m trying to conceal anything… I’m certain they’ve recorded what just happened. They’d be stupid not to. All the dirt the society has collected over the years is probably the driving factor keeping the members loyal for generations.

The only items I leave the barn with are my phone, the society’s necklace, and my gun. Everything else is on the pile. I don’t give a fuck if they burn it all or bury it.

The cabin is locked and for the first time of trying the keys, a door opens. I backtrack to get my bag from my truck, and then I take the longest shower of my life. The hot water has nothing on the filth my eyes witnessed tonight and even though I’ve been in here for more than an hour, I don’t feel clean in the slightest.

My phone vibrates again as I’m reaching for a towel, finally ready to remove myself from the water. This time it’s a selfie picture of King, also in the shower. He’s holding a bottle of conditioner near his face and smiling like a sick fuck, and I can’t help but laugh at his crazy ass. He’ll never have the slightest idea of how much I needed this distraction and I’ll never be able to tell him. It’s part of the rules. When it comes to society business, everything is a secret.

Until it’s not.

I guess after tonight, I’ll be playing along with all of their games… whether I want to or not.

Chapter 11


What any man in love and with half a brain would do, I sneak into Iris’ room the first chance I get. I’m going to blame it on searching for more information on her family for the society, but we all know the reason is bullshit. I’m here because I can’t seem to stop looking out my window every hour of the day, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Besides, not knowing what type of perfume or lotion or whatever the fuck it is she wears is enough to drive me mad. The only way to remedy the madness is to find out for myself.

Heading for her closet first, I slide my hands over several pieces of clothing, but nothing in here is what I need. Some of these dresses I better see on her when we’re together. I bet she looks insane in them, and I want to be the one to stand behind her to glare at each prick glancing her way. I can picture her thighs exposed by the lack of material and tall heels bringing attention to legs. Christ, she’s a knockout in baggy pajamas, so these will make her appear as a wet dream. Yeah, I definitely need to take her out soon so she gets all dressed up, and I can show the world who she belongs to.


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