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“Do I scare you, Kens? Have I ever laid a hand on you?”

“It’s not your hands I’m worried about… it’s my heart. Promise me, Beau. Swear you’ll be real with me… and yourself.” I hear her and nod because I can’t help but have hope that I can keep the promise she’s asking me to make. But the truth stillremains. I have no idea what the society will require of me, and I have no fucking clue what will happen if I’m forced to defy them to protect her.

I pull off her shirt, this time with a plan to enjoy every inch of her body before we leave the room. I finally get the chance to really admire the tattoos that trail down her arm, all of which weren’t there when she left years ago. Her silky skin is a contrast to my fingertips and I’m fascinated as the goosebumps surface along her shoulders. “You like that?” She nods with a shy smile, and I fall in love with the idea of mastering everything her body enjoys and start imagining how I’ll tease her until she loses her mind. But that’ll be another time. Tonight is for all the nights we’ve missed together.

Lowering myself, I sit on her bed and pull her body close. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I start to slide her shorts off when I’m reminded of her quirky personality. “Are there really fuckin’ armadillos on your shorts?”

She leans her head back and laughs; this time a real smile lights up her face and I take note of another thing I need to master. The armadillos fall to the floor at the same time she’s pulling my shirt up my back. I shift back on the bed until I’m against the headboard and admire her confidence when she crawls up the bed to meet me. She pulls my shorts down and without any further encouragement, she takes her seat…right on my dick.

Everything else in the world fades away and I let it all go.

I thrust upward and pull her against me until we’re face to face. She pauses from rotating her hips and I stop fucking her, as we both stare into the other’s eyes. If I didn’t love her already… I’d fall in love with her this very moment. I can see my entire world through her eyes and it’s going to be amazing.

“I love you,” I whisper against her lips and watch her smile again; this time she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and finishes with a smirk.

“I know you do.” She sits up and starts to rotate her hips again and I lay back, entranced as the girl of my dreams rocks my world. I watch her touch herself when she’s close, then eagerly stare at her face as she flies over the edge.

I try my hardest to keep my eyes open while she unravels me, and when we’re both coming down from the high, I watch her gaze at me with a true connection most will never experience in a lifetime.

Tucking her against my body, I hold her close as we exhale in relief. My eyes are already closed when her soft voice demands, “Stay the night with me.”

I already planned to.

My phone vibrates from the floor and instantly I’m dreading a message from the society that’ll pull me from her bed.


Don’t think you’ve escaped me just because you snuck out of here, asshole. Why are you avoiding me?


I’m not. Still busy. I’ll hit you up tomorrow.


Got a wild one, I see. Tomorrow it is. I have to tell you some shit.

Yeah… it looks like I need to talk to him, too. I need to tell him Iris is here. I keep it just vague enough that he knows not to come looking for me. I don’t want anything interrupting this. Tonight, I’m holding her while we sleep… everything else can wait until tomorrow.

Chapter 7


Dipping out of both parties, I manage to leave without too many people noticing and shoot off a text to Beau. I’m not a complete dick to bail on him and not let him know about it, but apparently, he is. Tonight’s pussy must be amazing if he’s taken off without even a quick text to let me know.

Strolling through the sorority’s backyard, I take in the ill-fitting pool we were just speaking about. It’s growing chillier each night, yet there are still screaming women and drunk assholes tossing them in, thinking it’s the greatest fucking thing since their first hit of cocaine. I swipe my universal key card that only the most privileged of us receive when enrolling and step through to our backyard. The property back here is set up a bit differently, as we have twice the size of the sorority behind us. I’m assuming it has something to do with the Brotherhood, as we need space and secrecy to do what is required of us.

I was hoping to slip inside without being noticed, but I’m interrupted along my trek.

“Don’t think your new plaything went unnoticed.” The comment is threatening. I know it, and so does he, but Matthew’s still stupid enough to make it. Halting in my tracks, I find him lingering in the dark like the scum he is.

My smile is wide, cruel even, as I step closer, crowding his space. His nostrils flare while he glares at me full of spite. He has to look up as I have a good four inches on him. I’m sure it only serves to piss him off further. Matthew has always hated me. Beau, too, but we’ve managed to keep our distance. We’ve dealt with haters our entire fucking lives, so this guy was never anything special, just another to add to the mix.

“Do you have a death wish, Matthew? Because that’s where this is going.” He has me completely fucked in the head if he believes I’ll tolerate him threatening Iris. My eyes flick toward her window, taking comfort in her light still on.

“You can’t look away, even now. Everyone will figure it out soon enough. She’s your weakness… no wonder The Brotherhood has brought her here. Easy bait.”

“Watch what you fucking say!” I hiss as my hands shoot out and grip his shirt. I shake him as rage clouds my mind. I’ve done well keeping my toes clean since I got to this university, biding my time for the society to notice me. Well, I have no reason to hold back any longer, and he’s right in my path of rage.

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