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Matthew shoves against me as if he could escape my hold. The fucker thinks he’s a badass since I’ve let him run his mouth, but not any longer, not where Iris or the Brotherhood is concerned. Releasing an angry grunt, I slam my head into his. The headbutt dazes him enough for me to get a better grip on him and drag his body to the corner of our massive pool. This side is in the shadows, done purposely in case we want to bring a chick back here and fuck without prying eyes.

I’ll be using the privacy to my advantage tonight,I think while I drag him along, his steps faltering as he attempts to fight me off. Let’s face it, he’s never been a match for me—he was simply too small-minded to realize as much. Big difference between him and me. I’m not a fucking idiot who can’t see a worthy opponent in front of me. It’ll ultimately lead to hisdemise. Shame he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and mind his business.

“I’ve had enough of your bullshit, Matthew. I’ve allowed you to come and go as you please, yet you still have to fuck with me. You know those rumors people hear about my temper? It’s not just for party games. I thoroughly enjoy letting go and losing control.”

“Fuck you, let me go. Get off me! I’ll tell my father about this,” he spits, attempting to spin us around so I’ll release him.

My chest rumbles with a laugh at his last comment. He’s in for a shock as daddy won’t hear a word from him. “No, not this time. You’re going to learn here and now, I mean what I say, and when I tell you to fuck off and die… I literally mean every word.”

Hooking my leg around, I kick the back of his knee, so he falls to the ground. I go with him, landing on top, straddling his weak beta body underneath mine. My hand wraps around his throat as I use my weight and knees to shuffle him the last foot I need. He fights with all his might, but it’s no use. My upper body strength rivals any athlete on campus.

His head hangs over the edge of the pool as I nearly growl in fury. “You should’ve done what everyone else in this school does when it comes to me and looked the other fucking way.”

He begins to scream, but I smack the back of his skull against the travertine tiles, stunning him. Blood pours from behind his head, where I’ve broken the skin and hopefully cracked his skull, so I finish the job. With one hand still around his throat, the other fists his hair as I shift him over the last bit and shove his face under the crystal-clear water. His arms flail as he kicks crazily. He may’ve been in shock, but he quickly realizes this is a fight for his life. Too bad for him, I don’t lose.

Matthew gurgles, bubbles leaving him as I hold his head in the bright blue pool. The blood sinks through the depths, reminding me of ink spreading and discoloring the perfectshade the staff works so hard to attain. This stupid shit for brains couldn’t take a hint, and now I have another body on my conscience. Lucky for me, I don’t pay any attention to that bullshit concern.

Grinning manically, I continue to hold him under, eagerly watching as the life finally fades away from his eyes and his body gives in. I keep him under for a beat longer to make sure he doesn’t pull some supernatural shit and come back alive on me, my grip remaining true as I stare at his lifeless face.

My fingers begin to ache from holding him tightly, so I release him and stand. With a huff, I shove him fully into the pool, watching as his body shifts, until his head is under water and his back floats just below the surface. He’ll probably sink then float—it’s what the last one I killed like this did.

Drying my hands off, I glance back at the gate before I leave and draw in a stunned breath. Standing there watching me, for who knows how long, is a man in a suit, a mask on his face.

The Brotherhood of Darkness is following me. I wasn’t imagining the face in the window earlier—there was someone there.

He doesn’t utter a word or shift his stance. He stands there, unwavering, creeping me the fuck out. He doesn’t scold me for killing this tweedled prick or anything, remaining quiet while I stare at him. I finally send him a nod to which he responds by robotically lifting an arm to point in the direction of the house, sending me away. I take that opportunity to leave the body behind and hope to fuck I didn’t just seal my own death.

I know whoever was behind that mask just witnessed me killing Matthew but that also means they’ll know why I did it. I don’t take well to threats, and I’ll always handle business. It should be an attribute they’re looking for in new pledges.But who knows.

It’s all out of my hands now. Either the society will send consequences my way or they won’t. Regardless, I’m fine; my father will take care of it if the society chooses to throw me under the bus.

I’m a Banks.

I do whatever the fuck I want.

Whether that be spying on the woman I’m in love with or killing anyone standing in my way. It’s best they discover this about me now before Beau and I end up at the top of the Brotherhood in the future. Because mark my words… we will run the society in our lifetime.

As soon as my eyes part and I remember what happened last night, I move to my window and glance at the pool. The water is clear, sans body, and if I’d been drinking heavily last night, I’d believe I made the entire scenario up. However, I was sober, so I know damn well I left a body floating in there to be cleaned up. There’s not a speck of blood anywhere either, which is good because I hadn’t paid it any mind last night. Since that’s been taken care of, there’s no use worrying about it. I have better things to concern my time with.

When I’d gone down to the storage rooms before bed, I found binoculars and a small telescope to help with my plans. The telescope will probably be too strong being this close, but it may work well if I need to see something small. Using the binoculars, I point them directly at Iris’ window and inhale a deep, frustrated breath.She’s closed her curtains.

My failed attempt at stalking is interrupted by a knock.

Not bothering to put any clothes on, I stroll to my door. Opening it, I find one of the house staff waiting patiently. I methim on my first day here. A few of the students were giving him a hard time, so I poured gasoline all over their pieces of shit Lotus and Porsche and set the ugly fucking cars on fire. That trash didn’t deserve to be parked with the Bugattis, Lamborghinis, and my personal favorite my father recently had delivered for me, my Lykan HyperSport. Since then, the guy has never hesitated to offer his assistance should I need it.

“You received my text?” I ask Jorge quietly, knowing he wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t.

He nods, keeping his stare pinned on my face. Guess my big cock intimidates him or something. “I caught Ana first thing this morning, and she got it.”

“Iris has no idea it was your friend who swiped it?”

He shakes his head. “She had stepped out of her room for a second, and Ana’s so good, you’d never know she was there.” He hands the phone over with the same white case I saw her with last night.

Setting it on my dresser, I reach for my wallet. Unfolding ten bills, I pass the grand to him. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

He pockets the cash. “No problem. Was the phone the only thing you wanted?”

My shoulders jump with my shrug as I admit, “For now. I’ll hit you up if I think of something else.”

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