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“I’ll try not to bother you too much.” She offers a shy smile, and I can’t help but wonder when she became this way where I’m concerned. Is it because we’re older, and I kissed her? If so, she needs to get it through her head we’re still the same as before. Nothing has changed as far as I’m concerned, aside from the fact I plan on making her mine in more ways than one.

Handing her phone back, I attempt to get my point across without coming off too pushy. “You’re never a bother. The opposite, in fact. Text me anytime for anything.” I’ll know what she’s doing already anyhow; I’ll have eyes on her at all times. With one final lingering look in her direction, I wish her goodnight and close her door behind me.

Pausing, I wait outside her door until I hear the lock engage, then quickly make my way downstairs. I need to get the fuck out of here. I’ll grab some binoculars from our camping stuff in the storage under the mansion and get to work. I have to know absolutely everything there is about Iris Kensington because I refuse to lose her again.

Chapter 6


The house behind ours is having another party tonight and I tried to be social, but there’s only one problem… I have no fucking desire to see people. King already bowed out himself, so I did the same. Their party was lame, and my head wasn’t in it. My mind is fucked over what these keys could be for and I sure as hell don’t want to see Iris tonight. My restraint is teetering and I’d for sure say fuck it all and just do what I want with her.

But now, I’ve decided the only way to get her out of my head is to get fucked up, so I go back downstairs in search of something to help put me in a blur.

People crowd me as I walk through the never-ending party we have at the fraternity. It looks like everyone moved over here since that other party was lame. Sliding my hands along the wall of the hallway, I find my way to the kitchen and grab a bottle of tequila to finish this night off in my bedroom. I just need to go to bed and forget this day because Iris was fucking right. I regret ever letting her out of my truck. I regret not telling her how I love her too and it’s fucking killing me inside to do what’s best for her.

She has no idea why I’m pushing her away but if Iris would think about it, she’d remember, and would realize she deserves better than what my mother got. Hell, better than what her own mother got or what her father did to her. She deserves a man who won’t choose a secret society and power over his own family. I can’t give her that. It’s not in my blood.

I’m in my room with the door closed before I strip down to my underwear and light up a cigarette. Fuck the rest of the house tonight.

There’s a knock on my door as I open the bottle, but I’ve already decided I won’t be answering for anyone tonight. I’m mid swig when the knock turns aggressive and is followed by a voice I normally can’t deny.

“Beau… open the fucking door. They told me you’re in one of those moods. Get your ass out here.” It’s King. He won’t go away without knowing I’m good, so I do the first thing I can think of to get him to leave.

I drop my underwear and shut off the lights, stumble to the door with my dick half-hidden behind one hand and a cigarette between my lips. “Fuck. I’m busy. I’ll hit you up when I’m finished.”

“That’s my boy.” I close the door with a rushed nod and lock it, hoping that’ll be the last time I have to talk to anyone tonight. Of all the people I definitely need to avoid, it’s King, because he will see right through my bullshit. He’ll know I’m fucked up over somethingbigand he’ll question me until he figures it out. It’s not as if I want to keep any secrets from him… I’ll tell him everything, eventually. However, I’m not in the mood to talk tonight.

Someone yelling outside has me peeking through the curtain to see what’s going on, but it isn’t the shouting that grabs my attention. It’s the open fucking window straight into the room of the girl I’m trying to avoid. “Motherfucker.” Of course, I havedamn near a direct view into her room and can see every fucking thing.

She doesn’t notice me watching her and for about half a second I consider walking away from the window, but of course the thought doesn’t last long. She’s too goddamn beautiful, and it hurts to see her so close and not be able to go to her. I’ve wanted to see her for years and now that I have her back… everything is fucked and I need to stay the hell away from her. Maybe if I keep telling myself that it’ll eventually sink in, but right now my dick is not the only thing not listening to reason.

Fuck. She can even unpack a box in a t-shirt and shorts and look sexy. I watch her move around her room like there’s no one watching. Like I’m not one of many of the guys on this side who would love to stalk her every move if given the chance.

“She needs to close her fucking curtain,” I mumble to myself, tugging on my shorts. Opening my door, I yank a t-shirt over my head and take the stairs to the left to avoid most of the crowd. Before I have a chance to talk myself out of it, I’m knocking on her fucking bedroom door in the next house over.

It takes her far longer than it should to open the door, but it takes me no time to consume her entire space. She’s still standing in the doorway, gawking when I rip the curtain closed and turn to scold to her. “Everyone can fucking see into your room.”

“So. It’s not like I was changing clothes or anything.”

“They can watch you.”

“Do you mean… you can watch me?” She flips the conversation back on me and I twinge with frustration over how she can get to me so quickly.Her sassy fucking mouth.

A few girls giggle their way down the hall, pushing me to close the door, wanting privacy for this conversation. I don’t need anyone else noticing me here; Iris’ safety has to be front and foremost.Fuck. What the hell am I doing?

“What are you really doing here, Beau?” She nonchalantly turns to walk away from me and without a thought in my fucking head, I spin her around to kiss her. My hand automatically circles her neck as I hold her in place, while I lose my fucking mind over her and shut her up at the same time.

Her hands sliding up my back sends me over the top, as the feeling crashes into me full force. Her chest rises in sync with mine and being close enough to breathe in the same air, is by far my favorite place to be in life. I know this. I’ve fucking missed this and it’s in this moment I realize the reality of our situation... I’ll forsake anyone who gets in our way, whether it be my family, the society, or any other brave fucking soul hell bent on making their next mistake.

Iris is mine.

I slow my movements and feel her grasp on my back tighten. “Please don’t pull away from me.” I soften my grip on her neck and slide my hand up to cup the side of her face, melting a bit when she leans into my palm.

“I wish I could walk away from you,” I whisper against her ear and brush a few gentle kisses down her neck. The softness of this moment is rare for me and something I’ve only ever had with her. She slowly slides her hands back down my back, sending a shiver up my spine.

I’ve missed her touch. I’ve missed her smell. I’ve missed every fucking thing about her and I’m going to spend all night reminding myself of the things that make her perfect.

“Beau. Please don’t hurt me.” I pull back, meeting her stare. No doubt my face reveals my curiosity.

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