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As soon as she allows me into her space, I immediately move to the window. I need to figure out which room belongs to her from the outside, so I can keep tabs on her schedule. Glancing between the open curtains, I take in the backyard, then flick my gaze to the house behind. It takes a mere moment before it sinks in—her room is directly across from mine.

I have a feeling this isn’t a case of blind luck, but more like the society has been pulling strings in my initiation order far longer than I’d anticipated. It clearly wasn’t a quick decision on their part, and they may end up being more of an ally than a foe when it comes to tasks. I can’t help but wonder what it is exactly that they’re after where she’s concerned. I figured they’d toss my ass out to the wolves and see if I survived, but they’re providing weapons, making this far easier than it should be. You won’t catch me complaining. I’m not one to turn down a gift when I see it.

“It’s hard to believe they crammed a full-size pool back there with how close together they built these houses.”

Nodding absently, I turn to watch as she pulls pajamas from the bottom drawer in her tall white dresser. She has a vanity on the opposite wall littered with various hair and makeup supplies.“They certainly shoved in whatever they could fit. I suppose the university property isn’t big enough to hold everything most of us are used to having.”

She grins and tugs on soft cotton shorts with tiny armadillos printed all over them. “Why do I have a feeling if you wanted something, you’d find the space? You and Beau have always been good about getting whatever you set your minds to.”

“Mmm. We’ve been creative when needed. I see you can take the girl out of Texas, but not Texas out of the girl, huh? Paris didn’t hang you out to dry wearing those pajamas?”

She saunters in my direction, and I wait on bated breath with each seductive swing of her hips. Each sway is a swift hit of desire, damn near making me stumble in her presence. “I didn’t share these with anyone, they’re part of my special collection,” she admits. “You’re telling me if I ordered you a matching pair, you wouldn’t wear them?”

Chuckling, I shake my head, taking her in from top to bottom. She’s incredibly intoxicating and doesn’t seem to have a clue. “Fuck no, I’m too busy thinking about taking those off you right now to even consider putting something on either one of us.” My fingers move to her chin, tilting it up to meet my shameless stare. “I do want to see more of this so-called special collection of yours, though. Besides, I sleep naked. Eventually, we won’t have any use for clothes at all.”

She draws in a quick, stunned breath, her lashes lowering a touch as my meaning kicks in. “All this flirting,Kingston,how do I know what’s real and fake?”

I love it when she utters my name softly. It’s more of a caress than a word. Leaning in until my nose tenderly kisses the tip of hers, I murmur, “Which parts do you want to be real?”

Her nose brushes mine once more before she takes a careful step backward, her chest heaving a bit as her pulse speeds up. She enjoys my proximity but may not be able to handle it soquickly. I don’t want to overwhelm her and push her away. I need to bring hertome.

“You must have a line of women falling all over you. You’ve always been handsome, but I don’t know how to take you like this.” She gestures to my frame, her gaze snagging on my abs a touch longer than the rest. She’s attracted to me—I can read it in the way she responds to my attention and touch. I need to find the perfect balance of pushing and pulling when it comes to her. I’ve never had to work for a woman in the past, they’ve easily come to me.Iris is different.She’s more.

My hand shoots out, this time wrapping around her throat, and I jerk her to me. Her body nearly crashes into mine, but she manages to brace her hands on my chest before we completely collide. Leaning in, my lips graze hers, just enough for me to feel her warm breath against my mouth. Peering into her sparkling eyes, mine confess everything I can’t voice aloud. “Like what, beautiful? As a man? Here’s a hint, Iris, you already know me.” Her nails dig into my chest. If I were wearing my shirt, I’m sure she’d be fisting it. Regardless, it’s my breaking point.

I always told myself if I ever saw Iris again, I wouldn’t let her go like the first time. I keep my promises. She’s it for me. She’s the only woman who’s ever been able to claw her way into my soul and never escape my thoughts, even after being gone for years. Although, it may be unfortunate for us both, she has my heart and I’m going to have to tread carefully to balance society and my inevitable relationship with Iris.

My grip flexes around her throat, stealing her breath as my mouth finally lands on hers. I feel like I’ve been waiting my entire life to taste her like this. She reminds me of everything good in my past, and it only heightens my desire for her. Who would think, the only thing worth really having in life you can’t buy?

Iris’ lips part, and my tongue dives inside. Hers tangling with mine is a welcoming distraction from the many thoughts trampling through my mind. How can I possibly possess her entirely without eventually fucking our lives up with whatever information I manage to gain about her family? Her father’s the governor of Texas, for crying out loud. I’ve known him for as long as I have known Iris, and let’s just say our fathers go way back. Everything’s about control within the society, I understand as much, but they want me to sacrifice the one special woman aside from my mother who’s ever meant anything to me.

Her hands on my chest consume my attention in the best way, eliciting a newfound craving. I want to kiss and own every single inch of her body. One taste will never be enough, and I’ll do whatever it takes to have my fill. My fingers twist in her long, silky curls, the ache inside begging me to wrap them around my fist and thrust my cock inside her until she can no longer take it.

I want to break her.

Mold her.

And covet her, all in the same overwhelming breath.

Stopping myself before I completely lose control, I pull back, dropping my hand from her throat to make my touch appear gentler. Contentment washes over me as I inhale her scent again, refreshing my memory of everythingIris. I’m going to figure out what the smell is so I can put it all over everything in my room. The only scent I want to smell is hers. I’ve loved her before I knew what the word truly meant. Sure, there’s kid love, puppy love, and family, but Iris is so much more than any of those. The more I allow myself to think, the greater the obsession builds. I’m spiraling, as I always do when I find something I absolutely can’t live without.

“Just as stunning as I remember,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to her forehead before putting a little distance between us. “Wait until Beau hears I’ve found you.” I smirk, already imagininghis stunned but intrigued reaction. We’ve never stopped talking about her over the years, I know he’s missed her as much as I have.

Her brows jump, happiness overtaking her. “Do you think he missed me too?” She echoes my thoughts as I catch her little exhale from curious nerves as she waits for my response.

“Of course, he did, and he’ll want to see you as soon as I tell him you’re here.”

“Let’s surprise him,” she suggests, and my chest warms. She’s such a sweetheart. It’s amazing she turned out that way being around Beau and me so much. Maybe Paris wasn’t all bad for her, even if it did steal her away from us for far too long.

“Whatever you want, babe,” I easily agree with a wink. My chest is lighter, having her here with me. “Are you not changing to go back downstairs?”

She shakes her head. “No, I wasn’t feeling it down there in the first place. I’m glad we ran into each other. I’ve missed you…” she trails off, turning serious, almost seemingly afraid I’ll deny her.Never.“Can we, um… see each other again soon?”

I have no idea why uncertainty laces her voice. Iris is crazy to think she needs to ask. She’s never getting rid of me again, but I don’t admit as much. I need to play it calm and cool, so I don’t seem too overeager and send her running for the hills. She might not think me putting a ring on her finger and locking her down tomorrow is as appealing as I do. If she did, I’d do it. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Give me your phone, and I’ll put my new number in.”

Paying extra attention when she types her lock screen code in, she hands it over, and I commit the four numbers to memory. I’ll need it next time when sheaccidentallymisplaces her phone, and I conveniently happen to find it. Tapping in my number and adding myself to her contacts, I send a text to my phone. “All set.I’ll add you to my top contacts so you can always reach me if you need to.”

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