Page 73 of Cursed Confessions

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Thompson opens his mouth, but I’ve had enough. In one swift motion, I pop the trunk of my car and shove him in, slamming it shut on his protests. His muffled screams echo as I slide into the driver’s seat, cranking up the music to drown him out.

I pull around the corner into a nearby alley, cutting the engine. The sudden silence is broken only by Thompson’s franticpounding on the trunk. I take a moment, savoring the quiet, before stepping out of the car.

Casually, I saunter to the back of the car and pop the trunk. The stench of fresh piss hits me, and I wrinkle my nose in disgust. “Fucking gross, Thompson,” I mutter.

His eyes are wild with fear as he looks up at me, cowering in the trunk. Good. Fear is exactly what I need from him right now.

“Now,” I say, my voice light, “are you finally ready to listen? Or do we need to go for a longer drive?”

Thompson shakes his head frantically. “Please,” he whimpers, “I’ll listen. Just… just don’t hurt me.”

I smirk. God, this is delightful. “Hurt you? Nah, I’m not gonna hurt you, Thompson. I’m gonnahelpyou. See, I know about the fifty grand you owe to Big Mike. I know about the money you’ve been skimming from your firm to cover your bets. And I know that if your wife or your bosses find out, your cozy little life is over.”

His face crumples. It’s clear he didn’t really think I knew the truth when I first led him away from the school. What an idiot.

“How… how do you know all that?”

I tap the side of my nose. “I make it my business to know things, Thompson. Now, here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna drop any complaints against Lou Saldano. You’re gonna enroll your shitty kid in some anti-bullying classes. And you’re gonna make sure he never lays a hand on Lou again. In return, I’ll make your debt to Big Mike disappear.”

Thompson's eyes widen. “You… you can do that?”

I nod. “I can. But if I hear that your kid so much as looks at Lou the wrong way, well…” I let the threat hang in the air.

“Okay.” Thompson nods frantically. “Okay, I’ll do it. I swear.”

I smile, all teeth. “Good choice. Now, let’s get you out of there. You smell like piss.”

Thompson looks down, his face turning beet red as he realizes the physical evidence of his fear.

“Who are you?” he whimpers.

The urge to tell Thompson that I’m his worst nightmare is almost too tempting, but I refrain. It wouldn’t be dignified to be so corny.

Instead, I lean in close. “Let’s just say I’m the guy who makes sure little boys like you don’t wet their pants in public again.”

Thompson’s face drains of all color, his eyes widening in terror.

I help him out of the trunk, wrinkling my nose at the smell. Thompson looks at me hopefully. “Can… can you give me a ride back to the school?”

I snort. “Fuck no. You just defiled my car with your piss. Now I’ve got to get it detailed.” I jerk my thumb over my shoulder. “The school’s a block that way. Have fun with your walk of shame.”

Thompson opens his mouth to protest, but I’m already sliding into the driver’s seat.

“Remember our deal,” I call out as I start the engine. “Keep your kid in line, or next time, we’ll take a much longer drive.”

I peel out of the alley, leaving Thompson standing there in his piss-stained pants. As I head toward my car shop, I can’t help but chuckle. Sometimes, this job has its perks.

Now, I just need to corral one of my guys to clean the goddamn trunk. And maybe pick up some air freshener on the way. The smells of fear and piss are not a great combination for leather seats.

I pullinto my car shop, the familiar smells of oil and rubber greeting me as I step out. Joey, one of my best mechanics, saunters over, wiping his hands on a rag.

“Boss! Didn’t expect to see you today. What’s the occasion?”

I grin, clapping him on the shoulder. “Joey, my man. I’ve got aspecialjob for you.”

Joey’s blue eyes narrow suspiciously. "Why do I get the feeling I’m not gonna like this?”

“Because you’re a smart guy.” I chuckle. “I need the car detailed. Inside and out. Especially the trunk.”

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