Page 72 of Cursed Confessions

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I watch, my heart in my throat, as the bully towers over Lou. But my daughter stands her ground, her small frame radiating determination.

The bully makes the first move, lunging forward with a clumsy punch. Lou sidesteps smoothly, just like Angelo taught her. As the bully stumbles past, Lou pivots, her right fist connecting solidly with his jaw.

The bully staggers back, shock written all over his face. Lou doesn’t let up, following through with a quick jab to his solar plexus, causing him to double over. She places one foot on him and easily tips him over.

“Leave me alone,” Lou says firmly, her voice carrying across the schoolyard. “Or next time, it’ll be worse."

The bully nods frantically from his position on the ground. There’s a moment of stunned silence, then the other students burst into cheers.

Before I can react, Angelo is out of the car, rushing toward Lou. He grabs her hand, thrusting it into the air like she’s just won a boxing match. “That’s my girl!” he shouts, beaming with pride. “Louisville slugger wins!”

I step out of the car just as a teacher rushes over, dispersing the crowd of cheering students. “Jake, principal’s office. Now,” she orders before turning to Lou. “You too, young lady.”

“Hey, she was just defending herself,” Angelo starts to argue.

The teacher cuts him off sharply. “We have a zero-tolerance policy for fighting. No exceptions.”

I place a hand on Angelo’s arm. “I’ll handle this,” I say softly. “Lou and I will walk home.”

Angelo scowls but jogs back to the car, returning with the Frappuccino. Lou’s eyes light up as she eagerly grabs it.

“Here’s your reward for finally kicking that bully’s ass,” Angelo says loudly, grinning.

The teacher looks ready to explode. “You are NOT helping,” I hiss, guiding Lou toward the school. Lou glances back at Angelo, throwing him a conspiratorial wink.

Jesus Christ. He’s a terrible influence.

Suddenly, a man rushes up, his face red with anger. He gets right in my face, spittle flying as he yells, “I saw what happened! Your little brat attacked my son! I demand she be punished!”

I open my mouth to snap back, but Angelo steps between us. His entire demeanor changes, his eyes hardening as he grabs the man’s arm. “We need to go for a walk,” he says, his voice low and dangerous.

The man jerks away. “Fuck off! Who do you think you are?”

Angelo doesn’t flinch. Instead, he leans in close, his voice barely above a whisper but carrying an undercurrent of threat that makes my blood run cold.

“I’m the man who knows about your gambling debts, Mr. Thompson. The ones you’ve been hiding from your wife. The ones that could cost you your job if they came to light—oh, yes, I knowallabout them. Ever since my girl told me about how your son bullies her and other kids, I’ve been doing some digging.” Angelo’s grip tightens. “Now, we’re going to take that walk, and you’re going to listen very carefully to what I have to say about your son’s bullying problem. Understood?”

The color drains from Mr. Thompson’s face. He nods shakily, allowing Angelo to lead him away.

I stand there, stunned, as Angelo effortlessly takes control of the situation. It’s a stark reminder of who he is, of the power he wields. And while a part of me is unsettled by it, another part feels oddly safe.

As I guide Lou into the school, I can’t help but wonder what other surprises Angelo has up his sleeve.

One thing’s for certain. Life with him is never going to be boring.



I’m practically dragging Thompson away from the school, my grip tight on his arm. He’s bitching up a storm, his voice grating on my last goddamn nerve.

“This is a violation of my rights!” he sputters, trying to wrench his arm free. “You can’t do this! I’ll sue you personally, you thug! Do you know who I am?”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, I know exactly who you are. A small-time accountant with a gambling problem who’s about to lose everything if he doesn’t shut the fuck up and listen.”

Thompson’s face pales, but he doesn’t stop. “You… you don’t know anything! I’ll call the police!”

“Oh, please, be my guest. Tell the captain hi. We’re great friends.”

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