Page 64 of Cursed Confessions

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Before I know it, we’re headed to the nearest ice cream parlor. Edie pays for our order despite my loud protests. “It’s the least I can do,” she says as she shoulders me out of the way and pays with her card. “Everyone knows about the All Around. It’s my honor to fix it up for you.”

My eyes burn, and I busy myself by grabbing my ice cream and Lou’s and sitting down at a nearby table. Edie soon follows with a large chocolate chip cookie dough in a cup.

“You know,” Edie says, licking her spoon, “I’m due in about six weeks, but don’t you worry. We’ll have Perfezione looking better than ever well before then.”

I nod gratefully, then remember to text Zip about our progress. His reply comes quickly.

I’ll meet you at Perfezione in an hour. Want to see how we’re saving the building.

As I watch Lou and Edie debate the merits of various ice cream flavors (Lou is vehemently arguing that strawberry is the superior flavor while Edie insists that fruit doesn’t belong in ice cream), I feel a warmth in my chest.

This morning started with terror and trauma, but somehow, we’ve ended up here—eating ice cream for breakfast with a pregnant contractor who’s quickly becoming a friend.

I take another bite of my ice cream, savoring the sweetness. Maybe Edie’s right. Sometimes, ice cream for breakfast is exactly what you need.

An hour later,we leave the ice cream parlor. I watch with a mixture of surprise and warmth as Lou throws her arms around Edie’s rounded belly in a hug. It’s the first time she’s reached out to anyone since this morning’s incident.

“Can I be here when you start working on Perfezione?” Lou asks, her voice tinged with excitement.

Edie grins, ruffling Lou’s hair. “Of course, kiddo! As long as it doesn’t interfere with school, right?” She throws me a wink.

Lou turns to me, her eyes pleading. I hesitate, not wanting to make promises I can’t keep. “We’ll see, sweetie. School is very important.”

Lou groans. “You’re no fun.” She pouts, and Edie laughs.

We say our goodbyes and head back toward Perfezione. “So, what do you think Nonno will say about the designs?” I ask Lou.

She skips beside me, a small smile on her face. “He’s going to love them, Mom. Especially the new display area.”

We reach Perfezione and step inside. The familiar smells of fabric and leather hit me, mingled now with the lingering scent of smoke. Lou rushes ahead toward the back office, eager to see if Zip has arrived.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierces the air. My heart leaps into my throat as I race after Lou.

“Lou! What’s wrong?” I call out, fear gripping me.

I round the corner and come to an abrupt halt. The world seems to tilt on its axis as I take in the horrifying scene before me.

Zip’s body lies motionless on the ground, his normally vibrant face pale and still. There’s blood, so much blood.

“Nonno!” Lou’s anguished cry snaps me out of my shock.

I rush forward, my hands shaking as I check for a pulse. “Lou, call 911. Now!”



You could hear a fucking pin drop in this room.

I lean forward, my eyes locked on Don Ricci across the table. The tension in the room is thick enough to cut with a knife. This negotiation could make or break our operations in Queens for the next decade.

“With all due respect, Don Ricci,” I say, my voice smooth but edged with steel, “your proposal is unacceptable. We both know the docks are worth twice what you’re offering.”

I see Ricci’s face flush with anger, but before he can retort, my phone begins to vibrate in my pocket. Without breaking eye contact, I silently switch it off. Whatever it is, it can wait.

“Now,” I continue, “let’s discuss a deal that’s actually worthbothour time.”

For the next hour, I masterfully maneuver the negotiation, my quick wit and unwavering resolve gradually wearing down Ricci’s resistance. By the time we shake hands, the Pirelli family has secured not only the docks but also a lucrative slice of Ricci’s gambling operations.

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