Page 65 of Cursed Confessions

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As Ricci and his men file out, Jimbo claps me on the back. “Masterful, Angelo. You had him eating out of your hand by the end.”

I allow myself a small smile of satisfaction before reaching for my phone. Now to see who was trying to interrupt me.

My blood runs cold as I see twenty missed calls from Fee.

“Fuck,” I mutter, immediately dialing her back.

Fee answers immediately, and her hysterical voice comes through the speaker, loud enough for Jimbo to hear. “Angelo! Oh, God, Angelo, it’s Zip. We’re at the hospital.”

My grip on the chair tightens, knuckles turning white. My mind races to the worst conclusion—Zip’s dead. But then Fee’s next words cut through my panic.

“He’s alive, but he was attacked. It’s bad, Angelo. We need you.”

“I’m on my way,” I say, already on my feet. “Which hospital?”

As Fee gives me the details, Jimbo is already on the phone to Marco, instructing him to bring the car around.

“What happened?” Jimbo asks as we rush to the elevator.

“Zip’s been attacked,” I growl, my earlier triumph forgotten in the face of this new crisis. “Someone’s going to pay for this.”

In the car, my mind whirs with possibilities. It was either Gino or Jonah. Those are the only two people who have an issue with the Saldanos.

But one thing’s for certain—whoever did this willpay.

As Marco weaves through traffic, I make a series of rapid-fire calls. To my security team, ordering increased protection for Fee, Lou, and now Zip. To my contacts in the police department, demanding priority on the investigation.

By the time we screech to a halt outside the hospital, I’ve set in motion a machine that will leave no stone unturned in finding Zip’s attacker.

Jimbo manages to sweet-talk the front desk into giving us Zip’s room number, and it doesn’t take long before we’re headed upstairs. Once we’re on the right floor, I spot Fee pacing outside a room.

“Sofia,” I breathe.

Her head snaps up, and when she sees me, her face crumples and she throws herself into my arms, sobbing. I hold her close, breathing in her familiar scent, trying to offer what comfort I can.

“What did the doctors say?” I ask gently, stroking her hair.

Fee hiccups, her words coming out in a rush between sobs. “They said… they said he has a severe concussion and… and some broken ribs. But… but no internal bleeding. They’re… they’re keeping him for observation.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. The old guy is tough, but he’s going to need a lot of time to recover.

We enter the hospital room, and the sight of Zip lying unconscious in the bed hits me hard. He looks so frail, his face pale against the stark white sheets. Tubes and wires connect him to various machines that beep steadily, monitoring his vital signs.

My eyes land on Lou, huddled in a chair in the corner. Her face is blank, eyes staring off into nothing. The usual spark in her is gone, replaced by a sullenness that doesn’t suit her.

“Lou found Zip,” Fee tells me softly, wiping her eyes. “He was by the back office.”

Jimbo clears his throat. “I’m gonna get us all some coffee,” he says, ducking out of the room.

Fucking bastard. He’s always hated hospitals and anything resembling emotions.

I move to sit next to Lou, keeping my voice gentle. “Hey, Louisville. How are you feeling?”

Lou’s head snaps toward me, her eyes flashing with anger. “I’m NOT feeling great,” she snaps. “Today has been horrible. Why does everyone want to hurt our family?”

I nod, understanding her frustration and fear. “I get it, Lou. It’s been a tough day.”

She turns away, her small frame rigid with tension. I watch her for a moment, my heart aching for this little girl who’s had to face so much in such a short time.

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