Page 17 of Cursed Confessions

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Alessandro leans back, his scarred face thoughtful. “You have a point. But intervening in another Family’s affairs… it’s not something we do lightly.”

Valentino finally puts his phone down. “Let’s be honest here. Is this really about the community, Angelo? You’ve never given a fuck about Perfezione before.”

“I bet Angelo has met Zip Saldano’s tempting granddaughter,” Alessandro muses, looking at me with a smirk. “That’s why he’s here.”

I feel my temper flare at Alessandro’s accusation, but I keep my voice level. “This is about upholding our code. The code Gino seems to have forgotten.”

Alberto shifts nervously. “Even if we agree something needs to be done, what are you proposing? We can’t just… remove him.”

“Why not?” I challenge. “He’s a liability. His actions are putting all of us at risk.”

Alessandro holds up a hand. “Slow down, Angelo. Removing a Don isn’t a decision we make lightly.”

Valentino nods. “Besides, who would take his place? The devil you know…”

I suppress a frustrated sigh. “Then let me deal with him. Give me the authority to put him in his place.”

The three Dons exchange glances. But before they can say anything, the door swings open abruptly and Gino strides in with Dimitri, a smirk playing on his lips. The room instantlytenses, bodyguards shifting protectively toward their Dons. Marco’s hand moves subtly toward his jacket.

Gino’s eyes sweep the room, his smirk widening. “Gentlemen, I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.”

Alessandro’s scarred face remains impassive. “Gino. This is a private meeting.”

“Oh, I’m well aware,” Gino replies, his tone deceptively light. “But I thought you might want to hear some… interesting news from Chicago.”

Valentino raises an eyebrow. “Chicago? What business do you have there?”

Gino’s smile turns enigmatic. “Let’s just say I’ve been making some new friends. Powerful friends.”

Dimitri Vassa, who’s been silently observing, clears his throat. “It’s true. Word is, the Chicago Outfit is quite taken with Mr. Timpone here.”

A heavy silence falls over the room. I can see the other Dons processing this information, recalculating risks and alliances in their heads.

Alberto, looking even more uncomfortable than before, speaks up. “And the Irish? What’s their stance on all this?”

Gino’s eyes gleam. “Funny you should ask. They seem quite interested in expanding their… influence in New York.”

The implication hangs in the air, unspoken but clear. Gino’s not just making threats. He’s reshaping the board entirely.

I lean forward, my voice low but firm. “And what, exactly, do you hope to gain from this, Gino?”

He turns to me, his smile never wavering. “Gain? Why, Angelo, I’m just looking out for our mutual interests. After all, we wouldn’t want any… unfortunate incidents to disrupt the peace we’ve all worked so hard to maintain.”

Dimitri steps forward, his voice cutting through the tension. “Gentlemen, I feel compelled to remind you that theBratvahasa vested interest in maintaining peace. Should this conflict spill onto my properties or affect my business, they will not hesitate to intervene.”

The room falls silent as the implications of Dimitri’s words sink in. Alessandro’s scarred face tightens, while Valentino’s usual nonchalance gives way to a frown. Alberto shifts uncomfortably, clearly out of his depth.

Gino, however, seems to relish the growing unease, a smug smile playing on his lips. His eyes gleam with the satisfaction of a man who believes he holds all the cards.

I can feel the anger radiating from the other Dons, their concern palpable in the air. This situation is rapidly spiraling out of control, threatening to upset the delicate balance we’ve maintained for years.

Taking a deep breath, I stand, drawing all eyes to me. “Enough,” I say, my voice firm and authoritative. “We need to stand down.Allof us.”

Gino's smirk widens, but I ignore him, focusing on the other Dons. "This situation requires a delicate touch. Escalating things further will only lead to consequences none of us want to face."

I meet each Don’s gaze in turn, silently urging them to see reason. “Give me time. I’ll find a way to handle this that doesn’t jeopardize everything we’ve built.”

The tension in the room is thick enough to cut with a knife. For a moment, no one speaks, the weight of the decision hanging heavily in the air.

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