Page 16 of Cursed Confessions

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There’s a sharp intake of breath, then Jimbo’s voice is suddenly alert. “What do you need, Boss?”

“Set up a meeting with the other Dons. At Kings. First thing tomorrow.”

“Consider it done,” Jimbo replies without hesitation.

“And make sure our guys come out to Perfezione to install a security system as soon as possible,” I retort. I can’t fucking trust anyone to protect this shop correctly.

As I hang up, I take one last look around the shop. Gino Timpone has no idea what he’s started. But he’s about to find out.

This isn’t just about business anymore. It’s personal. And I’m going to make damn sure he regrets ever touching what’s mine.

The next morning,Marco and I arrive at Kings. The understated elegance of the club’s exterior belies its true nature. The polished mahogany doors open silently, revealing an interior that seamlessly blends Old-World charm with modern luxury.

Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the rich leather armchairs and gleaming wood panels. The air is thick with the scents of expensive cigars and aged whiskey. Soft jazz playsin the background, barely audible over the low murmur of conversations conducted in hushed tones.

I nod to Dimitri Vassa as we enter. His sharp eyes miss nothing, a slight inclination of his head acknowledging my presence. As the proprietor of Kings, Dimitri walks a fine line, catering to the city’s elite while maintaining a neutral ground for less savory dealings.

In the private room reserved for our meeting, I find Alessandro De Luca, Valentino Barrone and Alberto Caputo already seated. These men, powerful Dons in their own right, form the core of La Familia. Their word is law in our world, and they alone have the authority to rein in Gino or green-light his execution.

Their bodyguards stand silently behind them, an imposing presence in dark suits. Marco takes his place behind me as I settle into my seat.

Dimitri himself approaches, a crystal tumbler of scotch in hand. “Your usual, Don Pirelli,” he says, placing the drink before me with a practiced flourish.

I nod my thanks, taking a slow sip of the amber liquid. The smooth burn helps steady my nerves as I prepare to make my case. The fates of Fee, Perfezione, and Gino Timpone hang in the balance of this meeting.

As I set down my glass, I meet the eyes of each Don in turn. Their faces are impassive, revealing nothing. But I can feel the weight of their collective gaze, assessing and judging before I’ve even spoken a word.

“Gentlemen,” I begin, my voice steady despite the gravity of the situation, “we have a problem that requires immediate attention.”

“We figured, Angelo,” Alessandro says boredly. “Why else would you call us here so blessed early?”

I lean forward, fixing Alessandro with a hard stare. “First, I would like to know why the protection I asked for the other day didn’t materialize.”

Alessandro blinks, clearly not expecting this. But his Don mask quickly slides back into place. “I decided it wasn’t worth it to allocate my men to such a silly request.”

I feel my temper flare. “When I call in a favor, it should be granted. Full stop.”

“No,” Alessandro retorts, his voice cold. “Idecide what favor should be granted. Full stop.”

The tension in the room is palpable. I can feel my hands clenching into fists under the table. But before I can respond, Valentino cuts in.

“Clearly, this isn’t why Angelo called us here,” he says, his voice smooth but with an edge of impatience. “Why don’t we cut to the chase?”

I take a deep breath, forcing myself to relax. Valentino’s right. We have bigger issues to deal with.

“Fine,” I say, my voice tight. “Gino Timpone has gone too far. He’s threatening neutral territories, demanding exorbitant protection fees, and now he’s resorted to arson.”

Alessandro’s eyebrow raises slightly. “Arson? That’s a serious accusation, Angelo.”

“It’s not an accusation. It’s a fact,” I reply firmly. “He tried to burn down Perfezione last night.”

Valentino, barely looking up from his phone, scoffs. “The tailor shop? Hardly seems like a matter for our attention.”

I clench my jaw, forcing myself to remain calm. “It’s more than just a shop. It’s a community staple, neutral ground respected by all Families for generations. There’s been an agreement between Giuseppe Saldano and Antoni Timpone to leave Perfezione alone.”

Alberto, looking uncomfortable in his new role, clears his throat. “While that’s regrettable, Angelo, what do you expect us to do? We can’t micromanage every Don’s territory.”

“This isn’t about micromanaging,” I argue. “Gino’s actions are threatening the delicate balance we’ve all worked to maintain. He’s antagonizing the community, drawing unnecessary attention.”

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