Page 18 of Cursed Confessions

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Finally, Alessandro nods slowly. “Very well, Angelo. We’ll give you a chance to resolve this. But make no mistake—our patience is not infinite.”

I can see the smug satisfaction on Gino’s face, and it pisses me off to no end. His arrogance is insufferable, but I force myself to stay calm. Losing my temper now would only give him more power.

Before I can say anything else, a loud explosion reverberates through the room, shaking the walls and sending a shockwave through us all. The sound is deafening, and for a moment, everything is chaos. The windows rattle, and a cloud of dust fills the air.

“What the hell was that?” Alessandro shouts, his voice barely audible over the ringing in my ears.

I look around, my instincts kicking into high gear. The bodyguards are already moving, weapons drawn, eyes scanning for threats. My hand grips my concealed weapon, ready to defend myself if necessary.

I know what that sound was.

That was a car exploding.



My hands are wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee as I lean against the kitchen counter. The events of last night still replay in my mind, but I force them down, putting on a brave face.

Zip’s worried eyes meet mine. “Fee, are you sure you’re okay?” he asks in a low voice.

I nod, trying to sound more confident than I feel. “I have to be, Nonno. For Lou.”

Zip sighs, putting his own mug down. “I’ll come by today and see the damage.”

“Oh, no, Nonno. I don’t want you to get hurt?—”

Zip raises his hand, stifling my protests. “This shop is as much of mine as it is yours,Tesoro,” he says sternly. “I will be there today.”

Before I can respond, Lou bursts into the kitchen, her face lighting up when she sees me. “Mom! You’re here!”

I manage a genuine smile, setting down my mug to hug her. “Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?”

Lou nods enthusiastically. “Yes, but I was worried about you. Is the shop okay?”

I exchange a quick glance with Zip before answering. “We’ll talk about that later, honey. Right now, how about I take you to school?”

Lou’s blue eyes widen in surprise and delight. While she may have taken after her father physically, her mannerisms are all me. “Really? You’re taking me?”

Her excitement sends a pang of guilt through me. I rarely take her to school, always too busy with Perfezione. “Of course,” I say, forcing cheer into my voice. “Are you ready to go?”

As Lou rushes off to grab her backpack, I turn to my grandfather. “I need to do better,” I murmur. “She shouldn’t be this excited about something so simple.”

Zip squeezes my shoulder. “You’re doing your best, Sofia. And Lou knows that.”

I nod, but the guilt lingers. As I watch Lou return, backpack in hand and a bright smile on her face, I make a silent promise to myself. No matter what happens with the shop, I need to be there for Lou more. It’s time for a change.

“Ready to go, kiddo?” I ask, holding out my hand.

Lou takes it, her small fingers intertwining with mine. “Ready!”

The morning sun casts long shadows across the sidewalk as Lou and I walk down the bustling New York streets. The city is already alive with the sounds of traffic and hurried pedestrians.

“Mom, look at that cool mural!” Lou points excitedly at a vibrant painting adorning a nearby building.

I smile, but my mind wanders back to Perfezione. How much was destroyed? Can we salvage anything? The thought of losing everything we’ve built makes my stomach churn.

We pass a small café, the aromas of fresh coffee and pastries wafting out. It reminds me of Angelo, and I feel a flutter in my chest. I’m so grateful he was there last night. Without him…

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