Page 105 of Cursed Confessions

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He laughs, the sound echoing off the bare walls. “Oh, but that's where you’rewrong. You made your choice the moment you allowed Angelo Pirelli to get involved. And now… now you’ll have to pay the price.”

I turn to run, but Gino is faster. His arm wraps around me, and I feel something press against my mouth. The world starts to spin.

“Shh,” Gino whispers in my ear, his lips grazing my flesh. “Don’t fight it. We have so much to discuss.”

As darkness closes in, my last thoughts are a jumble of fear and regret. Angelo, Lou, the baby…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

Then everything goes black.

I come to slowly,my head pounding. The room is dimly lit, bare concrete walls surrounding me. A single bulb dangles from the ceiling, casting harsh shadows. I’m tied to a chair, the ropes biting into my wrists.

Panic threatens to overwhelm me, but I force it down.Stay calm, I tell myself.Panic won’t help.

I take deep breaths, trying to work the ropes, but they only burn my skin.

“I wouldn’t bother if I were you,” a sly voice says.

I jerk my head up to see Gino leaning against the wall, a smug grin on his face.

Anger surges through me, pushing aside the fear. “You fucking bastard” I spit out. “You’re a sad, pathetic, pitiful excuse for a man.”

Gino’s grin falters. “Shut up,” he warns.

But I can’t stop. I won’t stop. I’m tired of being scared and always being on the defensive. Gino tried to ruin my life, and I won’t let him anymore. “You’re a goddamn coward, Gino. A pathetic, small man trying to play at being powerful. You waited until your father was dead before you started swinging your dickaround. Why was that? Because you knew your father hadactualpower. You’re just a cheap imitation.”

“I said shut up!” Gino snarls, his face contorting with rage.

“Or what?” I challenge. “You’ll kill me? Go ahead. It’ll be the last thing you ever do. But you’llneverbe as good a Don as your father was, as Angelo is?—”

Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows. Before I can react, they slap a piece of duct tape over my mouth.

I scream in frustration, but it comes out muffled and weak.

Gino’s smug smile returns. “That’s better. Now that you’re finally quiet, we can let the real party begin.” He nods to the figure who taped my mouth. “Let them in.”

The door opens, and my heart stops. Angelo walks in, followed by Romero pointing a gun at Gino.

No, I think desperately.No, no, no.

As they approach, their faces grim, I realize with growing horror that this nightmare is far from over.

In fact, it might just be beginning.

Angelo’s eyes flick to me, his mouth tightening almost imperceptibly before he turns back to Gino.

“You’re so goddamn predictable, Gino,” Angelo sighs, shaking his head. “I knew you’d try something like this, ever since you boasted that you’ve had eyes on Perfezione. That’s why I had my contractor send Fee that fake text. To make sure she’d be at Perfezione.”

My eyes widen in shock, and my heart plummets all the way to my goddamn shoes. Angelo manipulated me? He used me as bait? I feel a surge of betrayal, unable to voice my hurt through the tape.

Even Gino looks taken aback for a moment before his face contorts with rage. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you, Pirelli?” he snarls. “But you’re forgetting one thing.I’mthe one holding all the cards here.”

Angelo’s laugh is cold and humorless. “Are you? Look around, Gino. You’re outgunned and outmaneuvered. It’s over.”

Gino’s eyes narrow dangerously. “Nothing’s over until I say it is. You’re going to give me everything I want. Perfezione, your cars, and Fucina. Or else…”

“Or else what?” Angelo challenges, his voice deadly calm. “You’ll kill Fee? Go ahead. Try it. See what happens. See, Romero has done some digging, and we found somethingso interesting.Does the name Mama Rosa’s ring a bell?”

Gino’s face goes white and Angelo smirks. “I think it does.”

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