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“I wasn’t expecting that.” Elena gestured to his truck. “I thought all you guys rode motorcycles.”

“We do,” Tanner answered as he opened the passenger side door for her. “And don’t worry, you’ll be on the back of our bikes soon enough.”

As if they’d done this before, Vinyl stepped in to help her buckle up as Pax slid behind the wheel. They’d witnessed his dads working together enough to know how to handle stuff like this as a team. Even if they hadn’t, Pax had a feeling they would have found their way without issue. Caring for her, with the help of his friends, felt completely natural. They were all simply following their instincts.

“We figured the truck was better for date night,” Vinyl told her with a smile.

“That, and we kept fighting over who you’d get to ride with.” Tanner grumbled from the backseat.

Elena turned to Pax with her brows raised. “Is this how it’s always going to be?”

Wary of the doubt in her eyes, he reached over to hold her hand. It had taken them all night to get her comfortable with the idea of dating three men; they couldn’t fuck it up now.

“We’re just excited to get to know you is all. It’ll settle down, I promise.” His thumb stroked the soft skin, hoping the contact gave some reassurance. Although the three of them had shared women before, they’d never reallyshareda woman before. Physically yes, but emotionally no. It was going to take some adjusting on their part.

“Have you ever been on the back of a bike?” he asked, changing the subject.


“You’re going to love it,” Tanner said, leaning in between the front seats to give her a big smile. “Especially if you ride with me.”

Vinyl smacked him on the back of the head as she giggled.

The happy sound bubbling out of their gorgeous woman had them all smiling like fools.

Her big brown eyes sparkled as she glanced back and forth between them. “What am I going to do with you three…”

“I have a—” the rest of whatever Tanner was about to say was cut off by Vinyl’s hand covering his mouth.

“How long did you say you’ve lived out here?” Vinyl interrupted, earning another laugh from their woman.

“Almost a year now.” She looked out the window at the cornfields flying by. “I like it. It’s quiet and a lot less expensive than in town. Plus, you can see all the stars out here.”

“It’s beautiful,” Pax agreed. He was relieved to hear she liked living out in the country. It reminded him of the private community the MC had built for themselves on the other side of town. What had started out as a farmhouse or two had grown into a tiny town. It grew as more families sought refuge within their accepting walls. The compound gave them a safe place to live openly with however many partners they chose. The place and the people in it were priceless and he had no doubt Elena would fit in perfectly. “If you love this, you’re going to love the compound.”

Mentally, he was already making plans for them to take her out there as soon as possible. He had no shame using the rolling acres of land that surrounded his home to woo their lady. It was impressive by itself but with their additions, the wow factor was on another level. They even had a small clinic and a library—it wasn’t anything to brag about, but he was still going to point it out. According to his mom, women loved libraries.

She turned slightly to look at Tanner in the backseat. “It’s out by the lake, right?”

“Not far from Stull,” Vinyl said, mentioning the burnt-out church that was supposedly one of the gates to Hell.

“That’s—” she paused as if searching for the right word, “nice.”

The guys laughed.

“It’s not that bad,” Pax promised her. There was so much land between them and the ‘gate’, he never really gave it much thought. It wasn’t anything other than a landmark that signaled where to turn. “Every once in a while, they’ll catch someone trespassing but that’s about it. It’s never anything bad either. A lot of the folks that visit are fans of that one supernatural show, so all they want to do is dress up and take pictures.”

Chapter Sixteen

“What about the compound itself?” Elena asked, unable to hold back her nosiness any longer. It was something she’d always been curious about but never comfortable enough to ask about until now. The details on the land that the Iron Seeds built up just outside of town were murky at best. There were lots of rumors about the place but so far there hadn’t been anyone confirming or denying any of the ones flying around. “Do you get a lot of look-ee-loos out there trying to see what ya’ll are up to?”

“Sometimes,” Viny answered with a nod. “Lately we’ve had a few people from that crazy church in Topeka sneaking around but they don’t do anything. It’s easy to ignore them, especially when security around the place is so tight. They can’t get close enough to see anything.”

“Doyouwant to see what we get up to?” Pax asked her, his brows raised.

His question had her eyes widening. The idea was both exciting and scary.

“Now?” she asked, unable to hide the genuine horror in her voice. The last time she’d been out that way, the ruins at Stull had creeped her out. It felt like the type of place Mama J would walk through holding her rosary while saying prayers. Plus, they may not have watched the show they were talking about earlier, but she had. It wouldn’t be the place she’d want to visit ona dark and stormy night. Just thinking about it gave her the heebie jeebies. She didn’t care if she had to tuck and roll from the passenger seat of this truck; there was no fucking way she was ready to visit the potential gates of hell tonight. For one, she wasn’t that type of girl; especially on the first date. Second, she was—admittedly—a huge fucking pussy when it came to anything scary. “Have you ever seen a scary movie? That’s how people die.”

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