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He hated to admit it, but they’d gotten used to putting in minimal effort when it came to scoring pussy. Sex was easy when there were no expectations besides making sure everyone was having a good time. Feelings didn’t come into play because there weren’t any. There were times when it had only taken a head nod for him to call over their companion for the night.

Elena was different; she was important.

“It’s not safe,” Vinyl added, helping Pax out. “We’d never forgive ourselves if something happened to you.”

“Please?” Pax watched Elena shift from annoyed to understanding in the blink of an eye. Her face was so expressive he’d spent most of the night simply watching her.

It had gone better than he’d expected it to, especially considering her hesitation this afternoon. The four of them had practically closed the restaurant down, sitting and talking for hours. The guys had shared a bit about what life had been like in Colorado—leaving out any mention ofshe who shall not be named—and how things were different now that they were back in Lawrence.

Elena gave them a peek into her life, going through the odd jobs she took to make ends meet and the reading she managed to squeeze into what little free time she had available. She’d blushed like crazy when Vinyl had asked what kind of books she read, giving them all an idea of the genre without her saying a word. It was the cutest fucking thing he’d seen in a while. The way her face lit up when she talked about going to book signings made him want to find out if there were any coming up soon that they could take her to. He’d happily follow behind her, playing book sherpa to her haul while she enjoyed herself.

He wasn’t the only one that would pamper her either.

Tanner and Vinyl were just as far gone for her as Pax was. If there had been any doubts that she was theirone, tonight had taken care of them. Not only was Elena gorgeous; the mixture of sweet innocence and sass she had was addicting. He was hooked—they all were.

“Are you serious?” she asked, wrinkling her nose. The small diamond stud decorating the area twinkled at him. “I do it all the time.”

Her eyes moved over each of them as she gave the bag at her side a little pat. “Plus, I’m always ready to tase a fucker if I need to.”

“You carry a taser?” Tanner asked, his brows shooting up.

She nodded. “And a knife.”

Pax blinked at how casually she added that.

“Did she just say she has a knife?” Vinyl asked, looking over at him.

“She did.”

“It’s not a big one or anything,” she interrupted with a roll of her eyes. “I prefer the taser, but the blade was a graduation present from Ricky, so I feel like I kind of have to carry it around, you know?”

“Who the fuck is Ricky?”

“He’s a Medina,” Pax answered Tanner, having already put it together. The three of them hadn’t been in town long but they were somewhat familiar with the Medinas’ taco shop. It was one of the reasons he’d been shocked to learn about Elena’s connection. In all their after-work visits, they’d never once seen her there. “You know him. He’s the son that works in the kitchen and is always twirling that damn knife around.”

“Ahhhhh,” both Tanner and Vinyl said at the same time. “The knife guy.”

“Did the two of you ever…” Tanner didn’t finish whatever it was he was going to say; he didn’t need to.

“What? Ewww, no.” Elena covered her mouth, looking ill. She swallowed hard. “I think I just threw up a little bit.”

“I take it that’s a no,” Vinyl said, giving Tanner a nudge.

“It’s a fuck no,” she clarified with disgust, holding down the edges of her skirt as they were hit by a gust of wind.

Pax knew that there was a storm blowing through tonight, but he hadn’t realized it was going to hit this early. He could already smell the thunderstorm heading their way.

“C’mon,” he said, tugging her hand. “We parked over here.”

“Wait, what?” she sputtered without resisting. Her tone was sassy but the hold she had on his hand was tight. “When did I agree to a ride?”

“You didn’t.” Pax kept them moving, his two friends just a step behind. “Let’s argue about it later though, okay? It’s getting ready to storm and I want you home safe and sound before that happens.”

As they approached his truck, the lights flashed as the doors were unlocked.

“Well, huh.”

He looked back at her in question when she slowed.

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