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“Exactly.” Vinyl looked at Tanner. “What about you?”

“Same,” the man answered. “I’d lose my shit if I saw something like that.”

Vinyl nodded. They’d told him something he already knew. All of them would be murderous if they were put in a similar situation. It’d drive them nuts. He wasn’t saying they expected her to be a virgin or anything; they also would never slut shame a woman for the opposite either. They all had a past; he would simply prefer not toseethe photographic proof of hers.

“What are we going to do about it?” Pax looked at Tanner.

“Whatcanwe do about it?” Tanner sighed; his tone defeated. “She thinks we fuck around.”

“Wedofuck around,” Pax reminded them with a wry smile. “Trisha’s got the pics to prove it.”

“Speaking of pics…” Vinyl nudged Tanner where he was slumped against the table. He’d passed on looking at them this morning but now he needed to see what they were up against. “Lemme see the ones Trisha sent you.”

Tanner slid his cell across the table with a grimace.

“I already moved ‘em to the trash folder.”

Vinyl nodded and clicked on the trashcan icon. He’d figured that’s where they’d be before his friend said anything. The trio was on the same page regarding the woman they’d made the mistake of fucking a few months ago. The images weren’t oneshe’d wanted to necessarily look at. He already felt gross enough without seeing visual proof of his idiocy.

The moment they loaded; Vinyl felt sick to his stomach. He’d known she’d sent an X-rated pic but seeing it with his own eyes was another thing.

It was worse than he’d expected.

The tit pic was nothing compared to the second pic she’d sent. The three of them were in position around Trisha, sweaty and obviously lost in the moment. He had no idea where she’d hidden the camera, but the angle managed to capture everything in vivid detail. The four of them had been in one of the clubhouse’s back rooms. Pax and Tanner had Trisha sandwiched between them while Vinyl had been fisting her ponytail and fucking her face—the tattoos on his arm incredibly clear considering how much was going on in the snapshot.


They really needed to talk to Elena…if she’d let them.

Chapter Twelve

“I only have one set of forms,” Elena said, looking frantically around her desk to see if she’d somehow missed another stack of papers. Her first day had been filled with chaos so it wouldn’t surprise her if they were hiding under the avalanche of random shit that had piled up in front of her. “Give me a sec.”

Her new boss was amazing, but the woman had to be on speed or something because she never stopped moving. Taffy was like an ADHD tornado, spinning around the office and offloading random tasks without taking a breath. Writing as fast as she could had given Elena a hand cramp, but she’d managed to catch all the miscellaneous requests and notes—or so she’d thought. Her workspace was a mess; every inch of space covered with sticky notes…but not a damn one of them was helping her right now.

The men in front of her were annoyingly distracting.

They were also mind-numbingly gorgeous, completely unattainable, and the last thing she needed right now.

Elena had spent most of the afternoon trying to get her head on straight and the minute she saw them, it went spinning again. She wasn’t the type to sit and daydream about a man, but today, she’d been doing exactly that—times three. The little bits of time she’d been around them had made a surprising impact. She hadn’t been able to get them—or the way they’d made her feel—off her mind no matter how hard she’d tried. On their own, each of them had made her heart beat a little faster. Together, the trio had it pounding so hard she worried it would fly straight out of her chest and land at their feet. She was a goddamn mess.

Despite the ick that had hit her when she'd peeped the dirty picture of Tanner and his friends, she couldn’t help but imagine herself in that same position with the three hot bikers. She hated to admit it but deep down, she was jealous of their mystery woman. Stupidly jealous. She didn’t know why; the four of them had literally just met. She had no claim over them but that didn’t stop her from wanting to tear that lady’s hair out.

The green-eyed-monster had been lurking in her thoughts all day long, grumbling its discontent every time she thought about it. Along with being angry at herself and her stupid feelings, there was also a whole lot of confusion mucking shit up.

She hadn’t imagined the chemistry between the four of them—and that was a teensy bit frightening on multiple levels. First, they all worked together. Second, she was in completely unfamiliar territories. She wasn’t an ogre or anything but never in a million years would she have imagined the three men in front of her looking at her the way they were now.

It was almost enough to make her pinch herself.

Stuff like this didn’t happen in real life and if it did…it sure as hell didn’t happen to people like her. She was pretty but she was also fat. She wasn’t the acceptable type either where the pounds were evenly distributed. Nope. Elena wasn’t a plump Jessica Rabbit, instead, she was round in the middle with untamable thighs, big tits, and a double chin that liked to wave hello when she got too animated. And while she’d learned to accept and love the body she lived in; it wasnotthe type that got picked to be the filling in a biker sandwich.

Despite that reality check lingering in the back of her mind, it was still hard to ignore the tingles her three bikers had zinging through her.

Pax had been the first to give her shivers, but her reactions to Tanner and Vinyl were just as potent despite their brief interactions. Her sex drive, which had been happily on vacation for the last few years, was back with a vengeance. Elena had been walking around in wet panties all afternoon.

The damp distraction was just another thing to add to her growing pile of worries. It was not only uncomfortable, but also a physical reminder of her attraction to the three men in front of her. Which she didn’t need.

No matter what her vagina thought.

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