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“I’m fine.” Her eyes looked everywhere but at him. She swung her sack lunch towards the Iron Seeds Garage behind them. “I really need to get back in before I’m late.”


“See ya!”

Vinyl watched her flee as if the hounds of hell were nipping at her heels.

“Well, fuck.”

He had no idea what scared her off, but he planned on figuring it out. Tanner and Pax were right, there was something about Elena that was special. It sounded crazy but it was true.

He tossed his uneaten lunch back into his cooler and went to find his friends. They needed to figure out how to handle things with Elena before she put any more space between them…the sooner the better.

“Vinyl,” Taffy called out as he walked through the garage. “Have you seen that son of mine?”

“I was looking for him myself,” he answered with a shake of his head. The last time he’d seen Pax, his friend was arguing with one of their suppliers about a shipment of dented parts. “I figured he was still in the back.”

Taffy sighed, her hands on her hips. “If you see him, will you tell him to answer his goddamn phone before I strangle him? He hasn’t signed those insurance forms yet and they need to be postmarked by today.”

“Will do, Mrs. T,” he promised, already on the move.

“Actually,” she called out, stopping him in his tracks. “Tell him to get with Elena about the forms. I need to run by the salon for payroll, but she’ll be in the office until five. I’ll text and give her a heads up.”

“Got it.” Vinyl grinned, the afternoon already looking up. Not only was Taffy going to be absent from the office, but she was also giving them the perfect excuse to seek out their dream girl.

After a quick wave goodbye, it only took him a few minutes to track down his friend.

“Your mom’s going to kick your ass if you don’t answer your phone the next time she calls,” he began, swiping a few cheese curls from his buddy’s lunchbox.

“Eat your own damn lunch,” Pax grumbled, shielding his food.

“Wait,” Tanner’s head popped up from where it had been resting on the table. “Did you manage to talk to Elena?”

“A little.” He sat down, opposite his friends. “She was eating lunch out under the oak.”

“And?” Pax prodded, his expression expectant.

“She was on the phone when I first walked up.” Vinyl nabbed another cheese puff and pointed it at both of his friends in turn. “Talking shit about the two of you, if I heard her correctly.”

“What?” Tanner squawked.

“What’d she say?” Pax asked with a groan.

“That she planned on avoiding you two like the plague.” Vinyl didn’t sugarcoat it; his two friends needed to know what they were up against. They had their work cut out for them.

“That’s fucking perfect,” Tanner muttered, lowering his head back to the table. “What’re we going to do?”

That was the million-dollar question.

“Well,” he said with a heavy sigh. “I don’t know. From what I could pick up from the half of the conversation I heard, she’s not only embarrassed by what happened. She was hurt.”

“Trisha happened before we ever met her,” Pax defended with a frown.

Vinyl held up his hand. He knew what Pax was saying but it didn’t necessarily matter. If the shoe was on the other foot, they’d be just as upset.

“What if we saw a pic of her with another guy? Would it matter that it had been taken in the past?”

“No.” His friend ran a hand through his hair, obviously just as frustrated as Vinyl was. “I’d want to rip the fucker’s head off.”

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