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“Six months.” He could see that this was news to her. Hell, it had surprised him when he first found out about it. It hadn’t made sense why there wasn’t at least one person wanting that job. Then the reasons had become more than obvious.

“I don’t understand,” she told him with another shake of her head. “The pay, the benefits…how was it still open?”

“Because people are assholes,” he said, summing it all up in that simple statement. “The Iron Seeds practically built this town, and everyone still talks shit about the way we love our women. The ones that applied before you, were either looking for more gossip or a member to fuck. You were the only one there for the actual job.”

“Oh,” she squeaked, visibly flustered by his answer.

“Too blunt?” he asked, worried he’d already offended her. The guys were always on him to use his brain before he used his mouth because it generally got him in trouble.

“No,” she denied, a small smile creeping up on her pink lips. “I like blunt, actually. I’d rather someone say what they mean outright instead of pussy footing around it.”

“Same,” he agreed with a matching grin. If that were the case, they were going to get along fine. “Then believe me when I say, the MC takes care of their own and now that you’re working for Taffy, that includes you. We’re like family. You’ll get used to it after a while.” He looked down at her office bag sitting on the stoop. “Do you need to grab anything else out of the car before I start hooking it up?”

“Nope.” She tucked back a curl that had escaped the chaotic bun piled on top of her head.

“Then let’s get you settled in the truck.” He held his hand out for her to take, pleased when she linked her fingers with his. The contact wasn’t as charged as the first time they touched but still buzzed with enough energy to make him take notice.

“I really appreciate this,” she said, climbing into the passenger seat of the big truck.

As she was turning to sit, her ass bobbed right in front of Tanner’s face. It was only for a second or two, but that didn’t stop him from thinking about the day he might have the privilege of biting that plump curve.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah,” he answered with a nod. Running a hand down his face, he shut the door between them.

“Thank you,” she said again, reaching out the open window to gently touch his hand.

Tanner automatically turned his hand a little to tangle their fingers before she pulled away with another one of her adorable blushes.

“We’ll be ready to go in a few minutes. Just sit tight.”

As he moved to the back of the truck, he tried to keep his focus on the task at hand and away from the gorgeous woman waiting for him.

It took more energy and time than he expected to focus on the job and not the woman sitting in his truck, but he finally managed it.

“Buckled up?” he asked once he’d climbed back in.

“Yup,” she chirped with a sweet smile.

“Let’s roll.”

Tanner’s phone buzzed in his pocket just as he was pulling onto the highway.

“Honey?” He waited until Elena looked over at him before continuing. “Can you grab my phone and see who’s texting? It’s probably Taffy making sure I found your place okay. It’s right here, in my pocket.”

He gestured with his chin to where it was sticking halfway out of his pants pocket. “I’d do it, but my hands are filthy, and my screen is already scratched to hell.”

“You want me to look at your phone?” she asked, her beautiful brown eyes wide.

“Yeah,” he nodded. He wasn’t worried about her seeing anything he had on his cell. The only thing salacious she might find is the type of porn he watched and that was only if she browsed his history. Other than that, he was pretty boring—especially since their move back to Kansas. They’d been living like monks lately. “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

“Okay.” Elena hesitantly plucked it out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. Once she looked at it, she relaxed a little. “It’s Taffy and you were right. She was checking to see if you’d picked me up yet.”

Tanner nodded. He had figured it was something along those lines.

“Will you text back that we just finished getting everything hooked up and we’re on our way now?”

“Sure,” she answered with a nod, her fingers already flying over the keyboard.

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