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His phone buzzed again.

“She wants us to stop and get donuts for the shop on our way if you can.” His dream girl looked over at him for an answer to Taffy’s request. “She said she’ll call in the order. All we gotta do is pick it up.”

He glanced at the clock on the dash. “We’re only about five minutes away from the bakery so tell her to do it fast.”

Elena typed quickly and hit send.

His phone buzzed a few seconds later.

“She’s calling them now. Do you have any special requests?”

“Tell her to put a few apple fritters on there for me and Vinyl.”

His passenger nodded and tapped away on his phone.

“Vinyl?” she asked as she texted their boss back for him. “Like the record?”

“Yeah,” he answered with a grin. It wasn’t his friend’s legal name but the one everyone knew him by. “Exactly like the record. He’s kind of like a brother to me. We’re not related but I’m closer to him than I am to my own family.”

“That’s how it is between me and Marisol,” Elena shared with an understanding nod. “We’re not sisters by blood, we’re sisters by choice.”

“She works at Medina’s, right?” At her nod, he continued. “I think I’ve picked up an order from her before.”

“If it wasn’t me or Mamma J, it was ‘Sol. If she’s not in classes, she’s running the counter there. I’m guessing Vinyl works at the garage too?”

“Yeah. You’ll meet him soon.” Tanner was trying to play it cool, but he was excited to introduce her to the last of their trio. It was going to be hilarious. Vinyl wasn’t going to know what hit him. He had been just as dismissive as Tanner had been when Pax had tried to tell them about the woman currently sitting beside him.

His phone buzzed in Elena’s hand. “What does Taffy need now?”

When she didn’t answer him, he gave her a quick glance.

Something was wrong.

The smile she’d been wearing just a few seconds ago was gone; replaced with a look he couldn’t read.

“What?” he asked, wondering what had happened to kill the mood. “Is the bakery out of apple fritters or something?”

With a shake of her head, she gently placed the phone face down on the bench seat in the space between them.

Chapter Eight

Elena felt like a fucking idiot. Despite her better judgement, she’d been enjoying the little flirtation she had going with Tanner.

He was hot, polite, and had a job. Coming across a guy with all three of those things was like finding a needle in a haystack. It didn’t matter that she’d already told herself it was a bad idea to start something in the workplace. His trifecta of awesomeness had made her forget that little problem.

He was perfect—until that last buzz had come through.

That text had smacked some sense into her.

“What is it?” he asked, his brows furrowing in concern. “Did Taffy have a problem with the bakery?”

“Nope,” she answered, avoiding his eyes by staring at the road in front of them. If he wanted to know what was on his phone, he’d need to look for himself. This was already awkward enough without her adding to it. “It wasn’t Taffy.”

“Vinyl?” he guessed, turning into the bakery’s parking lot.


The area was crowded with the normal morning rush, but Tanner managed to find a strip of spots out of the way to safely swing the tow truck in. Once they were parked, he unbuckled and turned towards her.

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