Page 18 of Simmering Heat

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“Stop!” she cackled, thinking of the period undies Winter had picked up for her at the local comic con. She would have been more than mortified if he’d seen those instead of the flamingos she’d snagged from her drawer. The possibility was hilarious, but also frightening considering how easily it could have happened. “If I’d been wearing my Big Trouble in Little ‘Gina underwear—” she wheezed, unable to control her laughter.

After a few minutes of snorting giggles, they’d both calmed down a little.

“I feel a little better now,” Jazz admitted, wiping tears of hilarity from her eyes.

“I’m glad,” her friend sighed. “Now tell me how Leo was growing up. Did he pull your pigtails? Put frogs in your bed? Wait, was he your first?”

“No, he didn’t do any of that. It’s actually kind of sad really.”

“Why?” Winter questioned.

“He ignored me. Like as in I didn’t exist to him. I would say hi, he would pretend I wasn’t there. Imagine hot Leo as a hot teenager and you can imagine how much that broke my little pimple-faced heart.”

“Oh. That is sad…but look at you now. He wasn’t ignoring you tonight, was he?”

“No,” she said, thinking about the brief time they had before his phone interrupted. The man had seemed a little obsessed if anything. “He was definitelynotignoring me. You know what?”


“I’m just going to enjoy it while it lasts.”

“Good, now go to bed and get some rest. Staying up to worry isn’t doing anyone any good.”

“K.” She pulled down a throw that was draped over the back of the couch. Putting it to her nose she sniffed it. The combination of laundry detergent and Leo’s cologne was instantly soothing. “You go to bed too.”

“I’m already on my way there. Russo will text me if anything happens and I’ll keep you in the loop,” Winter offered. “Love you and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Lunch?” she asked with a yawn.

“Tinderbox at noon?”

“Sounds good. Lurve you.” Jazz hit ‘end’ and pulled the small blanket up to her nose. The idea that she should head home since Leo was going to be gone all night briefly entered her mind before exhaustion made it fade away. Breathing in the smell, she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 11

Our morning commute looks clear this morning with no accidents reported. Stay tuned for weather in ten.

“Jesus.” Jazz groaned. She was too old to be sleeping on a couch. Her entire body ached.

She checked the time on her phone with a grumble. Like clockwork, she always managed to wake up between six thirty and six forty-five, and this morning was no different despite the fact she’d slept like poop.

Still trying to wake herself up a little bit, she ran her fingers through her hair and rubbed her face. Shuffling into the bathroom, she splashed some water on her face before peeking into the bedroom.


She skimmed off the T-shirt that Leo had insisted she wear and placed it on the end of the bed. It was so comfortable that she thought about keeping it for a hot second but stopped herself.

She looked around for her scattered items, before remembering one of her shoes was still outside. As she was leaving, the sight of it sitting on the welcome mat made her smile. Last night may have been cut short, but what little of it they’d enjoyed together had been fun.

It wasn’t until after the door had closed that Jazz realized she probably should have left Leo a note. Since last night ended so abruptly, she was hoping he might be interested in a do over. She needed more fun in her life and Leo seemed the type to deliver. All she had to do was keep things light and easy and things should be fine. Pulling out of his driveway, she cast one look back at his cute little house before heading home.

Once back in her own apartment, Jazz debated the pros and cons of going back to bed for a bit. After last night, she really needed a few more hours of sleep but her schedule was too full for that to happen. She had a ton of cleaning to catch up on, errands to run, and a huge pile of laundry that needed to be tackled.

Loading up her overstuffed laundry bags, she texted her bestie.

J:Hey bitch, I’m going to do laundry. Want to meet for breakfast instead of lunch?

Jazz only had to wait a few seconds for a reply.

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