Page 16 of Simmering Heat

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He leaned in for a quick kiss. “Get comfortable, I don’t know how long this call will take. Feel free to roam around the house and make yourself at home.” He backed away, knowing that if he didn’t leave now, he never would. “And don’t forget to sleep in my shirt.”

“I told you I would,” she said with a smile and roll of her eyes.

“And nothing else!” he added with a wiggle of his eyebrows that had her laughing as he left.

Chapter 10

Jazz stayed there, sitting on his bed for a few minutes. She still couldn’t believe she was here, not only in Leo’s home but in his bedroom. It was like something out of her teenage fantasies—except for the fact that he wasn’t here with her.

“This is crazy,” she whispered to herself. She wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to stay the night—or why he’d asked her to for that matter—but it looked like that’s what she was doing.

She slid off his bed and slipped on the t-shirt he’d given her to wear. If she was going to stay, she might as well be comfortable. She left her clothes in a pile on the bedroom floor as she went to explore. She took in every detail of his home as she walked through it in search of the main living area. The space was clearly a bachelor pad, but still homey enough that she could tell his mom had helped him decorate. There were little touches here and there obviously included by Janet, the quilt covering the back of the couch being one of them.

Jazz sat down and grabbed the remote off the oversized ottoman in front of her. She had her fingers crossed that he didn’t have a complicated system so she could find the news channel quickly. Raising her fists in a victory pump when the TV and cable box powered on without issue, she turned to the local nightly broadcast.

It probably wasn’t a good idea for her to look for coverage of the fire Leo was heading to, but she couldn’tnotdo it.

Breaking news tonight as local firefighters are called in to fight a warehouse fire on the north side of town. Early reports of flames seen from the back of the building have now been verified by law enforcement, and we have a crew on the way to bring you live reports from the scene of the fire.

Jazz winced at the bright smile the news anchor gave the camera. She was already regretting watching this but couldn’t make herself turn it off. It would only make her more anxious wondering what was going on.

“Ugh!” she groaned, flopping back onto the couch.

If this is what Winter felt whenever Will headed off to call, it was no wonder her bestie was so high strung all the time. All Jazz had done was make out with a firefighter and she was worried out of her mind. She couldn’t imagine what kind of balls it took to be committed to one. Chewing her nails, she tried to understand how her friend managed to survive this type of thing all the time. She already felt an ulcer forming and the news hadn’t even told her anything yet.

The sour feeling in her throat was a good reminder why tonight needed to be firmly lodged in the hookup category. They were just expending some sexual energy, giving into the chemistry that had been surrounding them since high school. It wasn’t anything serious.

Her future did not include a firefighter—at least that’s what she told herself for the next two hours as she sat glued to the television. They were covering the fire, but not nearly enough in her opinion. The news crew on the scene had begun replaying footage instead of showing live updates which put her on edge.

Jazz thought for a moment before deciding to text Winter to see if she had an update. She knew the guys at the station tried to keep her bestie in the loop now that she was engaged to Will. Taking a deep breath, she typed out a quick text.

J: Are you up?

She’d barely sat the phone back down on her lap before it vibrated with an incoming text message.

W: Yeah, everything ok?

She thought for a second about how she should answer while clicking her tongue against her teeth. She wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. Winter had no idea that she’d left with Leo earlier and while Jazz wasn’t keen on opening the can of worms that would come with that revelation, she didn’t really see a way around it. She didn’t have the patience to pussyfoot around things right now, her nerves were too frazzled.

J: I’m at Leo’s. We were hooking up when he got the call about the fire. I’m worried now.


J: Shut it.

W: Jasmine Jane Kingsford!

Jazz snorted at the use of her full name even as her fingers were flying across the keyboard.

J: Don’t judge me!!!!

W: I’m not!!! I’d never! I’m proud of you girl!

J: Did you miss the part about me freaking out right now??

W: You’re not getting out of this, just so you know…

J: Believe me, I KNOW.

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